Kryptonite Kryptolok Serie 2 Ls + Flex - Candado, 8.2 x 17.8 cm [Deportes]
Medidas: 8.2 x 17.8 cm,Peso: 1.63 kg,Arco en acero templado de 13 mm, max-performance,Cable: 10 x 1200 mm
Versatile lock package;Contains a high-strength U-Lock and a braided steel flex for all-over bike security;13mm hardened Kryptonium steel shackle;High security disc style cylinder;Reinforced sleeve over crossbar and cylinder provides enhanced security protection
Kryptonite Bike Lock with 4-Feet Kryptoflex Cable [Sports]
Lock package containing U-lock and bonus braided steel flex cable,Reinforced sleeve over crossbar and cylinder provides enhanced security protection,Shackle clearance measures 102 mm width by 229 mm depth,13 mm Shackle diameter
Kryptonite, Antifurto cavo flessibile 122 cm, Colore: nero [Sport]
Larghezza arco: 10.2 cm (larghezza utile: 7.6 cm),Diametro arco: 1.3 cm,Lunghezza arco: 22.9 cm (compreso il diametro della curva dell'arco di 1.3 cm),Con Bracket & FREE Flex Cable
Serratura pacchetto versatile che contiene U-lock e un flex in acciaio intrecciato. Sicurezza della bicicletta da moderata a zone ad alta criminalità, con una lunghezza grillo standard. 13 millimetri indurito Kryptonium Grillo in acciaio. Brevettato meccanismo di bloccaggio catenaccio per una vasta potere di tenuta. Cilindro stile disco ad alta sicurezza. Manicotto di rinforzo sopra traversa e cilindro fornisce protezione di sicurezza maggiore. Alloggiamento interno rinforzato aumenta la resistenza alla torsione e attacchi di tipo leverage. Posizione chiave offset e l'overhead di meccanismo di bloccaggio a camme resiste agli attacchi di leva. Brevettato, facile da usare, alta sicurezza di design Bent Foot. Paraurti Anti-Rattle mantiene il comodo grillo contro la traversa e prevenire rumori inutili. 2 chiavi. Il transito FlexFrame-U monta rapidamente e facilmente e supporta il trasporto delle dimensioni più comuni u-lock. Il Flex Frame-U si adatta bicicletta tubo del telaio 25mm a 80 millimetri se rotondo, ovale, triangolare o forme squadrate. Il sistema di montaggio consente la rotazione di 360 gradi con la possibilità di micro-regolare l'angolo di blocco per una migliore vestibilità e allinearsi con una geometria specifica telai di bicicletta. Vinyl rivestito e resistente alle intemperie.
Kryptonite KryptoLok Series 2 Antivol standard avec câble flexible et cadenas [Sports]
U en Acier trempé 13mm Ultra résistant,Design Bent Foot Haute Sécurité,Serrure à cylindre haute sécurité - Anti forage,2 clés,Fixation vélo incluse,Sécurité 6/10,Câble Kryptoflex 120cm
Paquet de verrouillage souple contenant un antivol en U et un flex en acier tressé. la sécurité à vélo modérée dans les zones à forte criminalité, avec une manille de longueur standard. 13 mm trempé Kryptonium anse en acier. Mécanisme breveté de verrouillage à pêne dormant pour une vaste pouvoir de maintien. Cylindre de style de disque haute sécurité. Manchon renforcé sur la barre transversale et le cylindre offre une protection de sécurité renforcée. Logement interne renforcé augmente la résistance à la torsion et les attaques de type de levier. Emplacement de la clé de décalage et les frais généraux mécanisme came de verrouillage résiste à des attaques de levier. Breveté, facile à utiliser, la conception Bent Pied de haute sécurité. Pare-chocs Anti-Rattle maintient le confortable de l'arceau sur la barre transversale et éviter les bruits inutiles. 2 clés. Le Transit FlexFrame-U monte rapidement et facilement et prend en charge le transport des tailles u-lock les plus courantes. Le Flex Frame-U correspond à vélo tube du châssis de 25mm à 80mm si ronde, ovale, triangulaire ou des formes carrées. Le système de fixation permet une rotation à 360 degrés offrant la possibilité de micro-ajuster l'angle de verrouillage pour un meilleur ajustement et alignement avec une géométrie spécifique des cadres de vélo. Recouvert de vinyle et aux intempéries.
Kryptonite Bügelschloss Kryptolok 2 + KFlex 120cm m. FlexFrame Halter, 3500334 [Sports]
Die Sicherheit eines hochwertigen Bügelschlosses kombiniert mit der Flexibilität eines 122cm langen Endschlaufenkabels zur Sicherung von Vorder- und Hinterrad. - Material:
Kryptonite Kryptolok Series 2 Standard Bicycle U-Lock with Transit FlexFrame Bracket (4-inch x 9-inch) with 4-Foot Flex Cable [Sports]
13mm hardened Performance steel shackle resists cutting and leverage attacks,High security Bent FootTM design for serious protection and great value,High security, pick and drill resistant disc-style cylinder,2 keys - "I" style for easier usage,Includes Transit FlexFrame Bracket for easy mounting to frame tubing 25mm to 80mm wheter round, oval, triangular, or square. Also features 360° rotation providing the ability to better fit and align with a bike frame's specific geometry.
Hardened performance steel shackle with classic bent foot design and a patented deadbolt locking mechanism offers theft protection.Transit Flex Frame Bracket system fits on the adjustable spline and allows for multiple, off-set fitments to better align the lock for transportationHardened, 13mm Performance Steel shackle and reinforced hardened crossbar design gives more protection for the lock internals than ever beforeThe high security disc cylinder now includes a new anti-float feature to keep the discs from moving and readjusting when in transitAnti-rattle bumpers keep lock chatter to a minimumSecurity Rating: 8High security, pick and drill resistant disc-style cylinderRotating dust cover protects and extends cylinder lifeIncludes 2 "I" keys that are ergonomic and reduce the amount of torque to keep from bending or breakingKey Safe and Authentic registration and replacement program$1,500 anti-theft protection13mm hardened performance steel shackle with classic bent foot designPatented deadbolt locking mechanism and offset key locationIncludes versatile EZ Mount transportation bracketItem SpecificationsLock Size4" x 9"Bracket Incudedyes
Kryptonite KryptoLok Series 2 Bicycle U Lock with 4ft Flex Cable [Sports]
13mm hardened Performance steel shackle resists cutting and leverage attacks,Includes 4' KryptoFlexTM double loop cable for securing front wheel or accessories,Reinforced hardened cross bar design provides increased protection,High security, disc-style cylinder,Anti-rattle bumpers reduce noise during transport,Rotating dustcover protects cylinder,Includes new Transit FlexFrame-U transportation system which allows for versatile carrying,Protective vinyl coating,2 stainless steel keys
The next generation in standard bicycle security with an optional $1500 USD anti-theft protection offer (note: coverage is not included, customer must register for ATPO) with a security rating of 6 of out 10 and includes a KryptoFlex Looped Cable 4' long for complete protection. Kryptonite U-locks represent extreme security while maintaining a realistic size/weight. U-locks represent the most popular lock for enthusiasts. In the early 1970s, Michael Zane was a free-spirited, bearded kid with a VW van and a big idea for a new kind of lock. He traveled thousands of miles showing the unique U-shaped locking device and spreading his passion for bicycle security to bike dealers all around the country and forged lifetime relationships. The company soon expanded its product line to include powersports, hardware and snowsports security.
About Kryptonite
In the early 1970s, Michael Zane was a free-spirited, bearded kid with a VW van and a big idea for a new kind of lock. He traveled thousands of miles showing the unique U-shaped locking device and spreading his passion for bicycle security to bike dealers all around the country and forged lifetime relationships. The company soon expanded its product line to include power sports, hardware, and snow sports security. Through innovative product designs, cutting-edge marketing savvy, legendary customer service, and pure fanaticism for security, Kryptonite grew with a cult-like following. In 2001, the company that was started in a VW van was purchased by industry giant Ingersoll Rand and became a flagship brand in the company's Security Technologies sector. Publications such as Bicycling, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, US News & World Report, and a host of others continued to tout Kryptonite products as the best on the market. The company's dedication to its customers is best represented by its actions during the fall of 2004, when it was discovered that the industry-standard tubular cylinder could be compromised, at times, with a household item. Kryptonite flew into action, created a voluntary lock exchange program, and replaced more than 400,000 locks in 21 countries for free. In essence, the company redesigned the equivalent of nine years worth of new products in just 10 short months. Kryptonite is the only company in the world that offered such a comprehensive plan to customers, taking its "legendary customer service" pledge to new heights.
The Legendary Durability of Kryptonite Locks
A legendary test for Kryptonite's new bicycle locks came in 1972. The Second Avenue Bicycle Shop in New York City locked a three-speed bicycle to a signpost in Greenwich Village under Kryptonite founder Michael Zane's direction. Although all of the removable parts were immediately stripped by thieves, the bicycle itself remained for thirty days and thirty nights. The Kryptonite lock and the bike frame were still in place, even though the lock had been attacked numerous times. Publicity from this event gave Kryptonite the boost it needed, forever changing the face of bicycle security.
Twenty-two years later, Kryptonite returned to the streets of the Big Apple to test its latest innovation - The New York Lock. In April, 1994, the New York Post laid down the ultimate challenge: Could Kryptonite's New York Lock last 48 hours on the toughest streets of New York? Michael Zane and Neil McDaid, Director, Product Development and Design, set out to prove, once again, Kryptonite was up to the test.
In a city where over 100,000 bikes were stolen each year, Kryptonite and the New York Post took a brand new, bright green Univega road bike worth $600 and locked it to a parking meter in the East Village; the "Bermuda Triangle" of New York bicycle thievery. For a full 48 hours, the bike remained locked on the corner of Avenue A and 11th Street.
Subsisting on cold coffee and a strong belief in their product Zane and McDaid watched from around the corner and witnessed as the bike came under every possible means of assault, stumping thieves at every turn. After 48 hours the bike remained intact except for the gear derailer, which had been stripped off. The lock showed definite signs of abuse, but it had not failed. The New York Lock had met the Post's challenge.
Not satisfied with the length of the test, Zane moved the bike to SoHo for another six days and, finally, uptown near the Lincoln Center. Even in these high-theft areas the properly locked bike lasted another three weeks before being pulled off the streets by Zane and McDaid - not a thief. Kryptonite was convinced that this product indeed offered the ultimate security protection.
To compare the New York Lock against other U-locks, the New York Post then ran a battery of street tests using the common bike theft tools: a 4-foot bolt cutter, a crowbar and a hammer. The non-Kryptonite locks cracked in seconds, but all methods failed on the New York Lock, even the monstrous bolt cutter, which ended up useless with large dents in its jaws.
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