Drumond Park - Juego de tablero, 2 a 20 jugadores (1470) (versión en inglés) [Juguete]
Nueva versión del juego clásico Logo,No hay preguntas - Sólo señalar, conjetura o describir los productos y marcas en las tarjetas de desafío,250 tarjetas por reto,Para 2-6 jugadores. Se puede jugar en equipos,No requiere pilas
Logo What Am I The no questions board game version of LOGO Describe draw and guess the brands and products shown on the cards The first to reach the centre of the board wins New version of the classic Logo game No questions Just draw guess or describe the products and brands on the challenge cards 250 Challenge cards For 2 6 players Can be played in teams No Batteries required Suitable for ages 8
What Am I Logo Board Game [Toy]
New version of the classic Logo game,No questions - Just draw, guess or describe the products and brands on the challenge cards,250 Challenge cards,For 3 - 6 players. Can be played in teams,No Batteries required
Put your brand knowledge to the test with Logo What Am I? From chocolate to cereal, football to flowers, logos are everywhere. This new 'no-questions' version of the classic board games challenges you to describe, draw and guess the famous products shown on the cards. The first to reach the centre of the board wins. Great for 3-6 players aged 8 and up, this fun game comes with: Playing board 250 x cards Sand timer Draw it pad 6 x playing pieces Pencil Dice Instructions
[Importato dall'Inghilterra]Logo What Am I? Gioco da tavolo [importato da UK] [Giocattolo]
Nuova versione del classico gioco logo,Non domande - basta disegnare, Guess o descrivere i prodotti e marche su la sfida cards,250 sfida cards,Per 3 - 6 giocatori. Può essere giocato in squadre,Non sono necessarie batterie
This new children's game (age 8+) asks no questions. Instead, players are expected to 'guess it', 'draw it' or 'describe it'. This delightfully presented high quality game comes complete with a colourful playing board, 60-second timer and a necklace card-holder which players wear when 'guessing it'. It's great fun, and an excellent confidence-builder for all ages, as players come to realise just how much they DO know about the products they love, and are growing up alongside.
Drummond Park Logo What Am I? Version Anglaise (Import UK) [Toy]
What Am I Logo Board Game
Deviens incollable sur tes marques anglaises préférées grâce au jeu Logo What Am I. Ce jeu de société en anglais teste vos connaissances sur les marques britanniques célèbres. Dessine, décris et devine les logos des marques pour gagner la partie. Le coffret comprend un plateau de jeu, 250 cartes, un sablier, un bloc de dessin, 6 pions, un crayon et un dé. Veuillez noter que le jeu et ses instructions sont en anglais. A partir de 8 ans.
Logo What Am I? (Englische Sprache) [UK Import] [Toy]
What Am I Logo Board Game
Stelle Dein Markenwissen auf die Probe? Dieses unterhaltsame Gesellschaftsspiel - "Logo What Am I?" wird Dir und Deinen Freunden eine Menge an Alltagswissen abverlangen. Bist du bereit die Herausforderung anzugehen? Es wartet eine Vielzahl an spannenden Themen wie. Fußball, Blumen oder Müsli u.v.m. auf Dich. Diese 'No-Fragen' Version des klassischen Brettspiels, fordert Euch heraus Produkte zu beschreiben, zu zeichnen und zu erraten, die auf den Karten dargestellt sind. Spannung und Spaß für 2 - 6 Spieler ab 8 Jahren. Achtung Anleitung und Spiel in Englischer Sprache.
Drumond Park What Am I Logo [CE]
Logo - What Am I? - The ?no-questions? board game version of LOGO. Describe, draw and guess the brands and products shown on the cards. The first to reach the centre of the board wins.
Drumond Park Logo What Am I [Wireless]
What Am I Logo Board Game
Logo - What Am I? - The ?no-questions? board game version of LOGO. Describe, draw and guess the brands and products shown on the cards. The first to reach the centre of the board wins.
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