Zoch 601122900 - Juego de mesa Villa Paletti (instrucciones en alemán, francés, inglés e italiano) [Juguete]
Autor Juegos: Payne, Bill,Sexo: las niñas y los niños,Tiempo de reproducción: Aprox 30min,Advertencia : ¡Precaución! No apto para niños menores de 36 meses,Instrucciones de Idiomas : DE
NOTA: Este juego está en Inglés y no puede contener una traducción a su idioma. (PLEASE NOTE: This game is in English and may not contain a translation into your language.) Un subidn de arquitectura a los cielos para 2 - 4 arquitectos en ciernes con una buena cabeza para las alturas a partir de 8 aos de edad. En la tierra donde la floracin de los limones, Haba una vez un viejo sabio, a quien sus amigos llamado and quot;Paletti and quot; Slo tena un objetivo en la vida, para terminar el maravilloso castillo en el cielo que su abuelo haba empezado a construir muchos aos antes, pero que haban quedado sin terminar cuando los ducados se agotaron. Paletti tambin tena poco dinero, sino que tena un plan maravilloso. Por qu comprar nuevas columnas cuando pudo volver a utilizar los viejos que su abuelo haba construido? Todo lo que necesitaba hacer era eliminar algunos de los que hasta la celebracin de la primera planta, de los cuales haba demasiados en todo caso, y reconstruirlas ms arriba, de modo que pudieran soportar nuevas plantas, que se eleva hacia el cielo! and quot;Excelente, Paletti and quot; grit a sus amigos, y rpidamente comenz a trabajar. Pronto tuvieron un maravilloso edificio en frente de ellos, el and quot;Villa Paletti and quot;. Hoy en da, nadie sabe lo que se caus el colapso de la Vila Paletti, tal vez un soplo de viento, o un ligero temblor de tierra, pero todos los expertos estn unidos en un punto, que Paletti, muy por delante de su tiempo, fue la primera para descubrir algo cuya importancia completo slo ahora est empezando a quedar claro para nosotros, el euro pallet! .
Villa Paletti [Toy]
Action & Reflex Games,2-4 players,Play time: 30+ minutes
An architectural rush to the skies for 2 - 4 budding architects with a good head for heights from 8 years old.In the land where the Lemons bloom, there once lived a wise old sage, whose friends called him "Paletti" He only had one goal in life, to finish the wonderful castle in the sky that his grandfather had begun to build many years before, but which had been left unfinished when the ducats ran out. Paletti too had little money, but instead he had a marvelous plan. Why buy new columns when he could re-use the old ones that his Grandfather had built? All he needed to do was remove some of those holding up the first floor, of which there were far too many in any case, and rebuild them further up, so that they could support new floors, reaching up towards the skies!"Excellent, Paletti" shouted his friends, and they quickly started to work. Soon they had a marvelous building in front of them, the "Villa Paletti". Nowadays, no one knows what it was caused the collapse of the Vila Paletti, perhaps a puff of wind, or a slight earth tremor, but all the experts are united on one point, that Paletti, far ahead of his time, was the first to discover something whose full importance is only now starting to become clear to us, the Euro pallet!
Zoch - Villa Paletti [importato dalla Germania] [Giocattolo]
Riconoscimenti: gioco dell' anno,Autore del gioco: Payne, Bill,Sesso: bambine e bambini,Durata del gioco: circa 30 min.,Avvertenze: Attenzione. Non adatto ai bambini di età inferiore ai 36 mesi.
Zoch Villa Paletti | 601122900
Zoch - Jeux - Villa Paletti [Toy]
2 à 4 joueurs,A partir de 8 ans,Durée : 25,Année : 2001,- Traduction francaise fournie
Dans un pays où les citrons fleurissent, il était une fois un vieux sage, que ses amis appelaient "Paletti". Il avait seulement un but dans sa vie, finir le magnifique château que son grand-père avait commencé à construire il y a de cela quelques années, château qui n'a jamais été achevé à cause de ducats venant à manquer. Paletti était lui aussi sans le sou, mais il eu un plan assez génial : pourquoi acheter des nouvelles colonnes, alors qu'il pourrait réutiliser celles que son grand-père avait érigé ? Tout ce qu'il avait à faire, c'était enlever des colonnes soutenant le 1er étage (de toutes façons trop nombreuses), et les utiliser pour soutenir le deuxième et ainsi de suite pour atteindre les nuages !Excellent, Paletti s'exclamèrent ses amis, et ils se mirent de suite au travail. Très vite, ils eurent un superbe édifice devant lui. Mais, de nos jours, nous ne savons toujours pas ce qui causa l'effondrement de Villa Paletti, peut-être un souffle de vent, ou un léger tremblement de terre, mais tout les experts sont d'accord sur un point : Paletti, en avance sur son temps, à été le premier à découvrir quelque chose dont on commence seulement à mesurer l'importance : L' « Europallete » !
Zoch 22900 - Villa Paletti, Spiel des Jahre 2002 [Toy]
Auszeichnungen Spiele: Spiel des Jahres,Autor Spiele: Payne, Bill,Geschlecht: Mädchen und Jungen,Spieldauer: ca. 30min.,Warnhinweis: Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet
Zoch Villa Paletti | 601122900
Paretti Villa (Villa Paletti) (japan import) [Toy]
Age range: 8 and up / Number of players: 2 to 4 / Play time: 20 to 30 minutes,Manufacturer: Schmidt Spiele
An architectural rush to the skies for 2 - 4 budding architects with a good head for heights from 8 years old. In the land where the Lemons bloom, there once lived a wise old sage, whose friends called him 'Paletti' He only had one goal in life, to finish the wonderful castle in the sky that his grandfather had begun to build many years before, but which had been left unfinished when the ducats ran out. Paletti too had little money, but instead he had a marvelous plan. Why buy new columns when he could re-use the old ones that his Grandfather had built? All he needed to do was remove some of those holding up the first floor, of which there were far too many in any case, and rebuild them further up, so that they could support new floors, reaching up towards the skies! 'Excellent, Paletti' shouted his friends, and they quickly started to work. Soon they had a marvelous building in front of them, the 'Villa Paletti'. Nowadays, no one knows what it was caused the collapse of the Vila Paletti, perhaps a puff of wind, or a slight earth tremor, but all the experts are united on one point, that Paletti, far ahead of his time, was the first to discover something whose full importance is only now starting to become clear to us, the Euro pallet!
Wiggles 3D - Villa Paletti [Toy]
Age range: 8 and up / Number of players: 2 to 4 / Play time: 20 to 30 minutes,Manufacturer: Schmidt Spiele
An architectural rush to the skies for 2 - 4 budding architects with a good head for heights from 8 years old. In the land where the Lemons bloom, there once lived a wise old sage, whose friends called him 'Paletti' He only had one goal in life, to finish the wonderful castle in the sky that his grandfather had begun to build many years before, but which had been left unfinished when the ducats ran out. Paletti too had little money, but instead he had a marvelous plan. Why buy new columns when he could re-use the old ones that his Grandfather had built? All he needed to do was remove some of those holding up the first floor, of which there were far too many in any case, and rebuild them further up, so that they could support new floors, reaching up towards the skies! 'Excellent, Paletti' shouted his friends, and they quickly started to work. Soon they had a marvelous building in front of them, the 'Villa Paletti'. Nowadays, no one knows what it was caused the collapse of the Vila Paletti, perhaps a puff of wind, or a slight earth tremor, but all the experts are united on one point, that Paletti, far ahead of his time, was the first to discover something whose full importance is only now starting to become clear to us, the Euro pallet!
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