Casio FX-570ES Plus - Calculadora científica (417 funciones, 15 + 10 + 2 dígitos, pantalla Natural), color gris [Material de oficina]
La pantalla Natural muestra expresiones matemáticas como las raíces y las fracciones,Funciones científicas: trigonométricas, hiperbólicas, exponenciales 10x, ex, de inversión x-1, y mas,Con 417 funciones y resolución de ecuaciones,20 pares de valores para conversiones métricas
- 417 funzioni - calcolo dell'equazioni - conversione d'unit - batteria AAA
Casio FX-570ES Plus Desktop Display calculator Grey,Silver - calculators (Desktop, Display calculator, Grey, Silver, Buttons, Dot-matrix, Battery) [Office Product]
The FX570ES is the new kid on the block and is shaking up the maths world. With 403 functions and the revolutionary Natural Textbook Display you are able to enter expressions as seen in your text books. With advanced mathematical functionality, the FX570ES is ideal for both students and professionals.
CASIO Plus Calcolatrice Elettronica Scientifica Multicolore [Prodotti per ufficio]
Dimensioni 80x13,7x161mm,Alimentazione batteria,Funzioni 417,Custodia rigida,Nr. cifre display 10+2
Calcolatrice Scientifica Casio fx-570ES PLUS - Display 'Natural Textbook Display'. Il display naturale (Natural-V.P.A.M.) mostra le espressioni matematiche come le radici e le frazioni in cui appaiono nel vostro libro di testo, e questo aumenta la comprensione, perché i risultati sono più facili da capire. - 15 e 10+2 cifre - Risoluzione di equazioni - 20 coppie di valori per conversione metrica - Calcolo con numeri complessi - Tasto Calc (memoria temporanea formula) - 40 costanti fisiche - Calcolo matrici/vettori - Integrale numerico & calcolo differenziale - Numeri interi casuali - Nuova modalità equazioni - Tabella funzioni - Alimentazione a batteria - Con coperura rigida scorrevole - Risposta multipla - 24 livelli di parentesi - Memoria variabile (7) - Tasto STO/RCL - Dimensioni (A x L x P): 162 x 80 x 13,8 mm - Peso: 100 g Codice Prodotto: FX-570-ESPLUS, fx-570ES PLUS, fx-570ESPLUS Prodotto confezionato in blister Casio
Casio FX-570ES Calculatrice [Office Product]
Description du produit: Casio FX-570ES,Elément de format: poche,Type: Scientifique,Type de batterie: AAA,Poids: 104g,Dimensions (LxPxH): 80 x 12,2 x 161 mm
The FX570ES is the new kid on the block and is shaking up the maths world. With 403 functions and the revolutionary Natural Textbook Display you are able to enter expressions as seen in your text books. With advanced mathematical functionality, the FX570ES is ideal for both students and professionals.
Wissenschaftlicher Rechner,Batteriebetrieb
Casio FX 570 ES Plus
Casio FX-570 ES PLUS Taschenrechner mit 417 Funktionen. Neuware, komplett und original verpackt!
• Casio FX 570 ES Plus (neuste Modell der Casio fx 570 ES Serie)
• 417 Funktionen
• Vorteile und Merkmale des Neuen Casio fx 570 ES Plus gegenüber dem fx 570 ES: 14 zusätzliche Funktionen, Verbessertes Display -
Advanced Natural, 3 zusätzliche Variablen Speicher, Neuer Gleichungsmodus, Neues attraktives Design
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Mantissa 10 digits CASIO Standard Scientific Calculator FX-570ES-N (japan import) [Office Product]
The Casio FX-570ES is a calculator which can meet all your ordinary computing as well as scientific computing requirements,This Casio business calculator has a natural display which means you can enter input in the form of a fraction and it will display an answer in the form of a fraction as well,Using the conversion function, you can also convert length, weight and temperature in this Casio scientific calculator. With 403 functions and a natural textbook display, the Casio FX-570ES allows you to enter expressions as seen in your textbooks
GENUINE and ORIGINAL Packing same as Pictures. Provide Tracking Number The Casio FX-570ES is a calculator which can meet all your ordinary computing as well as scientific computing requirements. This Casio business calculator has a natural display which means you can enter input in the form of a fraction and it will display an answer in the form of a fraction as well. Using the conversion function, you can also convert length, weight and temperature in this Casio scientific calculator. With 403 functions and a natural textbook display, the Casio FX-570ES allows you to enter expressions as seen in your textbooks. As this Casio business calculator can give answers in surd and fraction form, there is a great degree of accuracy. This Casio scientific calculator provides advanced mathematical functionality, making it ideal for both students and professionals. Product Identifiers Brand Casio Model FX-570ES plus MPN FX-570ES plus UPC 4971850182252 Key Features Type Scientific Power Source Battery Size Handheld Display Type Regular Key Size Regular Miscellaneous Additional Features Case Included
Casio FX-570 ES [CE]
The FX570ES is the new kid on the block and is shaking up the maths world. With 403 functions and the revolutionary Natural Textbook Display you are able to enter expressions as seen in your text books. With advanced mathematical functionality, the FX570ES is ideal for both students and professionals.
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