Rajasthan Stone Art conjunto único de ajedrez y caja de cartón, Pequeñas 25,4 x 25,4 cm [Casa]
Rajasthan Stone Art Unique Chess Sets and Board -Indian Handmade Unique Gifts -Size 10X10 Inches,10 X 10 Inch
Chess pieces and board made in stone.;Pieces hand-carved by artisans of Jaipur.;Wooden box; size 10 inches x 10 inches.;Total weight 2.9 lbs.;Box top in stone and used as board.
Rajasthan Stone Art Unique Chess Sets and Board Box, Small 25.4 X 25.4 cm [Kitchen]
Complete chess set with pieces hand carved out of genuine stone,Handcrafted wooden storage box doubles as a game board with its breathtaking stone inlay,Velvet and satin lined interior with space for each piece,Measures 25.4 cm by 25.4 cm in size,Total weight of 2.9 pounds
The earliest form of chess was invented in what is now East India, during the 1st century and went on to become a worldwide sensation. Naturally, the first chessboards were made entirely by hand, but over the centuries, mass produced sets made from plastics and cardboard have become the norm. Our Indian Handmade Stone and Wood Chess Set is a true collector's chess set that marks a return to traditional artisanship and makes great gifts for chess pros, experienced players and novices alike. The Indian Handmade Stone and Wood Chess Set is handcrafted in the Jaipur region of North India, using techniques that have survived since the advent of the game. The set includes all of the standard pieces with each one meticulously hand carved out of white and black natural stone. The pieces are perfectly sized, so that their exquisite details can be fully appreciated yet the set is still compact enough for easy storage. Along with the hand-carved chess pieces included in the Indian Handmade Stone and Wood Chess Set, you'll receive a storage and carrying box constructed out of premium richly grained hardwood. The top lid has been inlaid with white, black and red natural stone, allowing the storage box to double as a game board for your convenience. The design of the board and pieces is so handsome that you can easily leave the game set up on a table to double as a decoration between matches. When you open the clasps on the hardwood storage box found in the Indian Handmade Stone and Wood Chess Set, you'll find a spacious interior made especially for storing the pieces. The bottom of the box is lined with deep purple velvet with notches perfectly sized for each piece in the set. The velvet lining and the satin in the lid protect the stone from dust and wear and tear. Experience chess the way it was meant to be played--with handcrafted pieces on a stunning board! Order our Indian Handmade Stone and Wood Chess Set for your own game room or to give as a gift to someone special.
Rajasthan Stone Art Scacchi unici e scatola di cartone, piccoli 25 x 25 cm [Cucina]
Pezzi degli scacchi e tavola in pietra.,Pezzi intagliati a mano da artigiani di Jaipur.,Scatola di legno, Dimensioni: 25.4 x 25.4 centimetri.,Peso totale 3,2 £.,Top box in pietra e usate come bordo.
Un set di scacchi unico e scheda che può essere utilizzato come per il gioco degli scacchi, come elemento di decorazione, ma anche come un pezzo da collezione da India. Pietra artigiani scultura del Rajasthan hanno intagliato i pezzi di pietra. I set di scacchi e di bordo sono disponibili in una scatola di legno pulito. La parte superiore della scatola ha pietra bordo ben fissato in un telaio. Quando non gioca, i pezzi degli scacchi possono essere conservati in modo sicuro all'interno della scatola. L'interno della scatola è realizzata in spugna e raso dove ogni pezzo può essere mantenuto nella scanalatura corrispondente propria dimensione. Tutto sommato, un compatto, pezzo regalo simpatico e unico nel suo genere.
Jeu d'échecs unique - Pièces et échiquier en pierres - Intérieur de la boîte en mousse et en satin - Fabriqué artisanalement au Rajasthan - Cadeau culturel de l'Inde [Kitchen]
Échecs complet avec des pièces sculpté à la main sur une véritable pierre,Boîte de rangement en bois de fabrication artisanale se double d'un plateau de jeu, avec sa magnifique marqueterie de pierre,Velours et satin intérieur doublé avec un espace pour chaque pièce,Mesure 10 pouces par 10 pouces de taille,Le poids total de 2,9 livres
La première forme d'échecs a été inventé dans ce qui est maintenant Est de l'Inde, au cours du 1er siècle et est devenu une sensation dans le monde entier. Naturellement, les premiers échiquiers ont été entièrement fabriqués à la main, mais au fil des siècles, produit en masse ensembles fabriqués à partir de plastique et de carton sont devenus la norme. Notre indienne main Pierre et Bois Chess Set est le jeu d'échecs d'un vrai collectionneur qui marque un retour à l'artisanat traditionnel et fait de grands cadeaux pour les pros d'échecs, joueurs expérimentés et novices. L'Indien main de pierre et de bois Chess Set est fabriqué à la main dans la région Jaipur Inde du Nord, en utilisant des techniques qui ont survécu depuis l'avènement du jeu. L'ensemble comprend toutes les pièces standard avec chacun méticuleusement sculptée en pierre naturelle blanc et noir. Les pièces sont de taille parfaite, de sorte que leurs détails exquis peuvent être encore pleinement apprécié le jeu est encore assez compact pour un rangement facile. Avec les pièces d'échecs sculptés à la main dans la main inclus Pierre indiennes et du bois Chess Set, vous recevrez un stockage et une boîte de transport construit à partir de la prime de bois richement grain. Le couvercle supérieur a été incrusté de blanc, noir et rouge pierre naturelle, permettant à la boîte de rangement de doubler comme un plateau de jeu pour votre commodité. La conception du conseil et des morceaux est si beau que vous pouvez facilement quitter le jeu mis en place sur une table de doubler comme une décoration entre les matchs. Lorsque vous ouvrez les fermoirs sur la boîte de rangement en bois trouvé dans la main de pierre indienne et Wood Chess Set, vous trouverez un intérieur spacieux faite spécialement pour le stockage des pièces.
Rajasthan Stein Kunst Einzigartige Schachspiele Und Vorstand-Box, Klein 25 Cm X 25 Cm [Küche & Haushalt]
Komplette Schach-Set mit Stücke Hand geschnitzt aus Echten Stein; Farben und Farbtöne können variieren, da es sich um Naturstein handelt.,Handgefertigte Hölzerne Aufbewahrungsbox dient gleichzeitig als Spielbrett mit dematemberaubenden Stein Inlay,Samt und Satin gefütterter Innenraum mit Platz für each Stück; Farben und Farbtöne können variieren, da es sich um Naturstein handelt.,Misst Größe: 25 Cm x 25 Cm,Gesamtgewicht von 1,3 Kg
Die früheste Form des Schachs wurde im heutigen East India, während des 1. Jahrhunderts erfunden und ging auf eine weltweite Sensation zu werden. Selbstverständlich wurden die ersten Schachbretter vollständig von Hand, aber im Laufe der Jahrhunderte, Masse produziert Sets aus Kunststoff Karton und Pappe zur Normalität geworden. Unsere indischen Handmade Stein und Holz Chess Set ist ein echtes Sammlerschachspiel, das eine Rückbesinnung auf traditionelle Handwerkskunst, Muster und macht große Geschenke für Schachprofis, erfahrene Spieler und Neulinge gleichermaßen.
Der indische Handmade Stein und Holz Chess Set ist in der Region Nord Jaipur Indien handgefertigt, mit Hilfe von Techniken, die seit der Einführung des Spiels überlebt haben. Das Set enthält alle Standard-Stücke mit je einem sorgfältig von Hand geschnitzt aus weißem und schwarzem Naturstein. Die Stücke sind perfekt Größe, so dass ihre exquisiten Details vollständig noch schätzen die Menge ist immer noch kompakt genug für einfache Lagerung werden.
Zusammen mit den handgeschnitzten Schachfiguren auf dem indischen Handmade Stein und Holz Schach-Set enthalten, werden Sie eine Speicher- und Transportbox von Premium-reich körnigen Hartholz erhalten. Der obere Deckel ist mit weißen, schwarzen und roten Naturstein eingelegt worden, so dass der Aufbewahrungsbox als Spielbrett für Ihre Bequemlichkeit zu verdoppeln.
Rajasthan Stone Art Unique Chess Sets and Board Size 10 x 10 Inches [Furniture]
Complete chess set with pieces hand carved out of genuine stone,Handcrafted wooden storage box doubles as a game board with its breathtaking stone inlay,Velvet and satin lined interior with space for each piece,Measures 10 inches by 10 inches in size,Total weight of 2.9 pounds
The earliest form of chess was invented in what is now East India, during the 1st century and went on to become a worldwide sensation. Naturally, the first chessboards were made entirely by hand, but over the centuries, mass produced sets made from plastics and cardboard have become the norm. Our Indian Handmade Stone and Wood Chess Set is a true collector's chess set that marks a return to traditional artisanship and makes great gifts for chess pros, experienced players and novices alike.
The Indian Handmade Stone and Wood Chess Set is handcrafted in the Jaipur region of North India, using techniques that have survived since the advent of the game. The set includes all of the standard pieces with each one meticulously hand carved out of white and black natural stone. The pieces are perfectly sized, so that their exquisite details can be fully appreciated yet the set is still compact enough for easy storage.
Along with the hand-carved chess pieces included in the Indian Handmade Stone and Wood Chess Set, you'll receive a storage and carrying box constructed out of premium richly grained hardwood. The top lid has been inlaid with white, black and red natural stone, allowing the storage box to double as a game board for your convenience. The design of the board and pieces is so handsome that you can easily leave the game set up on a table to double as a decoration between matches.
When you open the clasps on the hardwood storage box found in the Indian Handmade Stone and Wood Chess Set, you'll find a spacious interior made especially for storing the pieces. The bottom of the box is lined with deep purple velvet with notches perfectly sized for each piece in the set. The velvet lining and the satin in the lid protect the stone from dust and wear and tear.
Order our Indian Handmade Stone and Wood Chess Set for your own game room or to give as a gift to someone special.
Rajasthan Stone Art Unique Chess Sets and Board -Indian Handmade Unique Gifts -Size 10X10 Inches [Toy]
Chess pieces and board made in stone.,Pieces hand-carved by artisans of Jaipur.,Wooden box; size 10 inches x 10 inches.,Total weight 2.9 lbs.,Box top in stone and used as board.
A unique chess set and board that can be used as chess for playing, as decorating item, and also as a collectible piece from India. Stone carving artisans of Rajasthan have intricately carved the stone pieces. The chess sets and board come in a neat wooden box. The top of the box has stone board well fixed in a frame. When not playing, the chess pieces can be securely kept inside the box. The inside of the box is made in sponge and satin fabric where each piece can be kept in the groove matching its own size. All in all, a compact, likeable, and unique gift piece.
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