Furreal Friends - Mi perrito saltarín, peluche (Hasbro B0449EU4) [Juguete]
Material de peluche,Muy suave,Te sigue por todas las partes
FurReal Friends - JJ, mi carlino juguetón
¡JJ, traerá alegría a los hogares!
Si te gustan los perros, los FurReal te encantarán. Son muy suaves, dulces y mimosos.
JJ reacciona a las caricias, se puede sentar, ladrar alegremente e incluso enderezarse, moviendo las patitas delanteras para saludar y
Si le acaricias la cabeza con cariño, JJ se sienta y espera paciente el siguiente juego.
A partir de 4 años.
Necesita 4 pilas de 1,5V LR6 (AA). Incluye pilas sólo de prueba.
Furreal Friends JJ My Jumping Pug Pet Toy [Toy]
Pug pet looks and acts like a real pug,Pet jumps and barks when you wave at him,Pet sits when you pet his back,His fur is super-soft
Watch out, LoopinÕ Louie is out and about and itÕs up to you to protect your chickens from his dizzy diving! Every time he flies by in his airplane, heÕll be out to knock another chicken into the chute below. But if you can flip him out of the way with your paddle, heÕll go after someone elseÕs chicken! Be ready, though, because heÕs got some super-dodgy moves! The player with the last chicken standing wins! Includes Loopin' Louie in his airplane, base unit, 4 paddle arms, 4 paddle units, 1 airplane arm on center cone, 12 tokens, 2 sheets of labels and instructions. LoopinÕ Louie game is chicken-chasing fun Crazy LoopinÕ Louie character flies in his airplane Paddles flip him away from your chickens The player with the last chicken standing wins Suitable for ages 4 years +
Fur Real Friends - J.J. Tenero Carlino [Giocattolo]
Saltella quando ti avvicini,Si siede se lo accarezzi sulla testa
I cuccioli Fur Real Friends sono amichetti adorabili che aspettano solo di tenere compagnia a tutte le bambine più dolci: il loro pelo è morbido da accarezzare, il loro musetto espressivo, e i loro movimenti sembrano davvero reali JJ Jump Up è un irresistibile cucciolo di cane che – come tutti i migliori amici dell'uomo – fa festa e abbaia felice ogni volta che vede la sua padroncina: basta muovere la mano davanti al suo musetto e JJ si siede sulle zampe posteriori e comincia ad agitare quelle anteriori in segno di contentezza Proprio come tutti i cuccioli, anche JJ Jump Up non riesce a resistere alle coccole: se lo accarezzi sulla schiena o sulla testa inizia ad abbaiare con dolcezza e ancora si solleva sulle zampe posteriori in segno di apprezzamento per i complimenti che riceve Gli occhioni verdi, la linguetta spiritosa, il musetto e le orecchie marroni sulla pelliccia caffelatte fanno di JJ Jump Up un vero rubacuori
Furreal Friends - B0449eu40 - Peluche - Mon Chien Joueur [Toy]
Un adorable bulledog qui réagit comme un vrai chien,Il se dresse sur ses deux pattes arrières,Il aboie comme un vrai chien,Il s'assied lorsqu'on le caresse,Âge minimum : 4 ans,Nécessite des piles :
Un adorable bulldog qui réagit comme un vrai chien. Il se dresse sur ses deux pattes arrières. Il aboie comme un vrai chien. Il s'assied lorsqu'on le caresse. Une peluche interactive très réaliste. Fonctionne avec 4 piles LR06 incluses.
Hasbro B0449EU4 - FurReal Friends JJ, mein hopsender Mops [Toy]
Reagiert auf Streichelberührung und Handbewegung,Kann sitzen, bellen und seine Vorderbeine auf- und abbewegen,Großer Spielspaß für Hundefans und Mopsliebhaber,Ab 4 Jahren geeignet,Die besten Freunde sind FurReal Friends
FurReal Friends - JJ, mein hopsender Mops
JJ, mein hopsender Mops, bringt Schwung in die FurReal Friends Familie.
Mit JJ, mein hopsender Mops, aus der beliebten FurReal Friends Reihe können sich Hundefans nun den Traum vom eigenen, mopsfidelen Vierbeiner erfüllen.
Der kuschelig weiche Mops reagiert auf Berührung, kann sitzen, fröhlich bellen und sich sogar aufrichten.
Dabei bewegt der verspielte Vierbeiner JJ seine Vorderbeine vergnügt auf und ab, um kleine Mopsliebhaber aufgeregt zu begrüßen und zu zeigen, wie gern er sie hat.
Wird er liebevoll am Kopf gestreichelt, setzt sich JJ ganz brav hin und wartet auf die nächste Spielrunde.
JJ, mein hopsender Mops, ist der fröhliche Spielgefährte für Tierliebhaber ab 4 Jahren.
4 x 1,5V LR6 (AA) Testbatterien sind bereits enthalten.
Furreal Friends JJ My Jumping Pug Pet Toy [Pet Products]
Electronic JJ, My Jumpin' Pug pet looks and acts like a real pug,Pet jumps and barks when you wave at him or pet his head,Pet sits when you pet his back,His fur is super-soft,Wave at him and he'll jump up
This sweet, soft JJ, My Jumpin' Pug plush pet is so excited to play with you! When you pet your new little buddy's head or wave at him, he'll jump up and bark just like an excitable little pup! If you pet his back, he'll sit like a good boy. Your JJ, My Jumpin' Pug toy will always be ready for fun, and he'll always be as bouncy as can be when you come around! FurReal Friends and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro
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