BRIO 30200 - Tire a lo largo de la jirafa [Juguete]
Tire Brio lo largo del juguete Jirafa de madera,Jirafa Characterful sigue su niño alrededor,Promueve un buen equilibrio y deambulación precoz,Madera, durable, hecho para los altos estándares de BRIO,Cuatro ruedas robustas - adecuado a partir de 12 meses de edad
Los juguetes Pull Along son los preferidos por los mas pequeños! Estos juguetes de madera con ruedas son ideales para que los niños experimenten y recorran la casa tirando de ellos.
BRIO BRI-30200 Pull Along Giraffe [Toy]
All BRIO pull alongs promte good balance in infants,BRIO Classic,Solid, sustainably forested, beechwood construction,Superb weighting device makes neack bob realistically,Vibrant and realistic colour coating
Bring home a safari adventure solid wood construction. A classic design with BRIO workmanship. This toy helps to encourage early walking in toddlers and has a bright yellow cord for pulling along.
The signature material that most of BRIO toys are made from and will always be made from is wood. The new classics are wooden toys in a new, modern design, with the same possibility of being handed down through generations as BRIO old favourites.
Suitable for ages: 12+ Months
106 x 202 x 97mm (Width x Height x Depth)
Brio 30200 - Giraffa su rotelle da trainare [Giocattolo]
Solida costruzione in legno,La giraffa produce suoni mentre il bambino tira la corda,Divertirà il vostro bambino per ore.,Dimensioni: 18cm x 10cm x 12cm,Età: a partire da 12 mesi.
Versione moderna di un gioccatolo classico.Fatto di legno con una finizione perfetta. Permetterà al bambino di camminare presto quando strattonerà la corda gialla. La sua testa va giu e su mentre sta trascinando
Brio Jeu éducatif premier âge Girafe à tirer [Baby Product]
Age Minimum: 19 mois, Dimensions:10.5 x 1.4 x 20.15 cm, Nécessite des Piles: Non,Descriptif Produit: Curieuse d'explorer le monde, cette girafe en bois opine de la tête lorsqu'on la promène. Roues dotées de caoutchoucs pour une meilleure tenue de route. Packaging : boîte à fenêtre.,Valeur éducative: Marcher, courir, bouger
BRIO 30200 - Nachzieh-Giraffe [Toy]
Geschlecht: Mädchen und Jungen,Zielgruppe: Kleinkind
Brio-Kategorie: BRIO Kleinkind
Die Nachzieh-Giraffe schaukelt mit ihrem langen Hals und Kopf, wenn Du sie hinter Dir herziehst.
Altersempfehlung: ab 12 Monate
Farbabweichungen und Änderung der Designs vorbehalten
Preis pro Stück
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Schylling Pull Along Giraffe [Toy]
Solid wood construction.,Head boos as your baby pulls the string.,Keeps young children fascinated for hours on end.
This Push Along Giraffe from Brio is a Classic version of the timeless favourite toddler toy. Wooden with a very nice finish. Brio Pull Along Giraffe is a safari adventure on wheels. It gets children walking early as they tug the bright yellow cord. His head bobs up and down as he happily rolls along. The Giraffes timeless style and durability will endure for a lifetime
Pull Along Giraffe [Toy]
Classic, solid wood pull toy,A safari adventure on wheels,The head and neck move as it is pulled along,Bright yellow wheels work on any floor surface,For ages 12M+
Founded in Sweden in 1884, Brio makes the highest quality wooden toys that have delighted children and created happy memories for generations. Both educational and fun, Brio's uncompromising focus on design, quality and craftsmanship create toys of lasting value that stimulate creativity and imagination. Engaging play and learning are integral themes in all Brio toys, satisfying a child's educational needs and growing with them through their various phases of development. Wooden pull toys are perfect for the active and newly mobile youngster. The Brio Pull Along Giraffe is a safari adventure on wheels. Pull him along with the bright yellow cord and he will happily follow you anywhere. As he travels his head will bob up and down. The bright yellow wheels will work on any floor surface. Handcrafted to the exacting quality standards you'd expect from Brio, this durable, wooden playroom heirloom will be enjoyed for generations. Made of solid Beech wood and sanded silky smooth, they have 6 coats of non-toxic paint for a long lasting, chip resistant, vibrant finish.
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