DohVinci - Tocador con estilo, juego creativo (Hasbro A7197EU4) [Juguete]
Ahora puedes personalizar tu propio tocador con bonitos diseños en relieve,El tocador con estilo es el sitio perfecto para guardar joyas, notitas y otras cosas especiales,Incluye aplicador, 4 tubos Deco Pop y una guía de ideas para dejar que tu creatividad fluya,¡Ahora puedes personalizar tu propio tocador con bonitos diseños en relieve!,Desarrolla las habilidades creativas,Modelo con componentes
DohVinci - Tocador con estilo (Hasbro A7197EU4)
Play-Doh DohVinci Style and Store Vanity Set [Toy]
Create awesome designs with 3D lines that pop right off the page with this DohVinci design kit,Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3: choose a color, pop it into the Styler, and squeeze to design,Design and assemble your own colorful vanity to store some of your favorite things,Includes inspiration guide with how-to and ideas for becoming a DohVinci designer,Use the sculpting tool, wavy specialty tip, and add-on pieces for even more creative options
Hasbro - DohVinci - Style & Store Vanity complete design kit
Let your creativity pop off the page with a unique make-and-display art experience that just might get you hooked. Brought to you by the makers of Play-Doh modeling compound, DohVinci design kits let you decorate and personalize your world in so many colourful ways. It's super easy for almost anyone to do! Just use the innovative air-dry design compound and Styler tool to create dimensional designs with bold 3D lines. And unlike most paints or markers, don't worry if you make a mistake. Just wipe off your design and try again! Once you're ready, show off your beautiful creation as it air dries!
What It's All About:
Whether you feel wildly inspired or just want to chill out and have fun, every DohVinci experience is unique and easy! Just follow 3 simple steps to get started on your project:
- Choose a colour.
- Slide the Deco Pop tube containing colourful design compound into the Styler.
- Squeeze to create colourful artwork with a fun dimensional effect!
Design Your Own Vanity:
Keep your bedroom a little more organized! The customizable Style and Store Vanity kit has a drawer for some of your favorite things. Create colourful designs on the different pieces of the vanity using your Styler tool and the 4 included Deco Pop colours. Try using the Styler to
Hasbro A7197EU4 - Doh Vinci, specchio vanity [Giocattolo]
Contiene 1 base della specchiera, 1 specchio, 1 cassetto, 1 decorazione floreale in 2 parti, decorazioni aggiuntive, 1 Styler, 4 tubetti e 1 accessorio per modellare,Suggerimenti di design e una guida creativa
DohVinci spogliatoio
Play-Doh - A7197eu40 - Loisirs Créatifs - Doh-Vinci - Coiffeuse à décorer [Toy]
Crée de magnifiques décors pour ta coiffeuse DOH VINCI avec la pâte qui va durcir à l'air libre... Pour donner libre cours à son imagination en 3D !^But du Jeu / Fonctions : Doh Vinci, un nouveau concept d'activités artistiques : un pistolet Doh Vinci dans lequel on insère un tube contenant une pâte spéciale qui va durcir à l'air libre et qui permet de décorer des supports au gré de ses envies ! Voici une coiffeuse équipée d'un miroir et d'une tablette à décorer ! Il y a même un tiroir pour ranger tes affaires et l'embout en forme de vague ainsi que le stylet vont te permettre de réaliser des créations stylées.^Bénéfices / Avantages : - Développe la créativité et stimule l'imagination - La pâte durcit à l'air libre, elle ne colle pas et ne tâche pas - Facile d'utilisation, ce kit permet de customiser sans limite ! - Un concept unique et original qui plait aux petites filles Inclus : une coiffeuse, un pistolet Doh Vinci, 4 tubes de couleurs, un stylet design et un embout en forme de vague.^6 ans et plus
Hasbro A7197EU4 - Doh Vinci Schminktisch [Toy]
Individuelle Schminktischgestaltung,Das Set besteht aus einem Styler, einem exclusiven Aufsatz, vier Nachfüllkartuschen, einem Design Tool und einem Schminktisch,Mit Accessoires zum noch einfacheren Verzieren,Trocknet innerhalb von 24 Stunden,ab 6 Jahren geeignet
Dohvinci Schminktisch
Mit diesem Schminktisch können die kleinen Designer von Morgen ihrer Kreativität und der Fantasie freien Lauf lassen. Die im Set enthaltenen Farben, sowie der aufsatz sorgen für unbegrenzte Designmöglichkeiten.
Die Modelliermasse kann rückstandslos entfernt werden, wenn das Ergebnis dem Künstler mal nicht so gefällt! Die Masse trocknet innerhalb von 24 Stunden und behält dabei Struktur und Farbe.
- individuelle Schminktischgestaltung
- Kreativität und Fantasie
- Mit Styler, exklusivem Aufsatz, vier Farben á 56 g
- Mit Accessoires
- trocknet innerhalb von 24 Stunden
Für kreative Kinder ab 6 Jahre
Play-Doh DohVinci Style and Store Vanity Complete Design Kit [Toy]
Design in 3D with the modeling compound and tools in the Style & Store Vanity design kit,Deco Pop tubes come in 4 different colors,Easy-to-use Styler and specialty tip let you make different designs,Hardens overnight, Includes vanity base, drawer, mirror,,2-piece flower attachment, add-on pieces, Styler, 4 Deco Pop tubes, design tip, sculpting tool and inspiration guide
DohVinci Style & Store Vanity Design Kit
DohVinci Style & Store Vanity Design Kit [Toy]
High quality toys for children all ages,Made using safe materials,Tested for quality and durability,Design in 3D with the modeling design compound and tools in the Style & Store Vanity kit,Deco Pop tubes come in 4 different colors,Easy-to-use Styler and specialty wave tip let you make different designs,Includes inspiration guide,Includes vanity base, drawer, mirror, 2-piece flower attachment, add-on pieces, Styler, 4 Deco Pop tubes, design tip, sculpting tool and inspiration guide.
DohVinci Style and Store Vanity Complete Design Kit

DohVinci Style and Store Vanity Design Kit
Let your creativity pop with a unique make-and-display art experience that just might get you hooked. Brought to you by the makers of Play-Doh modeling compound, DohVinci design kits let you decorate and personalize your world in so many colorful ways. It's super easy for almost anyone to do! Just use the innovative air-dry design compound and Styler tool to create dimensional designs with bold 3D lines. And unlike most paints or markers, don't worry if you make a mistake. Just wipe off your design and try again! Once you're ready, show off your beautiful creation as it air dries!
Whether you feel wildly inspired or just want to chill out and have fun, every DohVinci experience is unique and easy! Just follow 3-simple steps to get started on your project: Choose a color, slide the Deco Pop tube containing colorful design compound into the Styler and squeeze to create colorful artwork with a fun dimensional effect!

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DohVinci Anywhere Art Studio Easel & Storage Case Set
Design in 3D on the go with the Anywhere Art Studio set! This complete art set has an easel, 4 Deco Pop tubes and a DohVinci Styler you can use to decorate the 3 art boards and the 2 blank design boards. With the Styler, adding dots, zigzag lines and other beautiful details is a snap – just aim, squeeze, and design to your heart's content! The storage case holds all your supplies, allowing you to decorate wherever you find yourself! You'll experience your imagination in 3D everywhere you go with the Anywhere Art Studio set!

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DohVinci Door Décor Complete Design Kit
Design in 3D with the DohVinci Door Décor kit! With the 4 Deco Pop tubes and styler in this set, you can decorate the included door sign your way. Swirls, flowers and other beautiful details are a snap – just aim, squeeze, and design to your heart's content! Then hang your creation on the door where everyone can see it!

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DohVinci Memory Masterpiece Complete Ribbon Board Kit
Design in 3D with the DohVinci Memory Masterpiece kit! You can use the 4 Deco Pop tubes, Styler and add-on pieces in this set to decorate a beautiful ribbon board. Dots, zigzag lines and other fancy details are a snap – just aim, squeeze, and design to your heart's content! You'll experience your imagination in beautiful 3D with the Memory Masterpiece kit!

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DohVinci Flower Tower Picture Frame Kit
Design in 3D with the DohVinci Flower Tower Picture Frame kit! You can use the 4 Deco Pop tubes, Styler and design tip in this set to decorate a spectacular tower of fantastically flowered frames for your favorite photos. Flowers and other beautiful details are a snap – just aim, squeeze, and design to your heart's content! Your creations harden overnight, so they'll be around to admire for a long time. You'll experience your imagination in beautiful 3-D with the Flower Tower Picture Frame kit!

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DohVinci Deluxe Styler
Get ready to be a 3-D designer with the DohVinci Deluxe Styler! This easy-to-use Styler comes with 3 Deco Pop tubes and 4 design tips so you can create all kinds of beautiful details in different colors. When you want to change colors, it's a snap to push the tube backward out of the Styler and pop in a new one. Load up your Deluxe Styler, then just aim and squeeze when you start your masterpiece!

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DohVinci Deco Pop Complete Refill Collection
Get more colors for your 3-D designs with the Complete Refill Collection! The 12 Deco Pop tubes in this pack come in bright colors, and they work with the DohVinci Styler (sold separately). You'll be able to make more beautiful creations than ever with the Complete Refill Collection!
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