Orchard Toys - Tarjetas ilustradas (en inglés) [Juguete]
Desarrollar las habilidades de lectura y número tempranas,Desarrolla las habilidades personales y sociales,Los vínculos con las metas de aprendizaje temprano,Mejora la destreza manual y alienta la capacidad de observación y la memoria,Hecho en el Reino Unido - Todos los tableros de juego y embalajes están hechos de 100% de productos reciclados y reciclables
Orchard Toys Flashcards
Orchard Toys Flashcards [Toy]
Educational and extra large flash cards. Early reading and learning tool
Flashcards. 50 large early reading cardsUse these 50 word and picture flashcards to help young children develop early reading and number skills.2-4 Players. Age 3 Years+
Orchard Toys - Disegni e parole (Flashcards), Gioco di carte educativo [Lingua inglese] [Giocattolo]
50 carte con disegni e parole,Ogni carta è ampia e utilizzabile su entrambi i lati,Perfette per iniziare a insegnare ai bambini piccoli a leggere e contare,Età consigliata: dai 3 anni in su,Immagini allegre e colorate
Utilizzare queste 50 flashcard doppio lato e aiuta il bambino a sviluppare la lettura ed abilità coi numeri.
Orchard Toys - Cartes instantanées "Flash Cards" - Langue anglaise - Langue: anglais [Toy]
Descriptif produit: 50 grandes cartes . Ces cartes ont deux faces : mots et images. Aide à apprendre à compter et à lire. Pour les enfants d'environ 3 ans et plus. Avec des illustrations colorées et positives. Ces grandes cartes à deux faces sont parfaites pour apprendre aux enfants très jeunes à lire et à compter. Chaque carte possède un dessin coloré et le mot le décrivant juste en dessous. De l'autre côté, le mot apparaît seul, sans l'image.
Utilisez ces 50 cartes à 2 côtés pour aider les jeunes enfants à développer leurs habiletés mathématiques et de lecture.
Orchard Toys Grelle Karten "Flashcards" - Englische Sprache [Toy]
3+ Jahre,Englische Sprache
Contents: 50 cards
Flashcards - Early Reading And Number [Toy] [Toy]
These large, double-sided flashcards are perfect to help very young children develop early reading and number skills. Each card shows a brightly coloured illustration on one side, with the matching word written clearly underneath. On the back of each card is the word on its own, with no picture. Very young children will enjoy just naming the items in the picture, and you can add to their vocabulary skills by asking them questions about what they see: what colour is the apple? What sound does a duck make? which butterfly is green? They will get used to seeing the written word underneath the picture, and parents can help by pointing out the word and breaking down the spelling. Eventually children will recognise the word without the picture, and you can show them the back of the cards to see if they can work out what the word is, and therefore the picture on the other side. Older children can also try to copy the words, and to look out for the letters in their own name. Children also enjoy sorting games, so you can ask them to find all the animal cards, or all the cards with food on. As well as helping with their literacy skills, some of the cards show numbers of things ('six pencils', 'five butterflies'), so they can practise their counting skills. Aimed at children aged 3 and over, even younger children will find plenty to enjoy with these brightly coloured cards.
Flashcards - Early Reading And Number [Toy]
Develop early reading and number skills,Develops personal and social skills,Links with early learning goals,Improves manual dexterity and encourages observation and memory skills,Made in the United Kingdom - All game boards and packaging are made from 100% recycled and recyclable products
Use these 50 double sided flashcards to help young children develop early reading and number skills. 3 years +
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