Abacus Spiele - Juguete creativo (DV Games 9200) (importado) [Juguete]
Gran juego del partido del hombre lobo,8-24 jugadores,Tarjetas actualizadas Deluxe,Regla de Ghost permite que todos jueguen hasta que se resuelva el juego,Ofrece el Werehamster populares
daVinci Editrice S.r.l. Werewolves Lupus in Tabula Board Game [Toy]
Lupus in Tabula [Giocattolo]
Lupus in Tabula,Giocatori: da 8 a 24,Età: da 8 anni in su,Durata: 20 - 40 minuti,Contenuto: 24 personaggi, 1 carta riassuntiva, 22 Fantasmi, 2 indizi di licantropia, 24 gettoni voto, 1 carta "Benvenuto!", 1 carta "Vecchio Saggio", 1 libretto delle regole
Toyland - 330424 - Lupus In Tabula 9200 [Toy]
Age minimum : 3 ans
Lupus TABULA 9200
69254 - ABACUSSPIELE - Lupus in Tabula [Toy]
8-24 Spieler - ab 8 Jahre - 30 Min. Spieldauer - von Domenico di Giorgio
Ein friedliches, abgelegenes Dörfchen wird von einer merkwürdigen Plage heimgesucht. Jede Nacht verwandeln sich einige Bewohner in Werwölfe und ermorden einen unschuldigen Dorfbewohner, um ihren unersättlichen Hunger zu stillen. Die Überlebenden treffen sich jeden Tag und beraten, wie sie der Seuche Herr werden können. Bei jeder Zusammenkunft lynchen sie einen der Ihren, weil sie ihn für einen Werwolf halten. Wirst du das Morden überleben? Bringe das Geheimnis des Vollmonds ans Licht!
Diese Spiel für große Gruppen ist ein morderner Klassiker!
Um hier zu gewinnen, brauchst du die Spürnase eines Detektives,... oder dein bestes Poker-Face!
Lupus in Tabula [Toy]
Age range: 8 and up / Number of players: 9 to 25 / Play time: 20 to 40 minutes,Manufacturer: daVinci Games,24 character cards:, 3 Werewolves, 12 Villagers, 1 Seer, 8 Other Special Characters, 1 Summary card, 22 Ghosts, 2 Werewolf evidence tokens, 24 voting tokens, 1 Welcome! token, 1 Wise Old Man token, 2 blank cards for your own creations
Note: Funagain can only ship daVinci games to: United States Canada Mexico Australia and New Zealand. Werewolves haunt the secluded village known as Tabula: every night some villagers turn into werewolves and slaughter an innocent victim to satisfy their hunger. Surviving villagers gather every day to discuss the problem: at the end of the discussion they lynch one person among them thinking he could be a werewolf. Can you survive the massacre? Can you solve the mystery of the full moon?
Lupus in Tabula Card Game [Toy]
Great werewolf party game,8-24 players,Deluxe updated cards,Ghost rule allows everyone to play until game is solved,And best of all - the Werehamster!
DVG9200 Lupus in Tabula Card Game by DaVinci Games
Werewolves haunt the secluded village known as Tabula, every night some villagers turn into werewolves, and slaughter an innocent victim, to satisfy their instincts. Surviving villagers gather every day to discuss the problem, at the end of the discussion, they lynch one person among them, thinking he could be a werewolf. Who will survive this massacre?
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