Fuego Fightin Camión Vehículo de la pata de la Patrulla Marshall [Juguete]
Es Marshall al rescate-ruff ruff en su lucha contra el fuego Camión de bomberos con ruedas de trabajo real.,Figura mide alrededor de 6 cm de diámetro, medidas de camiones cerca de 18 cm de ancho.,1 Marshall Figura, 1 Vehículo,Edad 3 años +,Camión de bomberos de Marshall cuenta con una escalera extensible que puede subir a ayudar al pueblo de Adventure Bay!
Es Marshall al rescate-ruff ruff! ¡Entra en acción con Marshall y su lucha contra el fuego Camión de bomberos para salvar el día! Esta combinación de las crías y el vehículo está cargado con ruedas reales de trabajo y una escalera móvil! A entusiasmarse con Marshall y el resto de la patrulla de la pata mediante la recopilación de toda la línea de vehículos de la pata de la Patrulla!
Paw Patrol Fire Fightin Truck with Marshall [Toy]
Its Marshall to the ruff-ruff rescue in his Fire Fighting Firetruck with real working wheels.,1 Marshall Figure, 1 Vehicle,Marshalls firetruck features an extendable ladder that he can climb to help the people of Adventure Bay!,Figure measures about 6 cm across, truck measures about 18 cm across.
Its Paw Patrol Marshall to the ruff-ruff rescue in his Fire Fightin Truck. Put the little Dalmatian in the drivers seat and push the vehicle along to the next emergency. Marshalls big red fire engine also has a moveable ladder for helping out the people of Adventure Bay. Nothings impossible for the Paw Patrol! An ideal gift for Paw Patrol fans aged three years and up. What's in the box? Marshall figure fire engine
Nickelodeon, Paw Patrol Personaggio con veicolo, Marshall e il suo camion dei pompieri [Giocattolo]
zampa patrol,autopompa,marshall,pompiere,camion paw patrol
PAW PATROL Motor Vehicle Pompiere Marshall Basic Version
Marshall Automobile + 17 centimetri 6 centimetri figura con il fuoco scala estensibile
Paw Patrol - 6023964 - Figurine Animation Paw Patrol + Véhicule - Marcus [Toy]
Descriptif produit: Collectionne tous les chiots de la Pat' Patrouille avec leurs véhicules et forme ta propre équipe de sauvetage !,Age minimum : 3 ans
Continue les missions de la Pat'Patrouille dans la Grande Vallée grâce à la figurine de Marcus et son camion de pompier de Paw Patrol. Marcus est un dalmatien, sa couleur préférée est le rouge et il est toujours prêt à intervenir en cas de besoin. Ce coffret comprend la figurine et le véhicule d'environ 16,5 cm x 8 cm. A partir de 3 ans.
Paw Patrol - Feuerwehrauto mit Marshall [UK Import] [Toy]
paw patrol,feuerwehrauto,marshall,feuerwehrmann,lkw paw patrol
Marshall ist ein etwas tollpatschiger Dalmatiner, den man schnell begeistern kann. Er trägt immer einen Feuerwehrhelm und kommt zur Rettung in seinem Feuerwehrtruck. Setze den kleinen Dalmatiner in den Fahrersitz und schiebe das Fahrzeug zum nächsten Notfall. Marshalls großes, rotes Feuerwehrauto kommt mit einer beweglichen Leiter, welche ideal ist um Katzen aus dem Baum zu retten. Bei der Paw Patrol ist kein Hund zu klein und kein Notfall zu groß. Für Fans ab 3 Jahre. Inhalt: Marshall, Feuerwehrauto. Größe ca. 19cm x 21cm x 9cm.
Paw Patrol Nickelodeon, -Marshall's Fire Fightin' Truck [Toy]
It's Marshall to the ruff-ruff rescue in his Fire Fightin' Firetruck with real working wheels!,Marshall's firetruck features a ladder that he can climb to help the people of Adventure Bay!,Collect each lovable Paw Patrol character and work together as a team! Chase, Marshall, Zuma, Skye, Rocky and Rubble all have transforming vehicles!,Paw Patrol Marshall's Fire Fightin' Truck comes to the rescue of Paw Patrol fans ages 3 Plus .,Includes: 1 Marshall Figure, 1 Vehicle
Just like in the hit Nickelodeon Paw Patrol TV show, Marshall saves the day with his Fire Fightinâ€TM Truck and moveable rescue ladder! This vehicle and pup combo work together as Marshall rides inside his fire truck and races to the ruff-ruff rescue!
Nickelodeon, Paw Patrol - Marshall's Fire Fightin' Truck [Toy]
It's Marshall to the ruff-ruff rescue in his Fire Fightin' Firetruck with real working wheels!,Marshall's firetruck features an extendable ladder that he can climb to help the people of Adventure Bay!,Collect each lovable Paw Patrol character and work together as a team! Chase, Marshall, Zuma, Skye, Rocky and Rubble all have transforming vehicles!,Paw Patrol Marshall's Fire Fightin' Truck comes to the rescue of Paw Patrol fans ages 3+.,1 Marshall Figure, 1 Vehicle,Chase, Marshall, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble, and Skye, who are led by a tech-savvy 10-year-old boy named Ryder,With a unique blend of problem-solving skills, cool vehicles and lots of cute doggy humor, the PAW Patrol works together on high-stakes rescue missions to protect the Adventure Bay community!,A series worth barking about!
It's Marshall to the ruff-ruff rescue! Spring into action with Marshall and his Fire Fightin' Firetruck to save the day! This pup and vehicle combination is loaded with real working wheels and a moveable ladder! Get fired up with Marshall and the rest of the Paw Patrol by collecting the entire line of Paw Patrol vehicles! Together, your child's imagination will be lit up with pup inspired rescue missions full of friendship, teamwork and bravery. Choose from Chase, Zuma, Skye, Rocky and Rubble, each with their own unique transformation! No job is too big, no pup is too small. Save Adventure Bay with Marshall's Fire Fightin' Truck and then collect them all
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