University Games - Juego de tablero, de 2 a 4 jugadores (versión en inglés) por 35.06€
La nueva edición, con todas las nuevas preguntas, de insustancial el juego de mesa,Basado en el concurso de televisión de la BBC conducido por Alexander Armstrong,Sondear las profundidades de su conocimiento general para encontrar las respuestas a las preguntas menos populares,De 2 a 4 jugadores o equipos,Edad 10 +
Allí donde la respuesta tiene sentido es la mejor respuesta En base a la BBC concurso de televisión conducido por Alexander Armstrong Sondear las profundidades de su conocimiento general para encontrar las respuestas a las preguntas menos populares ¿Quién será el campeón inútil entre su familia y amigos? De 2 a 4 jugadores o equipos ¿Puede nombrar un país que comienza con la letra M que nadie más se le ocurriría ? ¿Qué hay de Malí o Micronesia? ¿Puedes pensar en un personaje de Toy Story que nadie más se acordaría ? Todos sabemos Buzz Lightyear , pero ¿Quién se acuerda Wheezy el pingüino ? Ponga su conocimiento oscuro y sin sentido a la prueba con esta versión del juego de tablero del popular concurso de televisión BBC2 organizada por Alexander Armstrong. Lucha contra tus instintos naturales a medida que tratan de marcar el menor número de puntos al adivinar las respuestas menos populares a preguntas de cultura general .
Pointless Board Game por 33.3€
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University Games Pointless Test your brain skills with Pointless. All those stored up useless facts and knowledge can be put to the test with the board game equivalent of the successful BBC2 television programme. Fight all your natural instincts of getting a high score; a low score is best achieved by guessing the least popular answers to general knowledge questions. If a player guesses an answer that has not already been guessed, they achieve the most desirable score of 0. A game for all the family to laugh and enjoy. Perfect for those Christmas afternoons to relax and have fun. Game contents: 338 × Questions 27 × Pointless trophy tokens 9 × Head-to-head trophy tokens 8 × Playing pieces 4 × Pencils 3 × Question card holders 1 × Playing board 1 × Pointless Trophy 1 × Answer pad Product Dimensions (cm): 26.4 x 26.2 x 6.8 This product is suitable for 10years old + 3 for 2 Offer 3 for 2 mix and match across participating U...
University Games - Gioco in scatola "Pointless" [lingua inglese] por 41.08€
Qualora la risposta senza senso è la migliore risposta Sulla base della BBC quiz televisivo condotto da Alexander Armstrong Scandagliare le profondità della vostra conoscenza generale per trovare le risposte alle domande Meno popolari Chi sarà il campione Inutile Tra la famiglia e gli amici ? Da 2 a 4 giocatori o squadre Può fare il nome di un paese che inizia con la lettera M che nessun altro avrebbe pensato ? Che ne dici di Mali o Micronesia ? Riuscite a pensare a un personaggio di Toy Story che nessuno si sarebbe ricordato ? Sappiamo tutti Buzz Lightyear , ma chi si ricorda Wheezy il pinguino ? Metti la tua conoscenza oscura e inutile alla prova con questa scheda versione del popolare gioco di BBC2 quiz show condotto da Alexander Armstrong . Lotta naturale contro il tuo istinto , come si tenta di segnare il minor numero di punti indovinando le risposte meno popolari a domande di cultura generale .
Pointless Board Game (2013 version) por 39.61€
Can you name a country beginning with the letter M that no one else would think of? How about Mali or Micronesia? Can you think of a character from Toy Story that nobody else would remember? We all know Buzz Lightyear, but who remembers Wheezy the penguin? Put your obscure and pointless knowledge to the test with this board game version of the popular BBC2 quiz show hosted by Alexander Armstrong. Fight against your natural instincts as you try to score the least number of points by guessing the least popular answers to general knowledge questions. In Pointless a series of questions is presented to the players. These questions have also been surveyed to a group of 100 other people. It?s the players? job to think of an answer that is not only correct, but also the least popular among those surveyed. For example, if the question asks you to name a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Titanic is not a good answer as 88 people in the survey gave this. Anybody who says The Man in the Iron Mask gets a much better score of 6 points. Any correct answers the survey didn?t think of are Pointless answers and award a most desirable zero points. Who will carry off the Pointless trophy among your family and friends? For 2 to 4 players or teams and ages 10 and up.
University Games Pointless Board Game ENGLISH por 41.1€
Wo die sinnlose Antwort ist die beste Antwort Basierend auf der BBC TV Quiz-Show von Alexander Armstrong gehostet Loten Ihr Allgemeinwissen zu finden, die Antworten auf Fragen wenigsten beliebt Wer wird der Champion Sinnloses unter Ihrer Familie und Freunde sein? Für 2 bis 4 Spieler oder Teams Können Sie ein Land mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben M , die sonst niemand denken würde ? Wie etwa Mali oder Mikronesien ? Können Sie sich einen Charakter aus Toy Story denken , dass niemand sonst würde sich erinnern ? Wir alle wissen, Buzz Lightyear , aber wer erinnert sich keuchend den Pinguin ? Legen Sie Ihre dunkel und sinnlos Wissen auf die Probe mit diesem Brettspiel -Version des beliebten BBC2 Quizshow von Alexander Armstrong gehostet . Natürliche Kampf gegen den Instinkt , wie Sie die geringste Anzahl von Punkten durch Erraten die am wenigsten beliebte Antworten auf Fragen Allgemeinwissen punkten versuchen .
University Games Pointless Board Game ENGLISH por 31.07€
The new edition, with all new questions, of Pointless the Board Game.,Based on the BBC TV quiz show hosted by Alexander Armstrong,Plumb the depths of your general knowledge to find the least popular answers to questions,For 2 to 4 players or teams,Ages 10 +
Can you name a country beginning with the letter M that no one else would think of? How about Mali or Micronesia? Can you think of a character from Toy Story that nobody else would remember? We all know Buzz Lightyear, but who remembers Wheezy the penguin? Put your obscure and pointless knowledge to the test with this board game version of the popular BBC2 quiz show hosted by Alexander Armstrong. Fight against your natural instincts as you try to score the least number of points by guessing the least popular answers to general knowledge questions. In Pointless a series of questions is presented to the players. These questions have also been surveyed to a group of 100 other people. It's the players' job to think of an answer that is not only correct, but also the least popular among those surveyed. For example, if the question asks you to name a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Titanic is not a good answer as 88 people in the survey gave this. Anybody who says The Man in the Iron Mask gets a much better score of 6 points. Any correct answers the survey didn't think of are Pointless answers and award a most desirable zero points. Who will carry off the Pointless trophy among your family and friends? For 2 to 4 players or teams and ages 10 and up. Box Contains 341 x questions 4 x pencils 1 x answer score pad 1 x scoreboard playing board 3 x question card holders 27 x pointless trophy tokens 9 x head to head tokens 8 x playing pieces 1 x pointless 'trophy' rules of play and the quick start instructions
Pointless Board Game (2013 version) por 25.35€
Can you name a country beginning with the letter M that no one else would think of? How about Mali or Micronesia? Can you think of a character from Toy Story that nobody else would remember? We all know Buzz Lightyear, but who remembers Wheezy the penguin? Put your obscure and pointless knowledge to the test with this board game version of the popular BBC2 quiz show hosted by Alexander Armstrong. Fight against your natural instincts as you try to score the least number of points by guessing the least popular answers to general knowledge questions. In Pointless a series of questions is presented to the players. These questions have also been surveyed to a group of 100 other people. It?s the players? job to think of an answer that is not only correct, but also the least popular among those surveyed. For example, if the question asks you to name a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Titanic is not a good answer as 88 people in the survey gave this. Anybody who says The Man in the Iron Mask gets a much better score of 6 points. Any correct answers the survey didn?t think of are Pointless answers and award a most desirable zero points. Who will carry off the Pointless trophy among your family and friends? For 2 to 4 players or teams and ages 10 and up.
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