![Mattel N1390-0 Snorta Deluxe - Juego de mesa [Importado de Alemania] Mattel N1390-0 Snorta Deluxe - Juego de mesa [Importado de Alemania]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51vtlQwoNjL.jpg)
Mattel N1390-0 Snorta Deluxe - Juego de mesa [Importado de Alemania] por 14.88€
El juego salvaje de Moos, maullidos y Más,El juego de sociedad donde todo el mundo es un animal o , al menos, suena como uno,¡Prepárate para la risa como sus amigos y familiares de pronto empezará a sonar como si hubieran nacido en un establo,En Snorta cada jugador elige el sonido de un animal de granja típica y comienza la diversión,Mientras los jugadores voltean rápidamente en las tarjetas, los jugadores de lengua trabada tropiezan y tartamudean a dejar escapar los sonidos de los animales de los otros jugadores
Mattel Snorta Game por 1.96€
Snorta! the party game where everyone is an animal,The rules are just like snap – but with animal sounds!,Each player selects an animal and hides it in their barn,Make the sound of the opponent's animal to win a pair,A barking mad family game for four to eight players
In Snorta each player is given a plastic farm animal (cute cartoonishly-designed ones by John Kovalic). In a "sound-off" everyone makes their animal's sound, then hides it in their barn. All the animal cards are passed out. Each player quickly flips over cards into a face-up pile in front of them, going around the circle. When a card placed down matches one of the cards already on the table, those two players rush to say the animal sound of the other player. (You don't make the noise of the animal ON the card.) It's hard to remember everyone's animal under pressure, so this speed and memory game is lively and funny to play. If you say the other player's sound first, you give them all the cards you've flipped onto the table in front of you. They then add them to the bottom of their hand. The first person to get all the cards out of their hand is the winner.
Mattel N1390-0 - Snorta Deluxe por 20.33€
Mattel - Snorta Deluxe por 20.33€
3 à 6 joueurs,A partir de 6 ans,Durée : 20,Année : 2009,- Jeu en Français
Nouvelle version de Snorta comportant de petites figurines d'animaux.
Mattel N1390-0 - Snorta Deluxe por 18.33€
Spieldauer: ca. 20 Min,Sprache Spielanleitung: DE,Warnhinweis: Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet
MATTEL Snorta Deluxe. Das lustige Familienspiel, bei dem jeder zum Tier wird! Gelächter ist garantiert, wenn Freunde oder Familienmitglieder grunzen, muhen oder quietschen. Werden übereinstimmende Karten aufgedeckt, müssen die jeweiligen Spieler das Geräusch des in der Scheune des anderen Spielers versteckten Tieres machen. Wer dabei nicht schnell genug ist, muss die Karten des anderen Spielers aufnehmen. Und wer als erster keine Karten mehr auf der Hand hat, gewinnt. Einfach zum Brüllen komisch! Für 4 bis 8 Spieler ab 8 Jahren.
Snorta - The Family Game Where Everyone Acts Like an Animal! por 63.45€
The Wild Game of Moos, Meows and More,The party game where everyone is an animal or at least sounds like one,Get ready for laughter as your friends and family suddenly start sounding like they were born in a barn,In Snorta each player chooses the sound of a typical farm animal and the fun begins,As players quickly flip over cards, tongue-tied players stumble and stutter to blurt out the animal sounds of the other players
Snorta: the family game where everyone acts like an animal!
Snorta por 84.15€
The Wild Game of Moos, Meows and More,The party game where everyone is an animal or at least sounds like one,Get ready for laughter as your friends and family suddenly start sounding like they were born in a barn,In Snorta each player chooses the sound of a typical farm animal and the fun begins,As players quickly flip over cards, tongue-tied players stumble and stutter to blurt out the animal sounds of the other players
Snorta: the family game where everyone acts like an animal! Get ready for laughter as your friends and family suddenly start sounding like they were born in a barn. In Snorta, each player chooses the sound of a typical farm animal and the fun begins. As players quickly flip over cards, tongue-tied players stumble and stutter to blurt out the animal sounds of the other players. Before long your "barnyard" fills with bales of laughter. You will have a hoot with Snorta!
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