Drumond Park - Juego de tablero (versión en inglés) por 45.62€
Juego de mesa Trivial,Incluye 400 tarjetas con preguntas 1600,Identificar imágenes y responder a preguntas sobre la base de logotipos, productos y envases de las marcas más conocidas del Reino Unido,El juego 30 minutos,De 2 a 6 jugadores
Our life is full of THINGS! From chocolate to cereal, football to flowers - and they all have LOGOs. The LOGO board game is all about those logos AND the things wrapped up in them. It taps into the knowledge we've piled up over our lives & adds a few astonishing facts and surprises to entertain the whole family. It's easy to learn and fun to play. Just answer the questions to leap around the board. The first player to answer correctly in the winning zone - WINS!
The Logo Board Game por 42.7€
For Ages 12 Years and over.,100% Official Merchandise.,Brand New In Box
Drumond Park - Gioco da tavolo "The Logo Board Game" [Lingua Inglese] por 53.82€
Our life is full of THINGS! From chocolate to cereal, football to flowers - and they all have LOGOs. The LOGO board game is all about those logos AND the things wrapped up in them. It taps into the knowledge we've piled up over our lives & adds a few astonishing facts and surprises to entertain the whole family. It's easy to learn and fun to play. Just answer the questions to leap around the board. The first player to answer correctly in the winning zone - WINS!
Logo - Jeu De Société - Anglais por 42.58€
Logo Board Game est la version anglaise du Jeu du Logo de Drumond Park. Ce jouet et ces instructions sont en Anglais uniquement. Logo est un jeu familial sur les marques et produits qui accompagnent notre quotidien. Comme le jeu du Monopoly, il consiste à acheter et à vendre pour t'enrichir le plus vite possible. Ce jeu est à jouer entre 2 et 6 joueurs. A partir de 12 ans.
Drumond Park Logo Brettspiel (Englische Sprache) [UK Import] por 38.84€
Stelle dein Markennamen Wissen auf die Probe mit dem Logo Spiel. Von Schokolade, Müsli, Fußball oder Blumen. Logos findest du überall. Im Set gibt es 400 Fragekarten, die beantwortet werden müssen. Wer zuerst die Mitte des Spielbrettes erreicht ist der Gewinner. Dieses Familienspiel ist ideal für 2-6 Spieler ab 12 Jahre. Ein Spiel kann um die 40 Minuten dauern. Inhalt: Spielbrett, 400 x Fragekarten. Bei diesem Artikel handelt es sich um einen englischen Import, wobei die Anleitung in Englischer Sprache ist.
Drumond Park Logo Game por 39.18€
For Ages 12 Years and over.,100% Official Merchandise.,Brand New In Box
Our life is full of things! From chocolate to cereal, football to flowers and they all have logos.
The logo board game is all about these logos and the things wrapped up in them. It taps into the knowledge we've piled up over our lives and adds a few astonishing facts and surprises to entertain the whole family.
Its easy to learn and fun to play. Just answer the questions to leap around the board. The first player to answer correctly in the winning zone - Wins! For 2 - 6 Players 12 Years +
The Logo Board Game por 39.33€
The Logo Board Game of things you know and love. For 2-6 players aged 12 to Adult. Our life is full of things. From chocolate to cereal, football to flowers--and they all have logos. The Logo board game is all about those logos and the things wrapped up in them. It taps into the knowledge we've piled up over our lives and adds a few astonishing facts and surprises to entertain the whole family. It's easy to learn and fun to play. Just answer the questions to leap around the board. The first player to answer correctly in the winning zone wins.
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