Green Toys Transportador de Autos, (CCRB-1237) [Juguete]
El transportador de autos green toys de doble plataforma presenta dos rampas funcionales y espacio para 3 mini automóviles,Sin ejes metálicos o partes pequeñas - genial para dentro y fuera de casa,Incentiva el desarrollo de habilidades motoras,Apto para mayores de 3+ años,Seguro, no toxico, no contiene bpa, pvc, ftalatos o coberturas externas
Green Toys Double-Decker Car Carrier with Two Working Ramps, Detachable Trailer and Three Mini Cars [Toy]
Made in the USA from 100% recycled plastic,Safe and durable for indoor and outdoor play,Includes three mini cars and two slide-out ramps,No BPA, phthalates, PVC, or external paints or coatings,Dishwasher safe for easy cleaning
The double-decker Green Toys Car Carrier features two working ramps and space for three Mini Cars. With no metal axles or small parts, it's great for both indoor and outdoor play and encourages motor skill development and imaginative, creative play. The 5-piece set includes cab with detachable trailer and 3 brightly-colored Mini Cars. Made in the USA from 100% recycled plastic with no BPA, phthalates or PVC. Dishwasher safe. Packaged with recycled and recyclable materials printed with soy inks. For ages 3 and up.
Greentoys Camion Bisarca,, CCRB-1237 [Giocattolo]
Il Camion bisarca Green Toys a due piani è dotato di 2 rampe di carico mobili e offre spazio sufficiente per caricare tre mini car,Privo di assi di metallo e di componenti piccoli e straordinario per giocare sia in ambienti chiusi che all'aperto,Favorisce lo sviluppo delle capacità motorie,Età 3+ anni,Sicuro, non tossico; non contiene BPA, PVC, ftalati o rivestimenti esterni
Il Camion bisarca Green Toys a due piani è dotato di due rampe di carico mobili e offre spazio sufficiente per caricare tre mini car. Privo di assi di metallo e di componenti piccoli, è straordinario per giocare sia in ambienti chiusi che all'aperto e favorisce lo sviluppo delle capacità motorie, la fantasia e il gioco creativo dei bambini. Il set di 5 pezzi include una cabina con rimorchio staccabile e 3 mini car dai colori vivaci. Sicuro, non tossico; non contiene BPA, PVC, ftalati o rivestimenti esterni. Ore di sano ed ecologico divertimento garantite! Età 3+ anni. Altezza: 305mm, Larghezza: 114mm, Profondità: 133mm.
Green Toys produce classici giocattoli per bambini partendo da plastica riciclata e altri materiali ecologici. In tal modo si riduce l'uso di carburante e la confezione di ogni prodotto è anche al 100% riciclabile, migliorando così la salute e la felicità del pianeta.
Green Toys Cage de Transport à Double étage avec Deux Rampes de Travail, remorque détachable et Trois Mini Voitures [Toy]
Fabriqué aux États-Unis à partir de 100% de plastique recyclé,Sûr et durable pour un jeu d'intérieur et d'extérieur,Comprend trois Mini voitures et deux rampes coulissant,Pas de BPA, phtalates, PVC, ou extérieure peintures ou revêtements,Passe au lave-vaisselle pour un nettoyage plus facile.
Le porte voitures à deux étages green Toys comporte 2 rampes d'accès et peut accueillir 3 mini-voitures. Sans axe métallique ni petite pièce, il est idéal pour les jeux intérieurs mais aussi extérieurs et encourage la motricité et les jeux d'imagination. L'ensemble comporte 5 pièces avec une cabine et remorque amovible, 3 mini-voitures aux couleurs vives. Sûr non toxique, ne contient ni BPA, PHTALATES, PVC ou revêtements exterieurs.
Passe au lave vaisselle
ses dimensions ; 11,43*30,48*13,34cm
Unbekannt Green Toys Doppeldeckerbus mit Zwei Rampen, Abnehmbarem Anhänger, und Drei Mini-Autos [Toy]
Hergestellt in der USA aus recycelten Verbundwerkstoffen.,Ideal für drinnen und draußen.,Inklusive drei Mini-Autos und 2 ausfahrbaren Rampen.,Ohne BPA, Phthalate, PVC, oder externe Farben oder Lacke.,Zur leichten Reinigung spülmaschinenfest.
Der Doppeldecker-Autotransporter von Green Toys verfügt über zwei nutzbare Ebenen und bietet Platz für drei Miniautos. Da weder die Achsen, noch die Kleinteile aus Metall bestehen, eignet sich der Autotransporter auch hervorragend für das Spielen draußen. Das Spielzeug fördert die feinmotorische Entwicklung und kreatives Spielen. Das 5-teilige Set besteht aus einer Sattelzugmaschine mit abnehmbaren Auflieger und 3 bunten Miniautos. Sicher, nicht giftig, enthält kein BPA, kein PVC und keine Phthalate oder externe Beschichtungen. Stundenlanger fröhlicher grüner Spaß garantiert! Alter: 3+ Jahre. Höhe: 305mm, Breite: 114mm, Tiefe: 133mm.
Green Toys stellt klassisches Kinderspielzeug aus recyceltem Kunststoff und umweltfreundlichen Materialien her, was zur verringerten Nutzung fossiler Brennstoffe beiträgt. Die Verpackungskartons aller Produkte sind zudem 100-prozentig wiederverwertbar, sodass die Gesundheit und das Wohlergehen unseres Planeten möglichst wenig beeinträchtigt werden.
Green Toys CCRB-1237 Car Carrier Vehicle Set Toy, Blue [Toy]
Made in the USA from 100-Percent recycled plastic,Great for indoor or outdoor play with no metal axles or external coatings.,Encourages motor skill development and open, imaginative play.
The double-decker Green Toys car carrier features two working ramps and space for three mini cars. With no metal axels or small parts, it s great for both indoor and outdoor play, and encourages motor skill development and imaginative, creative play. The 5 piece set includes cab with detachable trailer and 3 brightly-colored mini cars. Made in the USA from 100% recycled plastic with no BPA, phthalates, or PVC. Dishwasher safe. Packaged with recycled and recyclable materials printed with soy inks. New 2017
Green Toys Car Carrier Vehicle Set Toy, Blue [Toy]
Made in the USA from 100% recycled plastic.,Great for indoor or outdoor play with no metal axles or external coatings.,Encourages motor skill development and open, imaginative play. printed with soy inks
The double-decker Green Toys car carrier features two working ramps and space for three mini cars. With no metal axels or small parts, it's great for both indoor and outdoor play, and encourages motor skill development and imaginative, creative play. The 5 piece set includes cab with detachable trailer and 3 brightly-colored mini cars. Made in the USA from 100% recycled plastic with no BPA, phthalates, or PVC. Dishwasher safe. Packaged with recycled and recyclable materials printed with soy inks. For ages 3 and up.
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