Mattel Games Uno extreme, juego de cartas (Mattel V9364) [Juguete]
El lanzador aleatorio de cartas ofrece una manera emocionante, rápida e imprevisible de jugar a UNO,Para más diversión, el lanzador electrónico emite varios sonidos,Las cartas se pueden guardar en el lanzador, de modo que el juego es a la vez portátil y fácil de guardar,Incluye una carta exclusiva "Pulsa y ataca"
Uno Extreme - Juego de cartas
Si un jugador no tiene la carta adecuada para poner, tiene que apretar el botón del lanzador de cartas. Si tiene suerte no pasa nada pero si tiene mala suerte, el disparador puede lanzar entre 1 y 8 cartas.
La meta del juego es ser el primero en conseguir 500 puntos o en quedarse sin cartas.
El jugador recibe puntos por quedarse sin cartas y por las cartas que los demás jugadores no han puesto sobre la mesa.
UNO Extreme [Toy]
Random card shooter offers an exciting, frenzied and unpredictable way to play UNO, Electronic shooter emits a variety of sounds to further increase the excitement, Keep cards in the shooter so the unit is both portable and storable, Includes an exclusive extreme hit card
race yourself for an extreme version of the UNO game you know and love! The sleek UNO Extreme! game's random card shooter offers an exciting, frenzied and unpredictable way to play UNO that's fast fun for everyone. It comes with a special electronic card shooter and an exclusive "extreme hit" card. Push the launcher button on the shooter, and if you're lucky, nothing will happen. If you're not, the shooter will fire a stream of UNO cards. The shooter makes a variety of sounds to further increase the excitement. You can also keep the cards in the shooter so the unit is both portable and storable.Key Features
Uno - Extreme Carte da Gioco, V9364 [Giocattolo]
Lo spara-carte offre un modo folle, imprevedibile ed entusiasmante di giocare con UNO,Lo spara-carte emette una varietà di suoni per rendere il divertimento estremo,Potete tenere le carte nello spara-carte, così da utilizzarlo anche come pratico porta-carte da portare sempre con te,Include una carta Extreme Hit
Mattel UNO Extreme. Tipo: Carte, Età consigliata (min): 7 anno/i, Genere consigliato: Ragazzo/Ragazza. Numero di carte: 112 pezzo(i)
Contenuto dell'imballo
-Numero di carte: 112 pezzo(i)
-Batterie incluse: No
-Numero di batterie: 3
-Tipo: Carte
-Età consigliata (min): 7 anno/i
-Genere consigliato: Ragazzo/Ragazza
Uno Extreme Jeu de Société et de Cartes avec Distributeur de Cartes, V9364 [Toy]
La version relookée du Uno Extrême débarque !,Lorsque vous devez piocher une carte, appuyez sur le bouton et la rampe de lancement éjecte jusqu'à 8 cartes de façon aléatoire.,Nouvelle version avec des cartes Action encore plus endiablées.,2 à 10 joueurs,Age : à partir de 7 ans.
La version relookée du Uno Extrême débarque! Lorsque vous devez piocher une carte, appuyez sur le bouton et la rampe de lancement éjecte jusqu'à 8 cartes de façon aléatoire. Avec des cartes Action encore plus endiablées. 2 à 10 joueurs, à partir de 7 ans.
Mattel Games V9364 UNO Extreme Kartenspiel mit Kartenwerfer, geeignet für 2 - 10 Spieler, Spieldauer ca. 15 Minuten, ab 7 Jahren [Toy]
Noch mehr Spannung und Tempo bietet diese verrückte neue Version des bekannten und beliebten Spiels UNO Extreme,Der neu hinzugekommene elektronische Kartenwerfer und die exklusive Extreme-Karte garantieren einen unvorhersehbaren Spielverlauf,Drückt man oben auf den Kartenwerfer, passiert, wenn man Glück hat, nichts - hat man Pech, spuckt er eine wahre Flut von UNO Karten aus,Praktisch zum Mitnehmen für unterwegs und zum Aufbewahren: Alle 112 Karten lassen sich direkt im enthaltenen Kartenwerfer verstauen,Für 2 - 10 Spieler; Ab 7 Jahren; 3 Alkali-Babyzellen C erforderlich, nicht enthalten
Mattel UNO Extreme (V9364)
Uno Extreme [Toy]
Comes with a special electronic card shooter and an exclusive Extreme command card,Push the launcher button on the shooter, and if you're lucky, nothing will happen,If you're not, the shooter will fire a stream of UNO Extreme cards to add to your hand,Makes a variety of sounds to further increase the excitement of the game,The shooter can store the cards for easy storage and portability
The ultimate game of UNO. UNO Extreme takes the UNO card game to an even more unpredictable level. Race to get rid of all your cards, but watch out for the special action cards. The Uno Extreme dispencer can fire up to 8 cards at once. Or will you be the lucky one and get no cards at all. For 2 to 10 players.
Uno Extreme [Toy]
Random card shooter offers an exciting, frenzied and unpredictable way to play UNO,Electronic shooter emits a variety of sounds to further increase the excitement,Keep cards in the shooter so the unit is both portable and storable,Includes an exclusive extreme hit card
Brace yourself for an updated modern version of the UNO Extreme game you know and love The sleek UNO Extreme game s random card shooter offers an exciting frenzied and unpredictable way to play UNO that s Fast Fun for Everyone It comes with a special electronic card shooter and an exclusive Extreme Hit card Push the launcher button on the shooter and if you re lucky nothing will happen If you re not the shooter will fire a stream of UNO Extreme cards The shooter makes a variety of sounds to further increase the excitement You can also keep the cards in the shooter so the unit is both portable and storable colours and decorations may vary
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