Interplay UK - Juguete educativo de biología (CB401) [Juguete]
Viene con componentes que permiten pequeños crear su propio jardín de hadas interior!,Incluye un paquete de semillas de césped,Viene completo con una estatuilla de hadas,Tazón de fuente mide aproximadamente 26 cm de diámetro x 5 cm,Cautivantes y educativas
Crear un oasis mágico de hadas con este cautivante fabuloso kit de jardín de hadas. Siga la guía de actividades para aprender a construir su casa encantada miniatura y jardín de vida hermosa. Este kit contiene todo que lo necesario para hacer que su hada se sienta en casa, sólo añadir la imaginación y una pizca pequeña del polvo de hadas incluido! Juego viene con hadas jardín recipiente (plástico), estatuilla de hadas, concha de ostra, brillante de hadas de casa (material de la espuma), tendedero (con las clavijas y manta), semillas de césped, grava de color, hongo de hadas, hadas flores, hadas estrellas y color manual de instrucciones. Tazón de fuente mide aproximadamente 26 cm de diámetro x 5 cm. apto para edades de 4 años para arriba. ADVERTENCIA: No apto para niños menores de 3 años debido a las piezas pequeñas que podrían causar asfixia.
My Fairy Garden Fairy Garden [Toy]
Create your very own enchanted fairy garden with My Fairy Garden.,Includes a magical miniature cottage and a sprinkling of fairy dust.,Follow the 12-page activity guide to learn how to construct your enchanted miniature cottage and beautiful living garden.,Just add imagination and a little sprinkling of the fairy dust included!,Just one of a range available from Interplay.,Create your very own enchanted fairy garden!,Includes a magical miniature cottage, fairy figurine, her mouse friend, seeds and other accessories.,Follow the 12-page activity guide to learn how to construct your enchanted miniature cottage and beautiful living garden.,Just add imagination and a little sprinkling of the fairy dust included!,Just one the collectable My Fairy Garden range available from Interplay.
Create a magical fairy oasis with the Fairy Garden kit. Follow the 12-page activity guide to learn how to construct your enchanted miniature cottage and beautiful living garden. This kit contains everything you need to make your fairy feel at home, just add imagination and a little sprinkling of the fairy dust included. Comes with grass seeds with which to grow the Fairy Garden.
Craft Box - Fairy Garden, Crea il tuo giardino magico da fiaba [Giocattolo]
Crea il tuo orto fata incantato !,Include una casetta magica in miniatura , fata figurine , la sua amica del mouse , semi e altri accessori .,Seguite la guida di attività di 12 pagine per imparare come costruire la vostra casa in miniatura incantato e bellissimo giardino.,Basta aggiungere fantasia e un po ' spolverata di polvere di fata incluso!,Un solo la gamma da collezione My Fairy Garden disponibili da Interplay .
Descrizione del prodotto
Creare un'oasi magica fata con il nuovo kit di coperta Fairy Garden della gamma My Fairy Garden. Seguite la guida dell'attività di 8 pagine per imparare come costruire la vostra casa incantato delle fate in miniatura e creare un bellissimo giardino. Questo kit contiene tutto il necessario per rendere la vostra fata e la sua amica si sentono a casa , basta aggiungere l'immaginazione e un po ' spolverata di polvere di fata incluso! Solo uno di una gamma disponibile da Interplay.Avvertimento di sicurezza
Non adatto a bambini sotto i 4 anni . Da usare sotto la sorveglianza di un adultoContenuto:
Fairy Garden BowlFata figurina Figurine del mouse guscio d'ostrica ( giochi d'acqua ) Sparkly Fata Cottage Clothes Line con i messaggi e le spine Die - moquette ( per cottage) Semi di erba ghiaia colorata funghi Fata fiori Fata polvere di fata ( stelle ) opuscolo a colori
Fairy Garden - Create a Magical Fairy Garden [Toy]
My Fairy Garden Fairy Garden
THE LATEST CRAZE IN KIDS CRAFTS THE UK'S BIGGEST SUPPLIER OF THE OFFICIAL LOOM BOX. BUY DIRECT AND WITH CONFIDENCE. Get creative with the new Loom craze currently sweeping the country! Twist, loop, weave and create amazing jewellery with colourful Loom Bands.Make bracelets, rings and so much more, to wear yourself or share with friends and family.
Craft Box Fairy Garden [Toy]
Kommt mit Komponenten, kleinen eigenen indoor Fee Garten erstellen zu lassen!,Umfasst ein Paket von Grassamen,Kommt komplett mit einer Fee Figur,Schüssel misst ca. 26 cm im Durchmesser X 5 cm,Fesselnd Und lehrreich
Erstellen Sie eine zauberhafte Fee-Oase mit diesem sagenhaft fesselnde Fairy Garden Kit. Folgen Sie der Aktivität-Anleitung erfahren Sie, wie Ihre verzauberten Miniatur Haus und schöner wohnen Garten zu konstruieren. Dieses Kit enthält alles was Sie brauchen um Ihre Fee fühlen zu Hause, nur Phantasie und einer kleinen Prise der Feenstaub enthalten hinzufügen! Set kommt mit Fairy Garden Bowl (Kunststoff), Fee Figur, Austernschale, Sparkly Fairy Cottage (Schaumstoff), Wäscheleine (mit Klammern und Decke), Grassamen, farbigen Kies, Fairy Pilz, Feenblumen, Sternen Fee und Farbe Bedienungsanleitung. Schüssel misst ca. 26 cm im Durchmesser X 5 cm. geeignet für im Alter von 4 Jahren bis. Achtung: Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren wegen kleine Teile, die eine Erstickungsgefahr führen könnte.
Craft Box Fairy Garden [Toy]
My Fairy Garden Fairy Garden
Create a magical fairy oasis with the Craft Box Fairy Garden kit. Follow the 12-page activity guide to learn how to construct your enchanted miniature cottage and beautiful living garden. This kit contains everything you need to make your fairy feel at home, just add imagination and a little sprinkling of the fairy dust included! Just one of a range available from Interplay.
Craft Box Fairy Garden [Toy]
Comes with components to let young ones create their own indoor fairy garden!,Includes a packet of grass seed,Comes complete with a fairy figurine,Bowl measures approximately 26 cm in diameter x 5 cm
Create a magical fairy oasis with this fabulously captivating Fairy Garden kit. Follow the activity guide to learn how to construct your enchanted miniature cottage and beautiful living garden. This kit contains everything you need to make your fairy feel at home, just add imagination and a little sprinkling of the fairy dust included!Set comes with Fairy Garden Bowl (plastic), Fairy Figurine, Oyster Shell, Sparkly Fairy Cottage (foam material), Clothes Line (with pegs and blanket), Grass Seed, Coloured Gravel, Fairy Mushroom, Fairy Flowers, Fairy Stars and Colour Instruction Booklet. Bowl measures approximately 26 cm in diameter x 5 cm. Suitable for ages 4 years up.Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts which could cause a choking hazard.
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