Orchard Toys Crazy Chefs - Juego de cartas ilustradas para jugar a las cocinas [Juguete]
Es divertido jugar con la comida,Recoger los ingredientes y ayudar a su cocinero un sabroso manjar,Alienta a los niños a hablar sobre la comida y lo que se necesita en la preparación de la cena,Alienta a la observación,Hecho en el Reino Unido - Todos los tableros de juego y embalajes están hechos de 100% de productos reciclados y reciclables
The Crazy Chefs are in the kitchen and they have lots of delicious food to prepare. There are five tasty dishes on the menu - pizza, kebabs, shepherd's pie, stir-fried noodles and iced cupcakes. But the Crazy Chefs need lots of help collecting the utensils and ingredients they'll need before they can start cooking. Players start by turning over cards, trying to find all the things they need to prepare their meal. Once they have collected everything on their game board, they spin the spinner to try to get a plate. Once they have their plate, they need to 'cook' their meal by spinning the spinner again until it points to a child sitting at a table. The winner is the first player to get everything they need for their meal and to 'cook' it. This very popular, best-selling game encourages children to talk about food and food preparation, and is linked to science and PSHE in the National Curriculum (there is an educational guide printed on the box). You could add to the play value by asking your child about some of the ingredients and utensils in the game: find me a picture of some prawns; can you see a picture of a spatula? It encourages social skills, and it may even encourage some extra helping hands in the kitchen. This game is for 2 to 5 players, aged 3 to 7, and is made of durable, wipe-clean recycled board.
Orchard Toys Crazy Chefs [Toy]
Award winning best seller,Learn what's involved in preparing meals,Game for 2 - 5 players,Encourages young children to have fun in the kitchen,Enhances PSHE skills
Play with your food!Join the chefs in the crazy kitchen and collect everything they need to make a meal. Then grab your plate and wait for your dish to cook! Will you be the first to serve up a tasty treat? 2-5 Players.Age 3 Years+
Orchard Toys - Crazy Chefs [Giocattolo]
Gioco campione di vendite e vincitore di un riconoscimento,Per imparare di cosa c'è bisogno in cucina,Per 2-5 giocatori,Invoglia i bambini ad aiutare e divertirsi in cucina,Stimola interazione e competenze sociali
I clienti sono arrivati!
In crazy chefs ogni giocatore Ú un cuoco e deve preparare il piatto per il proprio cliente.
I giocatori cercheranno gli ingredienti per il proprio piatto tra le tessere disponibili.
5 Tabelloni Chef, 5 Tessere Piatto, 5 Tessere Portata, 35 Tessere Ingrediente, 1 Spinner, Regolamento.
Orchard Toys - Jeu de Cuisiniers Fous "Crazy Chefs " - Langue: anglais [Toy]
Descriptif produit: Un best-seller en Angleterre. Apprends ce qu'il y a à savoir pour préparer à manger. De 2 à 5 joueurs. Encourage les jeunes enfants à s'amuser dans la cuisine . Participe à l'éducation sanitaire, sociale et économique des enfants. Les Cuistots Fous sont dans la cuisine et ils ont plein de plats délicieux à préparer. Il y en a cinq sur le menu : pizza, kebab, hachis Parmentier aux légumes, nouilles asiatiques à frire et des cupcakes avec glaçage. Mais les Cuistots Fous ont besoin d'aide pour rassembler les ustensiles et ingrédients pour qu'ils puissent commencer. De 2 à 5 joueurs, pour les enfants de 3 à 7 ans.
Rejoignez les cuisiniers et collectionnez tout ce dont ils ont besoin pour faire un repas. Après, prenez votre assiette et attendez que votre plat soit prêt. Seriez-vous le premier à servir le repas? Pour 2 - 4 joueurs.
Orchard Toys Verrückte Köche Spiel "Crazy Chefs" [Toy]
Alter 3-7,2-5 Spieler,Anleitungen in deutscher Sprache liegen bei
Objective: The first player to be who has collected all the ingredients and cooking equipment on its board, lifted a plate and make a meal 'cooked'.
Orchard Crazy Chefs Memory Game [Toy]
Bright colours and visual appeal make Crazy Chefs a fun way to test your memory; suitable for age 3 through 7; can be played by 2 to 5 players,It's fun to play with your food; match meal components to the items pictured on the menu cards; the first player to assemble a completed meal wins,Game box and cards are made from durable 100-Percent recycled board for years of enjoyment; game cards have a wipe-clean finish,All Orchard games are designed to promote observation and logic; they're tested in schools and at home to ensure that they offer great play value,Orchard Toys are distributed by Pierre Belvedere, whose presentation of educational toys is designed to promote imaginative play
The Crazy Chefs are in the kitchen and they have lots of delicious food to prepare. There are five tasty dishes on the menu - pizza, kebabs, shepherd's pie, stir-fried noodles and iced cupcakes. But the Crazy Chefs need lots of help collecting the utensils and ingredients they'll need before they can start cooking. Players start by turning over cards, trying to find all the things they need to prepare their meal. Once they have collected everything on their game board, they spin the spinner to try to get a plate. Once they have their plate, they need to 'cook' their meal by spinning the spinner again until it points to a child sitting at a table. The winner is the first player to get everything they need for their meal and to 'cook' it. This very popular, best-selling game encourages children to talk about food and food preparation, and is linked to science and PSHE in the National Curriculum (there is an educational guide printed on the box). You could add to the play value by asking your child about some of the ingredients and utensils in the game: find me a picture of some prawns; can you see a picture of a spatula? It encourages social skills, and it may even encourage some extra helping hands in the kitchen. This game is for 2 to 5 players, aged 3 to 7, and is made of durable, wipe-clean recycled board.
Crazy Chefs Game [Toy]
It's fun to play with your food,Collect the ingredients and help your chef cook a tasty treat,Encourages children to discuss food and what is needed when preparing dinner,Encourages observation,Made in the United Kingdom - All game boards and packaging are made from 100% recycled and recyclable products
Join the chefs kitchen and collect everything they need to make a meal. Then grab your plate and wait for your dish to cook! Will you be the first to serve up a tasty treat? For 2 - 4 Players 3 - 7 Years
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