Asmodee - Story Cubes, juego educativo (STO01ES) [Juguete]
Un divertido juego para toda la familia,Alto componente educativo,Componentes de gran calidad,De 1 a 12 jugadores
9 cubes, 54 images, over 10 million possible combos, unlimited stories! Recipient of Dr. Toy's "10 Best Games" Award, the "Major Fun Award" and "People's Choice Award". How it works...Simply roll all 9 dice, examine each of the face-up images and let them guide your imagination through a story that begins with "Once upon a time...". The secret is not to think too deeply. Simply 'gulp' in the images and start talking. And remember, there is no wrong answer! The nine dice, each with a unique image on all six sides, hold a total of 54 images. This means that with every roll, there are over 10 million combination's for you to use as the inspiration for your story. The uses for Rory's Story Cubes are boundless. Play them while traveling, waiting in a restaurant, in the classroom, as an icebreaker, for idea generation, or to make learning a new language more fun.
The Creativity Hub Rory's Story Cubes [Toy]
Spark the imagination with this award winning story telling game,9 cubes with images on each side,Roll the 9 cubes and create a story,9 cubes and 54 images in total with over 10 million potential combinations,Let one person create a story or take turns
Rory's Story Cubes is the award winning family game that will spark everyone's creative imagination creating lots of fun and laughter along the way. It is very simple; roll all the 9 Story Cubes and create a story that links together all nine face up images starting with the first image to grab your attention. There is no wrong answer and the only rule is the story must start with "Once Upon a Time". Rory's Story Cubes can be played by one child telling a whole story or you can take turns in a group, with each person telling a bit of the story until all 9 cubes are used. The goal is to let the images spark the imagination and as the brain thinks in pictures it will find ways to connect the images. This really is an educational game for children and the more it is played the easier it is to tell longer, more developed stories. With children fed so many stories via the TV etc. this really is a great way to stimulate creative thinking as well as being a lot of fun. With 9 cubes and 54 images there are an amazing 10 million plus combinations giving unlimited story telling and the non-competitive nature of the game has makes it popular with all ages and great for playing between generations. Winner of the Toys Shop UK game of the year and great for Sunday afternoons, school holidays and when travelling - every family should have one! Where Will Your Imagination Take You?
The Creativity Hub - Story Cubes Original [Giocattolo]
Giocatori:,Età consigliata: 8+,Durata: 20min,Scatola, materiali e regolamento interno: ita,Regolamento scaricabile dal web: ita
Potete unire tutte le 9 immagini per creare una storia? Story Cubes è un generatore tascabile di racconti per tutte le età e per un numero infinito di giocatori!
Rory's Story Cubes [Toy]
Descriptif produit: Inventez des histoires à partir des dés tirés. Un jeu sans compétition, pour s'amuser seul ou animer un groupe en toute occasion. Des millions d'histoires à créer !
Un jeu fabuleux pour se raconter plein d'histoires pleines de rebondissements ! Lancez les dés et inventez des histoires pleines de rebondissements incluant les symboles tirés. Jouez comme vous aimez : avec vos enfants pour exploiter l'aspect contes de fées du jeu, ou entre amis en tant que jeu d'apéro ou de voyage, dans un esprit plus jeu de rôles !Avec Story Cubes Original, découvrez différents objets, personnages, lieux et animaux à associer dans des récits originaux. Chaque boîte de jeu contient 9 dés et la règle du jeu.
Rory's Story Cubes [Toy]
9 Würfel, 54 Bilder, 10 Millionen Kombinationsmöglichkeiten, unendliche Geschichten,Geeignet für Kinder ab 6 Jahren.,Spielzeit von mehr als 15 Minuten,Nichtkompetitives Spiel,Passt in die Tasche
9 cubes, 54 images, over 10 million possible combos, unlimited stories! Recipient of Dr. Toy's "10 Best Games" Award, the "Major Fun Award" and "People's Choice Award". How it works...Simply roll all 9 dice, examine each of the face-up images and let them guide your imagination through a story that begins with "Once upon a time...". The secret is not to think too deeply. Simply 'gulp' in the images and start talking. And remember, there is no wrong answer! The nine dice, each with a unique image on all six sides, hold a total of 54 images. This means that with every roll, there are over 10 million combination's for you to use as the inspiration for your story. The uses for Rory's Story Cubes are boundless. Play them while traveling, waiting in a restaurant, in the classroom, as an icebreaker, for idea generation, or to make learning a new language more fun.
Lego Friends Stephanie'S Pet Patrol 3935 [Toy]
Durée d'une partie : 20 minutes,Dimensions (HxLxl) : 7.49 cmx2.90 cmx8.00 cm,Nombre de joueurs : De 1 à 12 joueurs
9 cubes, 54 images, over 10 million possible combos, unlimited stories! Recipient of Dr. Toy's ?10 Best Games? Award, the ?Major Fun Award? and ?People?s Choice Award?. How it works...Simply roll all 9 dice, examine each of the face-up images and let them guide your imagination through a story that begins with ?Once upon a time...?. The secret is not to think too deeply. Simply ?gulp? in the images and start talking. And remember, there is no wrong answer! The nine dice, each with a unique image on all six sides, hold a total of 54 images. This means that with every roll, there are over 10 million combination's for you to use as the inspiration for your story. The uses for Rory's Story Cubes are boundless. Play them while traveling, waiting in a restaurant, in the classroom, as an icebreaker, for idea generation, or to make learning a new language more fun.
Gigamic - Story Cubes Standard (Orange) [Apparel]
Spark the imagination with story cubes!,Non-competitive play for one player or more!,Can be played alone or combined with other story cubes.,Perfect for igniting storytelling skills.,Contains 9 story cubes.
Story Cubes - Original Stories at the roll of a dice.
The ultimate visual story generator.
Spark the imagination with story cubes!
Non-competitive play for one player or more!
Can be played alone or combined with other story cubes.
Perfect for igniting storytelling skills.
Contains 9 story cubes
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