SteelSeries - Alfombrilla QcK Mini por 15.89€
Tipo de producto:Alfombrilla de ratón,Anchura:25 cm,Profundidad:21 cm,Altura:0.2 cm,Material del producto:Caucho, tela
SteelSeries Surface QcK Mini (PC) por 21.65€
Gaming Surface, Black
SteelSeries Surface QcK Mini (PC) [Edizione: Regno Unito] por 8.72€
mousepad per Gamer Low Sense con area 250 x 210 x 2mm
Larghezza:25 cm, Altezza:0.2 cm, Profondità:21 cm, Tipo prodotto:Tavoletta per mouse, Materiale prodotto:Gomma, stoffa
SteelSeries QcK Mini Gaming Mauspad-Schwarz por 15.08€
Gaming Mauspad,Stoffoberfläche,Rutschfester Gummiboden,Hervorragende Performance für optische-, als auch für Lasermäuse,Lieferumfang: SteelSeries QcK mini Gaming Mauspad
Der renomierte Mauspad Hersteller SteelSeries stellt mit dem QcK mini ein Stoffpad vor, das den optimalen Kompromiss zwischen einer niedrigen Maussensitivity und dem benötigten Platz auf dem Schreibtisch darstellt. Das Pad ist kompatibel mit allen Mäusen und die Unterseite aus Gummi garantiert einen rutschfesten Halt auf jedem Untergrund. Außerdem kann das Pad zusammengerollt werden und in die Verpackung geschoben werden, um es zum Beispiel sicher auf eine LAN transportieren zu können.
SteelSeries QcK Mini Gaming Mouse Pad (Black) por 13.78€
It is easy to transport,It has steady rubber base,It has smooth cloth surface,Small size fits every table
The SteelSeries QcK mini is a dream of a mouse pad for every gamer that prefers cloth surfaces. Having been released in August 2005 this mouse pad went through extensive testing by gaming professionals before its release and with their feedback the SteelSeries QcK mini was further developed, to make it the ultimate cloth pad every gamer desired. With the use of high quality cloth material, an optimized texture which guarantees both smoothness and glide and a specially designed non-slippery rubber base this mouse pad blows away the competition and is a great choice not only for the hardcore gamer but also for graphic designers and others who use their mouse for extended periods of time. The SteelSeries QcK mini is compatible with all types of mice and is ideal for starters because of its great value.
SteelSeries QcK Mini Gaming Mouse Pad (Black) por 22.7€
Smooth cloth surface,Steady rubber base,Small size - fits every table,Easy to transport,It is easy to transport
The SteelSeries QcK mini is a dream of a mouse pad for every gamer that prefers cloth surfaces.This mouse pad went through extensive testing by gaming professionals before its release and with their feedback the SteelSeries QcK mini was further developed, to make it the ultimate cloth pad every gamer desired. With the use of high quality cloth material, an optimized texture which guarantees both smoothness and glide and a specially designed non-slippery rubber base this pad blows away the competition and is a great choice not only for the hardcore gamer but also for graphic designers and others who use their mouse for extended periods of time. The SteelSeries QcK mini is compatible with all types of mice and is ideal for starters because of its great value for the money. Amazing smooth surface, steady rubber base, small size - fits every table, and eases transportation.
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