Mattel Games DOS, juego de cartas de UNO (Mattel FRM36) [Juguete]
Este clásico juego de cartas de 2 a 4 jugadores está pensado para que estos se desafíen entre ellos individualmente o por equipos,El objetivo es ser el primero en quedarse sin cartas en la mano y en esta versión los jugadores deben gritar Dos cuando les quedan dos cartas,Recomendado para cada edad,Los números coincidentes son los más importantes, pero obtén puntos de bonificación por combinar colores mientras corres hacia una puntuación de 200,Si sales primero, ganas puntos por las cartas que quedan en las manos de tus oponentes
Uno has a new best friend, Dos in this fun card game, two is more important than one, and number matching is King.
Just like Uno dos involves a race to be the first to get rid of your cards. To start, there are two discard piles between the players. On each player's turn they can discard on either pile with either one or two cards, so if a player has two cards that add up to the number of a card in the centre pile, they are able to put down both cards. When you are down to two cards, don't forget to yell "dos." The first person to 200 points is the winner.
The game includes a 112-card deck plus instructions. For 2 to 4 players. Ages 7 and older. Colours and decorations may vary.
DOS Jeu de Société et de Cartes, FRM36 [Toy]
Deux à quatre joueurs peuvent s'affronter dans ce jeu de cartes classique, individuellement ou en équipe,L'objectif consiste à être le premier à se débarrasser de toutes ses cartes, et dans cette version, lorsqu'il ne reste plus que deux cartes, il ne faut pas oublier de crier « dos » !,Enfants, ados, adultes... il n'y a pas d'âge pour aimer DOS ! L'essayer, c'est l'adopter... Tout le monde s'amuse avec DOS !
Un nouveau jeu de cartes inspiré du célèbre jeu UNO. Jouer avec deux cartes, associer les couleurs, les cartes et additionner les points ! La stratégie est de mise pour se défausser de toutes ses cartes !. A partir de 4 ans
Mattel Games FRM36 DOS Kartenspiel, geeignet für 2 - 4 Spieler, Spieldauer ca. 30 Minuten, ab 5 Jahren (Handbuch wird in englischer Sprache sein) [Toy]
Bei diesem klassischen Kartenspiel können sich zwei bis zehn Spieler gegenseitig oder in Teams herausfordern. , Ziel des Spiels ist es, als erster Spieler alle Karten abzulegen, und bei dieser Version muss derjenige, der nur noch zwei Handkarten hat, "Dos!" rufen., Alle lieben UNO - Kinder, Teens und Erwachsene! Wer einmal anfängt, hört nie wieder auf!
Sprache/Untertitel: portugiesisch, deutsch, französisch, spanisch, englisch
Mattel Games UNO DOS Card Game [Toy]
This classic card game invites two to ten players to challenge each other as individuals or on teams,The goal is to be the first to get rid of all your cards, and in this version when there are two cards to go, don't forget to yell "Dos",Everyone loves UNO -kids, teens and adults Easy to pick up, impossible to put down,Game comes in a colorful, protective tin,Perfect gift for any fan of UNO
We at UNO have long believed that two is better than one, and now we're making it official! If you like UNO, you'll love UNO DOS! In the beloved card game UNO, you (or your team) are trying to be the first to score 500 points. You score points by being the first to get rid of all the cards in your hand, and action cards let you make things more difficult for your opponents. In this twist on the family favorite game, now when you're down to two cards, don't forget to yell "Dos!" See why this color coded card game has been a hit for so many years. Game comes in a colorful, protective tin that stores the included 108-card deck plus instructions, scoring pad, pencil. for 2 to 10 players. Ages 7 and older.
Dos [Toy]
This exciting card game invites two to four players to challenge each other as individuals or as teams,The goal is to be the first to get rid of all your cards, and special WILD cards change the gameplay,Matching numbers is most important, but get BONUS points for matching colors as you race toward a score of 200,If you go out first, you earn points for cards left in your opponents' hands!,When there are two cards to go, don't forget to yell "DOS!"
UNO has a new best friend, DOS! In this fun game, two is more important than one and numbers are king! To start, there are two piles in the middle of the participants, and on each player's turn they can play on both piles with either one or two cards. In a fun twist, if a player has two cards that add up to the number of the card in the center pile, they are able to put down both cards. Just like UNO, DOS is a race to get rid of your cards before your competitors do. The first person to 200 points is the winner! And in a fun twist, now when you're down to two cards, don't forget to yell "Dos!" has a 108-card deck plus instructions. For 2 to 4 players. Ages 7 and older.
Uno FRM36 Dos [Giocattolo]
Questo gioco di carte è ottimo per sfide da 2 a 10 giocatori, con giocatori singoli o squadre,L'obiettivo è essere il primo giocatore a scartare tutte le proprie carte; in questa versione, quando vi resteranno solo due carte in mano, dovrete gridare "DOS", UNO è un gioco amato dai giocatori di tutte le età facile iniziare; impossibile smettere
Uno has a new best friend, Dos in this fun card game, two is more important than one, and number matching is King.
Just like Uno dos involves a race to be the first to get rid of your cards. To start, there are two discard piles between the players. On each player's turn they can discard on either pile with either one or two cards, so if a player has two cards that add up to the number of a card in the centre pile, they are able to put down both cards. When you are down to two cards, don't forget to yell "dos." The first person to 200 points is the winner.
The game includes a 112-card deck plus instructions. For 2 to 4 players. Ages 7 and older. Colours and decorations may vary.
Mattel Games FRM36 DOS Game, Multi-Colour [Toy]
Card game invites two to four players to challenge each other as individuals or as teams,Goal is to be the first to get rid of all your cards, and special wild cards change the gameplay,Matching numbers is most important, but get bonus points for matching colours as you race toward a score of 200, If you go out first, you earn points for cards left in your opponents' hands, When there are two cards to go, don't forget to yell "Dos"
Uno has a new best friend, Dos in this fun card game, two is more important than one, and number matching is King.
Just like Uno dos involves a race to be the first to get rid of your cards. To start, there are two discard piles between the players. On each player's turn they can discard on either pile with either one or two cards, so if a player has two cards that add up to the number of a card in the centre pile, they are able to put down both cards. When you are down to two cards, don't forget to yell "dos." The first person to 200 points is the winner.
The game includes a 112-card deck plus instructions. For 2 to 4 players. Ages 7 and older. Colours and decorations may vary.
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