Coco Rido Juego de Tarjetas (Version Italiana) [Juguete]
Para una parte necesidad contar: 30 - 45 minutos & 3 a 10 jugadores,Contenido: 600 tarjetas (132 tarjetas cuestión y 468 tarjetas respuesta que 12 tarjetas en blanco para sus referencias perso),"juego reservado a gente, como yo, presentes muy subversif y épris de humor negro",Este juego es realmente súper para las fiestas con tus amigos je el recomienda encarecidamente a todos los que busca un juego para la Apéro. "
Coco Rido [Toy]
Le premier jeu pour adultes, pensé par des adolescents, fabriqué par des enfants,Partie : 20-30 min, 3 à 10 joueurs,600 cartes : 140 questions et 460 réponses,Thème : généraliste,Jeu de cartes pour l'apéro
Coco Rido Kartenspiel (Italienische Version) [Toy]
Für einen Teil es dauert: 30 - 45 Minuten & 3 bis 10 Spieler,Inhalt: 600 Karten (132 Karten Frage und 468 Karten Antwort, die 12 Faltkarten für Ihre Referenzen mich-),"Spiel reserviert für Menschen, wie ich, in den Sinn stark subversiv und liebenden Humor schwarz",Dieses Spiel ist wirklich super für jede Party unter Freunden wie ich empfehle dringend an alle, die auf der Suche nach ein Spiel für Apéro. "
Coco Rido Card Game (Italian Version) [Toy]
For some it takes: 30-45 minutes & 3 to 10 players,Contents: 600 cards (132 468 cards which 12 question and answer cards left blank for your personal references),"Game for people like me, in the highly subversive Spirit and love of humour Black",This game is really great for parties with friends I strongly recommend it to all those in need of a game for a drink. "
Because they don't laugh enough, because we've got the right to laugh at everything, we have created blanc-manger Coconut, the game perfect for brightening up your aperitifs. Keyhole A Player Reads A Question card, that is to say a sentence and the others are complete the sentence by face down, an answer card. The player who has read the question, choose the answer they prefer and badge and the winner of the handle. All the magic of the game lies in the gap between the total of questions and answers. In response to the question "The End Justifies _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _", you are not likely to win, "How to" as a response. On the other hand if you have "Traffic bodies.
Coco Rido [Giocattolo]
Gioco divertente
2 anni di R&S 466 carte risposta 134 carte domanda Un foglietto d'istruzioni 1 238 390 combinazioni possibili 234 ore di risate
Coco Rido Card Game (Italian Version) [Toy]
For some it takes: 30-45 minutes & 3 to 10 players,Contents: 600 cards (132 468 cards which 12 question and answer cards left blank for your personal references),"Game for people like me, in the highly subversive Spirit and love of humour Black",This game is really great for parties with friends I strongly recommend it to all those in need of a game for a drink. "
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