Z-Man Games Carcassonne Expansion 9: Hills and Sheep [Juguete]
Cultivate a lush vineyard around a monastery to claim bonus points
Cultivate a lush vineyard around a monastery to claim bonus points
Z Man Games ZMG7819 Carcassonne: Hills & Sheep Expansion, Mixed Colours [Toy]
Grow your flock, gain the high ground with hills, and cultivate a profitable vineyard,Build hills and cultivate vineyards,Increase your flock and protect them from wolves,This is not a standalone game. A copy of Carcassonne is required to play,For 2 to 6 players | 45 minutes play time | Ages 7 and up
Cultivate a lush vineyard around a monastery to claim bonus points
Z-Man Games Carcassonne Expansion 9: Hills And Sheep [Giocattolo]
Cultivate a lush vineyard around a monastery to claim bonus points
Cultivate a lush vineyard around a monastery to claim bonus points
Z Man Jeux Zmg7819 Carcassonne : collines et Moutons d'extension, mélange de Couleurs [Toy]
Développez votre troupeau, gagner la garde au sol élevée avec des collines, et de cultiver un vignoble rentable,Créez des collines et cultiver des vignes,Augmentez votre groupe et de les protéger contre les loups,Il ne s'agit pas d'un jeu autonome. Une copie de carcassonne est nécessaire pour jouer,Pour 2 à 6 joueurs | 45 minutes temps de lecture | 7 ans et plus
Cultivate a lush vineyard around a monastery to claim bonus points
Z-Man Games Carcassonne Expansion 9: Hills and Sheep [Toy]
Carcassonne Expansion 9: Hills and Sheep [Toy]
Cultivate a lush vineyard around a monastery to claim bonus points,Store tokens in a cloth bag then press your luck to avoid the wolves and grow your flock of sheep,Build and claim hills to break ties in your favor and claim victory,18 new land tiles give even more choices in the expanding world of Carcassonne
Carcassonne: Hills & Sheep is the ninth numbered expansion for the Carcassonne base game, and now players get to be shepherds on the hills in addition to the usual thieves, knights, monks and farmers. By placing the tiles in this expansion, players build hills and vineyards, trying to plan ahead to claim the sweetest meadows for points - bringing sheep and shepherds while keeping watch for the wolf that waits to be drawn among the tiles... Whenever a tile featuring a hill icon is added to the playing area, it is placed on top of another randomly drawn tile, elevating it above the playing surface and creating a hill. Hill tiles act as tie-breakers: if two or more players occupy the same feature equally (a "shared majority"), but one of the tied players has a follower standing on a hill tile, that player will have an advantage over the others, and will score all the points for that feature.
Carcassonne Expansion 9: Hills and Sheep [Toy]
Cultivate a lush vineyard around a monastery to claim bonus points,Store tokens in a cloth bag then press your luck to avoid the wolves and grow your flock of sheep,Build and claim hills to break ties in your favor and claim victory,18 new land tiles give even more choices in the expanding world of Carcassonne
The land outside the city of Carcassonne is lush and green with rolling hills and small cities. In Carcassonne Expansion #9: Hills & Sheep, players can take advantage of the land to manage a flock of sheep, cultivate vineyards, and build hills. The shepherd carefully watches over his flock as they wander through the fields. Over time the flock can grow but be careful; if you wait too long to return your flock to the stable, wolves may attack. Add a thriving vineyard to grow wine around a monastery and increase its value. Get a better view with the hills and gain the advantage from the high ground.
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