Big Potato Cubo de Doom: Juego esquiva la muerte [Juguete]
Escapar de montones de verdaderos malos escenarios...,...con la ayuda de cientos de objetos de verdad inútiles.,Cada jugador recibe cinco tarjetas de objetivos. Utilice estas tarjetas para describir tu plan de escape.,Vota para el escape más extravagante de todos ellos. El más votado gana la ronda.,Perfecto para el fan de Daredevil que todos llevamos dentro.
Cubo de DOOM: Death dodging Fiesta gamep - Rosa, Pack of 1
Bucket of Doom: Death Defying Adult Party Game [Toy]
The ultimate party game for daredevils and death-dodgers,Escape from tons of terrifying scenarios with the help of some seriously useless objects,Each round, use your five useless object cards to describe your getaway plan,Vote for the most outrageous escape of them all. Most votes wins the round,Strictly a game for adults. Best suited for 3 to 20 players
Imagine finding yourself locked in the boot of an angry mobster's limo, mere seconds from being cubed by a car-crusher, with only some nipple tassels and a rainbow to save yourself. These are exactly the kind of spectacularly bad scenarios that you're likely to encounter in Bucket of Doom.
Secchio di Doom: Death Dodging party Game [Giocattolo]
uscire da tonnellate di seriamente Bad scenari...,... con l' aiuto di centinaia di oggetti sul serio inutili,Ogni giocatore riceve cinque carte oggetto. Utilizzare questi per descrivere il piano Getaway.,Voto per la più grave fuga di tutti. Più voti vince il turno.,Perfetto per la macgyver in ognuno di noi.
Big Potato Bucket Of Doom: Death Dodging Party Game
Big Potato Bucket of Doom : le jeu où il faut échapper à la mort [Toy]
Sortez-vous de situations franchement terrifiantes...,...avec l'aide de centaines d'objets franchement inutiles.,Chaque joueur reçoit cinq cartes objet. Utilisez-les pour définir votre plan d'évasion.,Votez pour l'échappée la plus extravagante de toutes. Celui qui remporte le plus de votes remporte la manche.,Parfait pour le MacGyver qui sommeille en chacun d'entre nous.
Seau of Doom: Death Dodging Party GAMEP - Rose, Pack of 1
BIG Partyspiel „Bucket Of Doom" [Toy]
Entkommen Sie unzähligen, ernsthaften Todesszenarien..,...mit Hilfe von Hunderten von ernsthaft unnützigen Gegenständen.,Jeder Spieler bekommt fünf Gegenstandskarten. Verwenden Sie diese, um Ihren Fluchtplan zu beschreiben.,Stimmen Sie gemeinsam für die unerhörteste Flucht von allen. Wer die meisten Stimmen erhält, gewinnt die Runde.,Perfekt für den MacGyver, der in allen steckt.
Eimer of Doom : Death Dodging Party Gamep - Rosa, Pack of 1
Bucket of Doom: Death Dodging Party Game [Toy]
Escape from 70 seriously bad scenarios cards?,...With the help of 200 seriously useless object cards,Great adult party game, ideal for all occasions except funerals,Packed in lurid pink bucket with clever carry device (handle),Suitable for players aged 16+
Product Description
Ever wondered how you would escape if you were swallowed by a whale or buried alive in an airtight coffin...with only an angry beaver and a foot-long hot dog to help you?
Well, we have. And we've made it into a delightfully dark party game.
Box Contains
400 Object Cards, 100 Scenario Cards, 2 Voting Pads and 2 Pencils
Big Potato Bucket Of Doom: Death Dodging Party Game [Toy]
Escape from 70 seriously bad scenarios cards...,...With the help of 200 seriously useless object cards,Great adult party game, ideal for all occasions except funerals,Packed in lurid pink bucket with clever carry device (handle),Suitable for players aged 16+
Product Description
Ever wondered how you would escape if you were swallowed by a whale or buried alive in an airtight coffin...with only an angry beaver and a foot-long hot dog to help you?
Well, we have. And we've made it into a delightfully dark party game.
Box Contains
400 Object Cards, 100 Scenario Cards, 2 Voting Pads and 2 Pencils
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