Legendary Hero Decks - Italian [Juguete]
Each Legendary Hero Decks box set contains 150 cards:, - Three 40-card Decks with 10-card Extra Decks., - Each Deck has 5 Ultra Rares and 45 Commons.,Edad mínima recomendada: 6,Idioma: Italiano
Get ready to dispense some Dueling justice this holiday season when the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME presents Legendary Hero Decks!This box set comes with 3 unique Decks featuring the kind of monsters you'd want on your side if the fate of the world depended on the outcome of a Duel!Fulfill Your Destiny!Aster Phoenix's Destiny HERO Deck excels at driving opponents into a corner with effects that inflict damage or pierce through defending monsters. Like Jaden's Elemental HERO Deck, the Destiny HERO Deck also Summons powerful monsters through Fusion! This Deck also includes 2 new "HERO" Link Monsters you can use in any HERO Deck: A Link-2 monster that retrieves your Fusion Summoning Spell Cards from the Graveyard and a high-ATK Link-3 monster with Link Arrows that all point towards your field, giving you space to Summon 3 Fusion Monsters at once!Return of the Aesir!Thor, Loki, and Odin once again descend upon the Dueling world! Boasting some of the highest ATK values among all Synchro Monsters, Team Ragnarok's ace monsters from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's hold a special place in the hearts of Duelists. Now, a new "Nordic" Link Monster makes it easier to assemble the Synchro Materials needed to Summon an "Aesir" monster, and this Deck's Extra Deck also comes with more high-powered Level 10 Synchro Monsters, including the legendary Ascension Sky Dragon!The Phantom Knights Strike Back!Phantom Knight Decks focus on Xyz Summoning and using Trap Cards to turn the tides of battle. Almost all of their monsters, Spells, and Traps have additional abilities you can use once they're in the Graveyard, creating opportunities for huge comebacks! This Deck includes a new Trap Card and a brand new "Phantom Knight" Link Monster that Sets Trap Cards directly from your Deck and can destroy any card on the field when a DARK Xyz Monster is Special Summoned to a zone it points to!
I Deck Eroe Leggendario - ITALIANO [Giocattolo]
Ogni set di I Deck Eroe Leggendario contiene 150 carte:, Tre Deck da 40 Carte con un Extra deck da 10 Carte, Ogni Deck ha 5 Carte Ultra rare e 45 Carte Comuni,Età Minima Raccomandata: 6,Lingua: Italiano
Preparatevi a dispensare un po di Giustizia nei Duelli con luscita estiva di I Deck Eroe Leggendario!Questa scatola contiene 3 Deck unici che hanno come protagonisti quel genere di mostri che vorresti al tuo fianco se il destino del mondo dipendesse dal risultato del duello!Compi il tuo Destino!Il Deck EROI del Destino di Aster Phoenix eccelle nel mettere lavversario in un angolo con effetti che infliggono danni o superano i mostri in difesa. Come il Deck EROI Elementali di Jaden, il Deck EROI Del Destino può Evocare potenti mostri tramite Fusione! Questo Deck include inoltre 2 nuovi Mostri Link EROE che potrai usare in ogni deck EROE: un mostro Link-2 che recupera le tue Carte Magia Fusione dal tuo Cimitero e un mostro Link-3 con ATK molto alto e che punta verso il tuo campo dandoti lo spazio per evocare 3 Mostri Fusione alla volta!Il Ritorno degli Aesir!Thor, Loki e Odino scenderanno ancora una volta nel mondo dei Duelli! Vantando alcuni dei più alti valori di ATK tra tutti I Mostri Syncro, gli assi del gruppo di mostri del Ragnarok da Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds occupano un posto speciale nel cuore dei Duellanti. Ora un Nuovo Mostro Link renderà più facile assemblare il Materiale Syncro necessario per Evocare un mostro Aesir, ed lExtra Deck di questo deck avrà molti Mostri Syncro estremamente potenti di Livello 10 incluso il leggendario Drago Ascensione del Cielo.I Cavalieri Fantasma Colpiscono ancora!I Deck Cavalieri Fantasma sono incentrati sulle Evocazioni Xyz e sulle Carte Trappola per cambiare le sorti della battaglia. La quasi totalità dei suoi Motri, Magie e Trappole hanno abilità addizionli che possono essere attivate una volt ache sono nel cimitero, creando lopportunità di un massiccio rientro! Questo Deck include una nuova Carta Trappola e un innovative Mostro Link Cavaliere Fantasma che Posiziona Carte Trappola direttamente dal tuo Deck e può distruggere qualsiasi carta sulòl terreno quando un Mostro Xyz OSCURITA viene Evocato Specialmente in una zona a cui punta!
Legendary Hero Decks - Italian [Toy]
Each Legendary Hero Decks box set contains 150 cards:, - Three 40-card Decks with 10-card Extra Decks., - Each Deck has 5 Ultra Rares and 45 Commons.,Âge minimum recommandé: 6,Langue: Italien
Get ready to dispense some Dueling justice this holiday season when the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME presents Legendary Hero Decks!This box set comes with 3 unique Decks featuring the kind of monsters you'd want on your side if the fate of the world depended on the outcome of a Duel!Fulfill Your Destiny!Aster Phoenix's Destiny HERO Deck excels at driving opponents into a corner with effects that inflict damage or pierce through defending monsters. Like Jaden's Elemental HERO Deck, the Destiny HERO Deck also Summons powerful monsters through Fusion! This Deck also includes 2 new "HERO" Link Monsters you can use in any HERO Deck: A Link-2 monster that retrieves your Fusion Summoning Spell Cards from the Graveyard and a high-ATK Link-3 monster with Link Arrows that all point towards your field, giving you space to Summon 3 Fusion Monsters at once!Return of the Aesir!Thor, Loki, and Odin once again descend upon the Dueling world! Boasting some of the highest ATK values among all Synchro Monsters, Team Ragnarok's ace monsters from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's hold a special place in the hearts of Duelists. Now, a new "Nordic" Link Monster makes it easier to assemble the Synchro Materials needed to Summon an "Aesir" monster, and this Deck's Extra Deck also comes with more high-powered Level 10 Synchro Monsters, including the legendary Ascension Sky Dragon!The Phantom Knights Strike Back!Phantom Knight Decks focus on Xyz Summoning and using Trap Cards to turn the tides of battle. Almost all of their monsters, Spells, and Traps have additional abilities you can use once they're in the Graveyard, creating opportunities for huge comebacks! This Deck includes a new Trap Card and a brand new "Phantom Knight" Link Monster that Sets Trap Cards directly from your Deck and can destroy any card on the field when a DARK Xyz Monster is Special Summoned to a zone it points to!
Legendary Hero Decks - Italian [Toy]
Each Legendary Hero Decks box set contains 150 cards:, - Three 40-card Decks with 10-card Extra Decks., - Each Deck has 5 Ultra Rares and 45 Commons.,Mindestalter Empfohlen: 6,Sprache: Italienisch
Get ready to dispense some Dueling justice this holiday season when the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME presents Legendary Hero Decks!This box set comes with 3 unique Decks featuring the kind of monsters you'd want on your side if the fate of the world depended on the outcome of a Duel!Fulfill Your Destiny!Aster Phoenix's Destiny HERO Deck excels at driving opponents into a corner with effects that inflict damage or pierce through defending monsters. Like Jaden's Elemental HERO Deck, the Destiny HERO Deck also Summons powerful monsters through Fusion! This Deck also includes 2 new "HERO" Link Monsters you can use in any HERO Deck: A Link-2 monster that retrieves your Fusion Summoning Spell Cards from the Graveyard and a high-ATK Link-3 monster with Link Arrows that all point towards your field, giving you space to Summon 3 Fusion Monsters at once!Return of the Aesir!Thor, Loki, and Odin once again descend upon the Dueling world! Boasting some of the highest ATK values among all Synchro Monsters, Team Ragnarok's ace monsters from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's hold a special place in the hearts of Duelists. Now, a new "Nordic" Link Monster makes it easier to assemble the Synchro Materials needed to Summon an "Aesir" monster, and this Deck's Extra Deck also comes with more high-powered Level 10 Synchro Monsters, including the legendary Ascension Sky Dragon!The Phantom Knights Strike Back!Phantom Knight Decks focus on Xyz Summoning and using Trap Cards to turn the tides of battle. Almost all of their monsters, Spells, and Traps have additional abilities you can use once they're in the Graveyard, creating opportunities for huge comebacks! This Deck includes a new Trap Card and a brand new "Phantom Knight" Link Monster that Sets Trap Cards directly from your Deck and can destroy any card on the field when a DARK Xyz Monster is Special Summoned to a zone it points to!
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