Eulenspiegel - Maquillaje profesional Aqua, 20 ml / 30 g, color blanco (181003) [Juguete]
Los colores son intensos, tener una alta opacidad, dar la piel la capacidad de respirar y adaptarse de manera óptima el perfil de la piel,La pintura cosmética hidrosoluble se seca rápidamente y puede eliminar fácilmente con agua y jabón; es fácil de aplicar con pincel o una esponja,No contienen perfumes, son sin gluten y se producen sin la adición de un filtro UV riesgo para la salud; esto reduce sustancialmente el riesgo de las alergias tan cotidianas hoy en día,Todos los colores de maquillaje profesional de Eulenspiegel se producen de acuerdo con el Reglamento sobre cosméticos, también cumplen con la Directiva 2009/48/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo,Tamaño: 20 ml / 30 g - suficiente para aproximadamente 50 caras o 1,5 cuerpos
El tarro de maquillaje blanco contiene 20 ml. El maquillaje funciona como acuarela, coloca con una brocha húmeda o esponja. Se quita fácilmente con agua. Crea tu propio maquillaje y completa tu disfraz de Halloween.
Creative Eulenspiegel Professional Aqua Make-Up, 20 ml/30 g, White [Toy]
The colours are intense, have a high covering power, allow the skin to breathe and adapt optimally to the profile of the skin.,The water-soluble make-up paint dries quickly and can be easily removed with water and soap. Easily applicable with a brush or a sponge,All Eulenspiegel professional make-up paints are produced according to the Cosmetics Regulation and also comply with both the EU Cosmetics Ordinance and the Toy Safety Directive,They contain no perfumes, are gluten-free and are produced without the addition of a health-threatening UV filter. This reduces significantly the risk of allergies in everyday life.,Colour: White - Size: 20 ml / 30 g - sufficient for approximately 50 faces or 1.5 body.,The water-soluble make-up paint dries quickly and can be easily removed with water and soap. Easily appliable with a brush or a sponge.,All Eulenspiegel professional make-up paints are produced according to the Cosmetics Regulation and also comply with both the EU Cosmetics Ordinance and the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC.,Size: 20 ml / 30 g - sufficient for approximately 50 faces or 1.5 bodies.
To the skin-friendly Eulenspiegel professional Aqua Make-up water soluble colour you can easily apply with a brush or a damp sponge and just as easy to remove with soap and water. Eulenspiegel professional. colours do not contain any perfume, are gluten free and with no additional health Bedenklicher UV filter. This means that they reduce the risk of allergies in today's day very much easier. The vibrant, bright Eulenspiegel professional. colours are manufactured according to the cosmetics regulation. Of course, you can also see the toys regulation and are tested in accordance with the meets the guidelines on the safety of toys in the EU (88/378/EEC), en 71, Part 1 - 3.
Idena Eulenspiegel - Trucco per viso e corpo Profi Aqua, 30 g/20 ml, Bianco (Weiß) [Giocattolo]
Trucco bianco
Questo trucco allacqua bianco é da 20 ml e potrai applicarlo con un pennello umido o una spugna, si toglierà semplicemente con acqua e sapeone. Sarà perfetto per completare il tuo trucco in occasione di halloween o un altra festa in maschera!
Eulenspiegel Maquillage à l'eau professionel Couleur blanc 20ml/30g [Toy]
Fard blanc
Ce pot de maquillage blanc se compose de 20 ml de maquillage. Il fonctionne comme de laquarelle et sapplique en un clin doeil avec une brosse humide ou une éponge. Il se retire avec de leau et du savon. Ce maquillage blanc est très pigmenté, intensif et très opaque. Ce pot de 20 ml permet jusquà 10 applications sur le visage. Le maquillage blanc ne contient pas de parfum, ni gluten, ni filtre UV. Les couleurs sont conformes à la directive sur les cosmétiques et nont pas été testés sur les animaux. Ce maquillage blanc sera idéal pour un carnaval, pour une fête à thème ou pour Halloween. Il peut aussi être utilisé pour le quotidien ou pour un maquillage de clown. Ingrédients: Carbonate de calcium, glycérine, talc, Aqua, citrate de stéarate de glycéryle, dextrine, alcool stéarylique, paraffine, phénoxyéthanol, benzoate de sodium, éthylhexylglycérine.
Eulenspiegel 181003 - Profi-Aqua Make-up Schminke - Weiß - 20 ml / 30g [Beauty]
Profi Aqua Schminkfarbe,Farbe: Weiß,Größe: 30 g / 20 ml,reicht für ca. 50 Gesichter oder eineinhalb Körper,hautfreundliche Profi Qualität,Theaterschminke
Die hautfreundliche Eulenspiegel Profi-Aqua Schminke entspricht sowohl der Kosmetikverordnung als auch den Richtlinien für die Sicherheit von Spielzeug (88/378/EWG), EN71, Teil 1-3. Eulenspiegel Schminkfarbe können Sie ganz einfach mit einem Pinsel oder feuchten Schwämmchen auftragen und genauso einfach wieder mit Wasser und Seife entfernen.Eine Dose mit 20ml reicht für ca. 50 Gesichter oder eineinhalb Körper. Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr wegen verschluckbarer Kleinteile.
Make-up water-based, 20 ml, white [Toy]
Creative Eulenspiegel 181003 White 20 Ml/30 G Professional Aqua Make-up [Beauty]
20ml,Colour White,Enough for approximate 50 face paintings,Complies with EU Make-up Regulations,Not Suitable for kids under 36months
Paint White 20ml Face Paint
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