Ravensburger GraviTrax - Juego de Tablero (8 Año(s), 99 Año(s), 340 mm, 340 mm, 110 mm) [Juguete]
atención: El producto AL Momento ES presente Solo en la Versión en Alemán
CaracterísticasEdad recomendada (mín.)8 año(s)Edad recomendada (máx.)99 año(s)Aviso de seguridadNo adecuado para niños de 0 a 3 añosSiEmpaquetadoAncho del paquete340 mmProfundidad del paquete340 mmAltura del paquete110 mmContenido del embalajeReglas del juegoSi
Ravensburger 275908 GraviTrax Starter Set [Toy]
Ravensburger - GraviTrax Starter Set
Experience the Power of Gravity with GraviTrax!
With over 100 pieces and 18 different construction elements, the GraviTrax Starter Set offers everything you need to begin building your own action-packed track systems. Discover how the laws of physics affect the journey your marble takes with curves, junctions, freefalls and even a cannon. Experiment using different heights and angles to control the speed of the marble to get it to the finish.
Instructions (D, F, EN, NL, E), construction plan booklet, task booklet, 4 base plates, 2 transparent levels, 6 balls, 40 large height tiles, 12 small height tiles, 21 curves, 3 junctions, 2 switches, 1 3-in-1 tile, 1 vortex, 1 launch pad, 1 magnetic cannon, 3 long tracks, 6 medium tracks, 9 short tracks, 1 finish line, 4 basic tiles, inserts for basic tiles:2 catchers, 1 freefall, 1 splash, 1 landing Total Pieces:122
Ravensburger GraviTrax [Versione in Tedesco] [Baby Product]
Attenzione: il prodotto al momento è presente solo nella versione in tedesco
Limiti di età : 8 anno...
Ravensburger 27590 – GraviTrax :Jeu de Construction kit de Démarrage [Toy]
Le système de construction innovant pour les circuits à billes.,Défie la loi de la pesanteur.,À partir de 8 ans.
caractéristiquesAge recommandé (min)8 année(s)Age recommandé (max)99 année(s)Avertissement de sécuritéPas pour les enfants âgés entre 0 et 3 ansOuiInformations sur lï¿œemballageLargeur du colis340 mmProfondeur du colis340 mmHauteur du colis110 mmContenu de lï¿œemballageRègles du jeuOui
GraviTrax 27590 Starter Set Konstruktionsspielzeug, deutsche Version [Toy]
Das innovative Bausystem für anspruchsvolle Kugelbahnen,Meistere die Schwerkaraft,Ab 8 Jahren,Deutsche Version, Spielanleitung nur in deutsch
Ravensburger GraviTrax Starter-Set
Ravensburger GraviTrax starter set [Toy]
Grundig CDP 6600 Black/Silver
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