MGA Entertainment L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls Glam Glitter Series 2-1A muñeca - Muñecas, Femenino, Chica, 12 año(s), Surprise Ball [Juguete]
L.O.L. SURPRISE 555605E7C Tots Ball, Glam Glitter Series [Toy]
L.O.L. Surprise! glam glitter includes seven surprises,Feed or bathe doll to discover water surprise,Ball becomes a purse, doll display and playset,Collector's poster; styles may vary for ages 6 plus years
The L.O.L Surprise! Dolls are back! The Glam Glitter Surprise Series 2 is full of sparkly surprises and magic. Open up the L.O.L Surprise! Ball to find a glittery, glam baby doll, along with six other surprises. There's all sorts of fun! Outfits and accessories for your doll, collectible stickers, a secret message and a collector's poster, so you can complete your L.O.L Surprise! family. Use the L.O.L Surprise! Ball as a playset or close it to make a carry case and take the glitter fun with you everywhere! Just add water to your glitter doll for another special surprise! Sparkly surprises for 5 and over.
MGA Entertainment l.o.l. Surprise. Dolls Glam Glitter Series 2 – 1 A bambola – bambole, femminile, ragazza, 12 Anno (S), Surprise Ball [Giocattolo]
MGA Entertainment l.o.l. Surprise . Dolls Glam Glitter Series 2 – 1 A poupée – Poignet (Multicolore, féminin, Fille, 12 année (s), Surprise Ball) [Toy]
Découvre ce que cache chaque boule L.O.L. Surprise! Glam Glitter en déroulant les différentes couches de l'emballage.,Ce jouet L.O.L. Surprise ! de MGA est un import du Royaume-Uni, ses instructions sont en Anglais.,Veuillez noter que ce jouet est aléatoire : nous ne pouvons pas vous garantir un modèle ou/et une couleur en particulier à l'intérieur de la boule.,A partir de 3 ans et plus.
L.O.L. Surprise 555605E7C Tots Ball, Glam Glitter Series Dolls 2-1A, Verschiedene Farben [Toy]
L.O.L. Bälle mit 7 Lagen Überraschungen,Lage für Lage auspacken und entdecken, was alles zum Vorschein kommt: eine Geheimnachricht, Sticker, Fläschchen, Schuhe, Outfit, Accessoire und ein Püppchen, das mit Glitter überzogen ist und eine spezielle Wasserfunktion hat,Das Püppchen kann entweder weinen, Pipi machen, Wasser ausspucken oder im Wasser die Farbe wechseln.,Die Kugel kann als Spielset verwendet werden, z.B. als Puppenständer oder Badewanne.
Öffne diesen L.O.L Überraschungsball, um eine glitzernde Babypuppe zusammen mit sechs weiteren Überraschungen zu finden. Es wartet jede Menge Spaß! Sammel-Sticker, eine geheime Nachricht und ein Sammlerplakat, damit du deine L.O.L Surprise Familie vervollständigen kannst! Geeignet ab 3 Jahren.
L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls Glam Glitter Series 2 Surprise [Toy]
L.O.L. Surprise dolls glam glitter series 2
L.O.L. Surprise! Glam Glitter Series Doll [Toy]
Includes 7 surprises! (1) secret message sticker, (2) collectible stickers, (3) water bottle, (4) shoes, (5) outfit, (6) fashion accessory, and (7) L.O.L. Surprise! glam glitter doll,Feed or bathe your L.O.L. Surprise! glam glitter doll to discover if she cries, spits, tinkles, or color changes!,Ball becomes a purse carrying case, doll display, or hang out and bath Playset,Collector's poster
In a world where babies run everything, little rockers Rebel against nap time and Teacher's pets become class presidents with "free pizza Fridays!" in this world, all work is play and nothing is dull Cruz it's all a Lil' surprising and outrageous! unbox 7 surprises with each L.O.L. Surprise! glam glitter doll. L.O.L. Surprise! glam glitter includes series 2 dolls dressed with chrome and glitter finishes from head to toe! look for Kitty Queen and other fan favas from series 2 in all-new outfits! collect all 12 characters.
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