Green Toys Cuerdas para saltar (JPK01R) [Juguete]
Material de plástico reciclado,Para quemar y ahorrar energía al mismo tiempo,Juego sostenible
Vendor: Green Toys;Item: Green Toys Jump Rope - Pink;UPC: 793573550330;For: 5 Years and Up
Green Toys Skipping Rope (Pink) [Toy]
Happy jumpers can burn energy whilst saving the planet with the Green Toys Skipping Rope.,This eco-jumper is 7 foot long and adjustable!,Guaranteed to produce hours of Good Green Fun!,Great for active play sessions outdoors.,Made with recycled plastic, safe, non-toxic; contains no BPA, PVC, phthalates or external coatings.
This Eco-friendly jump rope is made in the U.S.A. with 100% cotton rope and is 7 feet long and adjustable.100% recycled plastic handles.
Green Toys JPK01R - Corda da Salto Rosa [Giocattolo]
Corda da salto (Rosa),Età 5+ anni,Lunghezza: 2.13m,Sicuro, non tossico; non contiene BPA, PVC, ftalati o rivestimenti esterni,Ore di sano ed ecologico divertimento garantite!
Incroci e salti fanno bene al pianta quando sono eseguiti con la corda per saltare Green Toys. Questa corda ecologica è composta da una corda in cotone 100%, regolabile e ha maniglie in plastica riciclata al 100%. I piccoli saltatori possono bruciare energie e risparmiarle al tempo stesso!! Sicuro, non tossico; non contiene BPA, PVC, ftalati o rivestimenti esterni. Ore di sano ed ecologico divertimento garantite! Età 5+ anni. Lunghezza: 2.13m.
Green Toys produce classici giocattoli per bambini partendo da plastica riciclata e altri materiali ecologici. In tal modo si riduce l'uso di carburante e la confezione di ogni prodotto è anche al 100% riciclabile, migliorando così la salute e la felicità del pianeta.
Jump Rope Pink [Toy]
Corde à sauter (rose).,À partir de 5+ ans.,Longueur: 2.13m.,Sûr, non-toxique ; sans bisphénol A, PVC, phtalates ni revêtement externe.,C'est la garantie de nombreuses heures de divertissement respectueux de l'environnement !
Une corde à sauter en plastique recyclé pour jouer en extérieur !Avantages :* Jeu sûr et propre : 100% résistant au lave-vaisselle et fabrication américaine selon les lois strictes de sécurité et d'environnement* Conception du produit : Jouets iconiques fabriqués en matériaux durables, sans bords coupants et sans colle, métal, vis ou peinture* 100% plastique recyclé : En utilisant du plastique recyclé, Green Toys vide les décharges, économise l'énergie et réduis l'emprunte écologique* Emballage : Fabriqué entièrement en bouteilles de lait recyclées. Emballage en carton recyclé et sans plastique, imprimé avec une encre au soja.Dimensions :214 cm (longueur réglable) Age 4 ans et plusFabricant GREEN TOYS, fabriqué aux Etats-unis...
Jump Rope Pink [Toy]
Springseil (Rosa).,Alter: 5+ Jahre.,Länge: 2.13m.,Sicher, nicht giftig, enthält kein BPA, kein PVC und keine Phthalate oder externe Beschichtungen.,Stundenlanger fröhlicher grüner Spaß garantiert!
Die Seilsprungfiguren Crisscross und Doubleunder sind ganz prima für unseren Planeten, wenn sie mit dem Green Toys Springseil vollführt werden. Das Öko-Springseil besteht aus einem 100-prozentigen Baumwollseil mit zu 100 % recycelten Kunststoffgriffen. So können kleine Hüpfer Energie verausgaben und gleichzeitig Energie sparen!! Sicher, nicht giftig, enthält kein BPA, kein PVC und keine Phthalate oder externe Beschichtungen. Stundenlanger fröhlicher grüner Spaß garantiert! Alter: 5+ Jahre. Länge: 2.13m.
Green Toys stellt klassisches Kinderspielzeug aus recyceltem Kunststoff und umweltfreundlichen Materialien her, was zur verringerten Nutzung fossiler Brennstoffe beiträgt. Die Verpackungskartons aller Produkte sind zudem 100-prozentig wiederverwertbar, sodass die Gesundheit und das Wohlergehen unseres Planeten möglichst wenig beeinträchtigt werden.
Green Toys Jump Rope - Pink [Toy]
100% cotton rope,Handles made from 100% recycled plastic,7 ft adjustable rope,Super safe: no phthalates or BPA,Made in USA
Crisscrosses and double-unders are all good for the planet when they are done with the Green Toys Jump Rope. This eco-jumper is made iwth US-made 100% cotton rope (7 feet long and adjustable) and 100% recycled plastic handles. Little jumpers can burn energy and save energy at the same time!!
Green Toys Jump Rope, Pink [Toy]
100% cotton rope,Handles made from 100% recycled plastic,7 ft adjustable rope,Super safe: no phthalates or BPA,Made in USA
Criss-crosses and double-under are all good for the planet when they are done with the Green Toy Jump Rope. This eco-jumper is made with US-made 100% cotton rope (7 feet long and adjustable) and 100% recycled plastic handles. Here's an even greater incentive to make your kids drink their milk. Green Toys uses recycled milk containers as the main ingredient to create their toys. The milk containers are re-processed into high-density polyethylene (HDPE). It's one of the safest, cleanest plastics around. Everything from the collection of materials to the production of Green Toys occurs in Los Angeles, CA. Local production of toys means that far fewer miles are used for transportation. On average, every pound of recycled milk jugs used in the making of Green Toys saves energy equal to 3,000 AAA batteries. Green Toys products are tested by nationally recognized, independent, third-party labs (located in the USA.) They contain no traceable amounts of Phthalates or BPA. They are also designed without any external coatings, eliminating the fear of lead paint. Although Green Toys may not be as nutritious as a glass of milk, you no longer need to worry about what odd chemicals your kids are ingesting every time they launch a playful bite into one of their toys. Dimensions: 7 foot adjustable length.
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