![Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Nintendo Switch [Importación inglesa] Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Nintendo Switch [Importación inglesa]](https://images-eu.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61eeln09pnL.jpg)
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Nintendo Switch [Importación inglesa] [Videojuegos]
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is powering up for the franchises debut on Nintendo Switch! The invading Snowmads have locked Donkey Kong Island in a deep freeze, and its up to the Kongs to thaw things out!
Join Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong and Funky Kong as they swim, swing, spring and surf through islands packed with hazards, hidden collectibles, and unforgettable boss encounters! Use each characters unique moves to explore every corner of each island, unearth special items and even hidden exits.
Funky townExclusively on Nintendo Switch, enjoy a chill new mode as groovy surfing simian Funky Kong! He can double jump, hover, perform infinite rolls and even perform infinite underwater corkscrews! Thanks to his sturdy surfboard, even spikes cant slow him down. With this righteous dude, even stages packed with perils can be smooth surfing.
Co-op KongPlay the whole game by yourself, or partner up with a pal in two-player co-operative mode. Work together as a team and put the Snowmads plans on ice!
Enjoy this funky adventure anytime, anywhere, with anyone!
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Nintendo Switch) [Video Games]
Take control of Donkey Kong and his buddies as they try to get back their stolen bananas from invaders from the polar regions,Travel through a variety of environments, including Jungles, Deserts and Forests spread over 7 worlds,Play through the entire game with a buddy in local co-op,This version adds Funky Mode and a new playable character, Funky Kong (only available in Funky Mode) these additions are aimed at making the game more accessible for inexperienced players,Compatible with Nintendo Switch only
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is powering up for the franchises debut on Nintendo Switch! The invading Snowmads have locked Donkey Kong Island in a deep freeze, and its up to the Kongs to thaw things out!
Join Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong and Funky Kong as they swim, swing, spring and surf through islands packed with hazards, hidden collectibles, and unforgettable boss encounters! Use each characters unique moves to explore every corner of each island, unearth special items and even hidden exits.
Funky townExclusively on Nintendo Switch, enjoy a chill new mode as groovy surfing simian Funky Kong! He can double jump, hover, perform infinite rolls and even perform infinite underwater corkscrews! Thanks to his sturdy surfboard, even spikes cant slow him down. With this righteous dude, even stages packed with perils can be smooth surfing.
Co-op KongPlay the whole game by yourself, or partner up with a pal in two-player co-operative mode. Work together as a team and put the Snowmads plans on ice!
Enjoy this funky adventure anytime, anywhere, with anyone!
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Nintendo Switch [Edizione: Regno Unito] [Videogioco]
Languages: English / Español / Français / Deutsch / Italiano
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is powering up for the franchises debut on Nintendo Switch! The invading Snowmads have locked Donkey Kong Island in a deep freeze, and its up to the Kongs to thaw things out!
Join Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong and Funky Kong as they swim, swing, spring and surf through islands packed with hazards, hidden collectibles, and unforgettable boss encounters! Use each characters unique moves to explore every corner of each island, unearth special items and even hidden exits.
Funky townExclusively on Nintendo Switch, enjoy a chill new mode as groovy surfing simian Funky Kong! He can double jump, hover, perform infinite rolls and even perform infinite underwater corkscrews! Thanks to his sturdy surfboard, even spikes cant slow him down. With this righteous dude, even stages packed with perils can be smooth surfing.
Co-op KongPlay the whole game by yourself, or partner up with a pal in two-player co-operative mode. Work together as a team and put the Snowmads plans on ice!
Enjoy this funky adventure anytime, anywhere, with anyone!
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze [Video Games]
Jaquette en anglais, jouable en français
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is powering up for the franchises debut on Nintendo Switch! The invading Snowmads have locked Donkey Kong Island in a deep freeze, and its up to the Kongs to thaw things out!
Join Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong and Funky Kong as they swim, swing, spring and surf through islands packed with hazards, hidden collectibles, and unforgettable boss encounters! Use each characters unique moves to explore every corner of each island, unearth special items and even hidden exits.
Funky townExclusively on Nintendo Switch, enjoy a chill new mode as groovy surfing simian Funky Kong! He can double jump, hover, perform infinite rolls and even perform infinite underwater corkscrews! Thanks to his sturdy surfboard, even spikes cant slow him down. With this righteous dude, even stages packed with perils can be smooth surfing.
Co-op KongPlay the whole game by yourself, or partner up with a pal in two-player co-operative mode. Work together as a team and put the Snowmads plans on ice!
Enjoy this funky adventure anytime, anywhere, with anyone!
Donkey Kong Country Freeze Switch UK [Video Games]
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze macht sich bereit für
sein Debüt auf Nintendo Switch! Die Viehkinger aus dem
Eismeer haben die Donkey Kong-Insel in den Dauerfrost
versetzt. Nun ist es an den Kongs, für Tauwetter zu sorgen!
In Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze erleben die
Nintendo-Fans den ganzen Spielspaß und die
Herausforderungen des Originals und obendrein einen
brandneuen, nutzerfreundlichen Einsteiger-Modus. Er
erlaubt es Anfängern wie Profis in die Rolle des coolen
Surfers Funky Kong zu schlüpfen: So beherrschen sie
Doppel-Sprünge, können durch die Luft schweben oder
unendlich viele Surf-Rollen und unter Wasser sogar
Korkenzieher-Wirbel drehen. Dank seines robusten
Surfbretts hält nichts und niemand Funky Kong auf.
Auf sechs Inseln voller Gefahren, verborgener
Sammlerstücke und Begegnungen mit unvergesslichen Bossen
musst du zusammen mit Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong,
Cranky Kong und Funky Kong deine Schwimm-, Schwing- und
Sprungfähigkeiten beweisen! Mithilfe der besonderen
Fähigkeiten der einzelnen Charaktere gilt es, jeden Winkel
der Inseln zu erkunden und besondere Items und geheime
Ausgänge zu entdecken.
In einem neuen Modus speziell für Nintendo Switch kannst
du dich als cooler Surfer Funky Kong durch die Level
grooven! Du kannst Doppelsprünge ausführen, schweben und
unendlich lang rollen. Unter Wasser sind sogar reihenweise
Spiraldreher kein Problem! Selbst Dornen können Funky
Kongs Surfboard nichts anhaben. Dieser relaxte Kerl surft
bequem durch die gefährlichsten
Du kannst d
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