GoTrovo Treasure Hunt Juego-diversión (Created4Kids Ltd, MAY2015-GO3CH) [Juguete]CREA recuerdos que durarán toda la vida: GoTrovo es un juego de caza del tesoro pirata lleno de acción que toda la familia puede jugar.,Mantenga a los niños ENTRETENIDOs y aprendiendo sin una pantalla a la vista: Imagine ser capaz de sacar a sus hijos de sus dispositivos sin los berrinches tecno!,UN brillante BUSTER de aburrimiento para niños de 3 años de edad: a diferencia de otros juegos de caza del tesoro de niños, no hay dos senderos son siempre los mismos.,EJERCITAR mentes y piernas jóvenes: este juego evasivas al aire libre de interior activo es tan educativo como es diversión.,Contenido: 100 Reutilizable pistas (Riddle, fotos, Word y rol pistas), doble cara mapa del tesoro, Golden Treasure Bar, monedas de oro y bolsa de botín.
¡ Tu diversión familiar empieza aquí!
Cada conjunto original Gotrovo incluye: 100 tarjetas reutilizables de la pista del idioma inglés (cuadro, palabra, adivinanza y juego de roles), mapa de doble cara del tesoro, barra del tesoro del oro, monedas de oro y bolso del botín. Este juego de lengua inglesa se puede utilizar para apoyar el aprendizaje del inglés para los nombres de objetos y de lugares diarios en hogar y jardín
Horas de entretenimiento, años de diversión
DesTerrar esas temidas palabras ' estoy aburrida ' con este emocionante juego de caza del tesoro. GoTrovo es un galardonado juego de la familia que es adaptable para aventureros intrépidos y piratas de todas las edades-desde niños pequeños a adultos que son niños grandes en el corazón!
Desata la imaginación de tus hijos con este desafío cautivador que combina pistas de burlas cerebrales con un sentido de aventura
Siga el mapa, romper las pistas y recoger las monedas de oro en la bolsa de botín a lo largo del camino. El juego termina cuando se resuelve el misterio final para encontrar el tesoro escondido. Obligado a poner sonrisas en las caras de todos, GoTrovo es una actividad divertida para las familias a hacer en el interior o al aire libre. Es el juego de la última Fiesta y es una idea de regalo pensativo que hace una maravillosa alternativa a los juguetes
GoTrovo no objeción ayuda En el caso improbable de que usted no está impresionado con su producto Gotrovo, o usted necesita una pieza de repuesto en el plazo de 90 días de su compra, simplemente nos dejó saber para un reemplazo o reembolso gratis
Gotrovo Treasure Hunt Game - Fun Scavenger Hunt For Kids Of All Ages - Versatile Indoor, Outdoor, Camping, Party Game - Play at Home, In The Garden Or Anywhere - Bonus Childrens Parties Ideas eBook [Toy]
CREATE MEMORIES THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME: GoTrovo is an action-packed pirate treasure hunt game the whole family can play. Enjoy spending quality time with your kids as you crack the clues together to find the hidden treasure,KEEP KIDS ENTERTAINED WITHOUT A SCREEN IN SIGHT: Imagine being able to get your kids off their devices without the techno tantrums! Trails are quick and easy to lay around your home and garden for hours of fun, whatever the weather,A BRILLIANT BOREDOM BUSTER FOR KIDS AGED 3-10: Unlike other childrens treasure hunt games, no two trails are ever the same. You can vary the hunt each time with the reusable age appropriate clues for a game that your kids can play for years to come,EXERCISE YOUNG MINDS AND LEGS: This active indoor outdoor runaround game is as educational as it is fun. Helps children develop observation and problem solving skills as they get out and about in nature, exploring and discovering new things,SUITABLE FOR 1 TO 20 PLAYERS: Game can be played in teams or individually. It's a fantastic way to encourage kids of different ages to play together fostering friendship, cooperation and teamwork. This treasure hunt kit is great for birthday parties and playdates
Hours of entertainment, years of fun Banish those dreaded words 'I'm bored' with this exciting treasure hunt game. GoTrovo is an award winning family game that's adaptable for intrepid adventurers and pirates of all ages - from little kids to adults who are big kids at heart! Winner of the Best Family Game 2017 Mumii Awards Spark your childrens imagination with this captivating challenge that combines brain-teasing clues with a sense of adventure. Follow the map, crack the clues and collect gold coins in the loot bag along the way. The game ends when you solve the final mystery to find the hidden treasure. Bound to put smiles on everyone's faces, GoTrovo is a fun activity for families to do indoors or outdoors. It's the ultimate party game and is a thoughtful gift idea that makes a wonderful alternative to toys. Each Gotrovo Original set includes: 100 reusable clue cards (picture, word, riddle and role-play), double-sided treasure map, gold treasure bar, gold coins and loot bag. We also include a BONUS eBook chock full of fun ideas to help you get the most out of your pirate adventure! See below for contents of other Gotrovo products. GoTrovo No Quibble Help In the unlikely event you're not blown away with your Gotrovo product, or you need a replacement part within 90 days of your purchase, simply let us know for a free replacement or refund.
GOTROVO GO3CH Gioco di caccia al tesoro per interni/esterni, attivo famiglia divertimento, lingua inglese [Giocattolo]
CREARE ricordi che durerà tutta la vita: GoTrovo è un gioco ricco di azione pirata caccia al tesoro tutta la famiglia può giocare. Godetevi trascorrere del tempo di qualità con i vostri bambini come si crepa gli indizi di lingua inglese insieme per trovare il tesoro nascosto,TENERE i bambini intrattenuti e di apprendimento senza uno schermo in vista. Gioco di partito a casa, in giardino o dovunque',ESERCIZIO di giovani menti e gambe: questo gioco attivo in esterni al coperto è educativo come è divertente. Aiuta i bambini a sviluppare l'osservazione e le capacità di problem solving come uscire e circa in natura, esplorare e scoprire cose nuove,Sviluppa l' alfabetizzazione, lettura, discorso, e risoluzione dei problemi.ADATTO per 1 a 20 giocatori: questo kit di caccia al tesoro può essere giocato in squadre o individualmente.,UN BUSTER noia brillante per i bambini di età 3+ anni. È possibile variare la caccia ogni volta con gli indizi riutilizzabili lingua inglese per un gioco che i vostri bambini possono giocare per gli anni a venire
Il tuo divertimento in famiglia inizia qui!
Ogni set originale Gotrovo include: 100 riutilizzabile lingua inglese carte indizio (immagine, parola, indovinello e Role-Play), mappa del tesoro su due lati, Gold Treasure bar, monete d'oro e sacchetto bottino. Questo gioco di lingua inglese può essere utilizzato per sostenere l'apprendimento degli inglesi per i nomi di oggetti di uso quotidiano e luoghi in casa e giardino
Ore di svago, anni di divertimento
Bandire quelle parole temute ' mi annoio ' con questo eccitante gioco di caccia al tesoro. GoTrovo è un premiato gioco di famiglia che è adattabile per avventurieri intrepido e pirati di tutte le età-dai bambini piccoli agli adulti che sono grandi bambini a cuore!
Spark vostra immaginazione bambini con questa sfida accattivante che combina Brain-tease indizi con un senso di avventura
Seguire la mappa, rompere gli indizi e raccogliere le monete d'oro nella borsa bottino lungo la strada. Il gioco finisce quando si risolve il mistero finale per trovare il tesoro nascosto. Tenuto a mettere sorrisi sui volti di tutti, GoTrovo è un'attività divertente per le famiglie a fare all'interno o all'aperto. È l'ultimo gioco di partito ed è un'idea regalo riflessivo che fa una meravigliosa alternativa ai giocattoli
GoTrovo nessun aiuto caVillare Nel caso improbabile che non sei spazzato via con il vostro prodotto Gotrovo, o avete bisogno di una parte di ricambio entro 90 giorni dal vostro acquisto, semplicemente facci sapere per una sostituzione gratuita o rimborso.
GOTROVO - MAY2015-GO3CH - Jouet éducatif chasse au trésor - Idéal pour la maison et jardin - Intérieur/extérieur - Parties pour filles et garçons - Cadeau Insolite [Toy]
Créez des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie: GoTrovo est un jeu d'action-emballé de chasse au Trésor de pirate que toute la famille peut jouer. Profitez de passer du temps de qualité avec vos enfants que vous Craquez les indices de la langue anglaise ensemble pour trouver le trésor caché,GARDER les enfants DIVERTIR et d'apprentissage sans écran en vue: Imaginez être en mesure d'obtenir vos enfants hors de leurs appareils sans les crises techno! Les sentiers sont rapides et faciles à poser autour de votre maison et jardin pour des heures de plaisir, quel que soit le temps,UN BUSTER ennui brillant pour les enfants âgés de 3 +: contrairement à d'autres enfants Chasse au Trésor jeux, pas de deux sentiers sont toujours les mêmes. Vous pouvez varier la chasse à chaque fois avec les indices de langue anglaise réutilisables pour un jeu que vos enfants peuvent jouer pendant des années à venir,L'exercice de jeunes esprits et les jambes: ce jeu actif d'intérieur extérieur d'habillage est aussi éducatif que c'est amusant. Aide les enfants à développer des habiletés d'observation et de résolution de problèmes lorsqu'ils sortent de la nature, explorent et découvrent de nouvelles choses,CONVIENT pour 1 à 20 joueurs: ce kit de chasse au Trésor peut être joué en équipe ou individuellement. C'est une façon fantastique d'encourager les enfants d'âges différents à jouer ensemble en favorisant l'amitié, la coopération et le travail d'équipe
Using the picture, word, riddle and role-play clues provided, parents lay a trail for their intrepid little treasure hunters to solve and follow. With the map that guides them around your home and/or garden, clue by clue, the children quest their way to the gold bar hidden at the end of the trail.GOTROVO? treasure hunt comes complete with two individually designed maps, 100 card clues, a golden treasure bar, swag bag and Gotrovo gold coins.
GoTrovo SchatzSuche Spiel-Fun EnglischSPRACHIGE SchnitzelJagd für Kinder jeden Alters [Toy]
SCHAFFEN Sie Erinnerungen, die ein Leben lang anhalten werden: GoTrovo ist ein actiongeladenes Piraten-Schatzsuche-Spiel, das die ganze Familie spielen kann,HALTEN Sie Kinder unterhalten und lernen Sie ohne Bildschirm IN Sicht. Genießen Sie die gute Zeit mit ihren Kindern, während Sie die EnglischSprachigen Hinweise zusammen knacken, um den verborgenen Schatz zu finden,EIN BRILLANTER LANGEWEILE-BUSTER für Kinder im Alter von 3 Jahren. Sie können die Jagd jedes Mal mit den wiederverwendbaren EnglischSprachigen Hinweisen,ÜBEN Sie junge Köpfe und Beine: Dieses aktive Indoor-und Outdoor-Runround-Spiel ist sowohl lehrreich als auch lustig,GEEIGNET für 1 bis 20 Spieler: dieses SchatzSuche-Kit kann in Teams oder einzeln gespielt werden.
Ihr FamilienSpaß beginnt hier!
Jedes Gotrovo-Original-Set beinhaltet: 100 wiederverwendbare EnglischSprachige Hinweis Karten (Bild, Wort, Rätsel und Rollenspiel), doppelseitige Schatzkarte, Goldschatz Stange, Goldmünzen und Beute Beutel. Dieses englischsprachige Spiel kann verwendet werden, um das Erlernen der englischen Sprache für die Namen von Alltagsgegenständen und Orten in Haus und Garten zu unterstützen
StundenLange Unterhaltung, jahrelange Spaß
Verbannen Sie diese gefürchteten Worte "Ich bin gelangweilt" mit diesem aufregenden Schatzsuche-Spiel. GoTrovo ist ein preisgekröntes Familienspiel, das anpassungsfähig für unerschrockene Abenteurer und Piraten jeden Alters ist-von kleinen Kindern bis zu Erwachsenen, die große Kinder im Herzen sind!
Entfachen Sie Ihre Kinder Phantasie mit dieser fesselnden Herausforderung, die Hirn mitreißende Anhaltspunkte mit einem Gefühl von Abenteuer verbindet
Folgen Sie der Karte, knacken Sie die Hinweise und sammeln Sie Goldmünzen in der Beute Tasche auf dem Weg. Das Spiel endet, wenn Sie das letzte Rätsel lösen, um den verborgenen Schatz zu finden. GoTrovo ist ein lustiges Unternehmen für Familien, die im Innen-und Außenbereich unterwegs sind, um ein Lächeln auf alle Gesichter zu bringen. Es ist das ultimative Party-Spiel und ist eine nachdenkliche Geschenkidee, die eine wunderbare Alternative zu Spielzeug macht
GoTrovo keine Quibble Hilfe In dem unwahrscheinlichen Fall, dass Sie nicht mit Ihrem Gotrovo-Produkt weggeblasen werden, oder Sie ein Ersatzteil innerhalb von 90 Tagen nach Ihrem Kauf benötigen, lassen Sie es uns einfach für einen kostenlosen Ersatz oder eine Rückerstattung wissen.
Gotrovo Treasure Hunt Game - Fun Scavenger Hunt for Kids of All Ages - Versatile Indoor, Outdoor, Camping, Party Game - Play at Home, in The Garden Or Anywhere - Bonus Childrens Parties Ideas eBook [Toy]
CREATE MEMORIES THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME: GoTrovo is an action-packed pirate treasure hunt game the whole family can play. Enjoy spending quality time with your kids as you crack the clues together to find the hidden treasure,KEEP KIDS ENTERTAINED WITHOUT A SCREEN IN SIGHT: Imagine being able to get your kids off their devices without the techno tantrums! Trails are quick and easy to lay around your home and garden for hours of fun, whatever the weather,A BRILLIANT BOREDOM BUSTER FOR KIDS AGED 3-10: Unlike other childrens treasure hunt games, no two trails are ever the same. You can vary the hunt each time with the reusable age appropriate clues for a game that your kids can play for years to come,EXERCISE YOUNG MINDS AND LEGS: This active indoor outdoor runaround game is as educational as it is fun. Helps children develop observation and problem solving skills as they get out and about in nature, exploring and discovering new things,SUITABLE FOR 1 TO 20 PLAYERS: Game can be played in teams or individually. It's a fantastic way to encourage kids of different ages to play together fostering friendship, cooperation and teamwork. This treasure hunt kit is great for birthday parties and playdates
Hours of entertainment, years of fun
Banish those dreaded words 'I'm bored' with this exciting treasure hunt game. GoTrovo is an award winning family game that's adaptable for intrepid adventurers and pirates of all ages - from little kids to adults who are big kids at heart!
Winner of the Best Family Game 2017 Mumii Awards
Spark your childrens imagination with this captivating challenge that combines brain-teasing clues with a sense of adventure.
Follow the map, crack the clues and collect gold coins in the loot bag along the way. The game ends when you solve the final mystery to find the hidden treasure.
Guaranteed to put smiles on everyone's faces, GoTrovo is a fun activity for families to do indoors or outdoors. It's the ultimate party game and is a thoughtful gift idea that makes a wonderful alternative to toys.
Each set includes:
100 reusable clue cards (picture, word, riddle and role-play), double-sided treasure map, gold treasure bar, gold coins and loot bag.
We also include a BONUS eBook chock full of fun ideas to help you get the most out of your pirate adventure!
GoTrovo No Quibble Guarantee In the unlikely event you're not blown away with your Gotrovo product, or you need a replacement part within 90 days of your purchase, simply contact us for a free replacement or refund.
Gotrovo Treasure Hunt Game - Fun Scavenger Hunt for Kids of All Ages - Versatile Indoor, Outdoor, Camping, Party Game - Play at Home, in The Garden Or Anywhere - Bonus Childrens Parties Ideas eBook [Toy]
MEMORIES FOR A LIFETIME: GoTrovo is an action-packed pirate scavenger hunt game for the whole family,ENTERTAIN THE KIDS WITH NO SCREEN WHATEVER THE WEATHER: fun trails in the home and garden,BOREDOM BUSTER FOR KIDS AGED 3-10: No two trails are ever the same, kids can play for years to come,EXERCISE YOUNG MINDS AND LEGS: active indoor outdoor runaround game is as educational as it is fun,1 TO 20 PLAYERS: Birthday parties, playdates, siblings of different ages, teams or play individually
Hours of entertainment, years of fun
Banish those dreaded words 'I'm bored' with this exciting treasure hunt game. GoTrovo is an award winning family game that's adaptable for intrepid adventurers and pirates of all ages - from little kids to adults who are big kids at heart!
Winner of the Best Family Game 2017 Mumii Awards
Spark your childrens imagination with this captivating challenge that combines brain-teasing clues with a sense of adventure.
Follow the map, crack the clues and collect gold coins in the loot bag along the way. The game ends when you solve the final mystery to find the hidden treasure.
Guaranteed to put smiles on everyone's faces, GoTrovo is a fun activity for families to do indoors or outdoors. It's the ultimate party game and is a thoughtful gift idea that makes a wonderful alternative to toys.
Each set includes: 100 reusable clue cards (picture, word, riddle and role-play), double-sided treasure map, gold treasure bar, gold coins and loot bag. We also include a BONUS eBook chock full of fun ideas to help you get the most out of your pirate adventure!
GoTrovo No Quibble Guarantee In the unlikely event you're not blown away with your Gotrovo product, or you need a replacement part within 90 days of your purchase, simply contact us for a free replacement or refund.