LEGO Creator Mighty dinosaurios 31058 Kit de construcción [Juguete]
Incluye un 3 en 1 T. Rex con ojos de color naranja brillante, uniones articuladas y la cabeza, grandes garras y boca que se abre con dientes redondeados. también incluye la presa dinosaurios en la forma de una jaula de costillas para construir,3 en 1 model. Conviértelo en un triceratops o un pterodáctilo,T. Rex mide más de 4 pulgadas (11 cm) de altura,Triceratops mide más de 3 pulgadas de altura,pterodáctilo mide más de 1 "(4 cm) de alto, 7" (18 cm) de largo y 9 pulgadas (25 cm) de ancho
Diviértete con el asombroso T. Rex, con un esquema de color verde oscuro y beige, color naranja, los ojos, las articulaciones y cabeza articuladas, garras y una boca grande con punta dientes. También incluye el dinosaurio presa en la forma de un RIB Cage para construir. Reconstruir este 3-in-1 LEGO Creator Mighty dinosaurios para crear un Triceratops o un pterodáctilo.
LEGO Creator Mighty Dinosaurs 31058 Dinosaur toy [Toy]
Lego creator mighty dinosaurs 31058 dinosaur toy,A great gift for a collector!!
Ferocious dinosaur toy features a 3-in-1 t. Rex with bright orange eyes, posable joints and head, large claws and an opening mouth with pointed teeth. Also includes the dinosaurs prey in the form of a buildable rib cage 3-in-1 model: rebuilds into a triceratops or a pterodactyl t. Rex measures over 4†(11cm) tall triceratops measures over 3†(9cm) tall pterodactyl measures over 1†(4cm) high, 7†(18cm) long and 9†(25cm) wide
Lego Creator Mighty Dinosaurs 31058 Building kit [Giocattolo]
3-in-1 T. Rex con gli occhi arancione brillante, articolazioni mobili e dotato di testa, grandi artigli e un' apertura bocca con denti aguzzi. Comprende anche i dinosauri preda nella forma di una gabbia toracica costruibile,Modello 3-in-1 Ricostruibile in un triceratopo o uno pterodattilo,Il Tirannosauro misura 10,2 cm (11 cm) di altezza,Il Triceratopo misura 7,6 cm (9 cm) di altezza,pterodattilo measures over "(4 cm) high, " (18 cm) long and (25 cm) wide
Buon divertimento con il fantastico T. REX, caratterizzato da una livrea verde scuro e beige, arancione brillante occhi, arti snodabili e testa, grandi artigli e una bocca con denti aguzzi. Include anche il dinosauro preda sotto forma di una gabbia toracica costruibili. ricostruisci questo 3-in-1 LEGO Creator possenti dinosauri per creare un triceratopo o uno pterodattilo.
LEGO Creator Mighty Dinosaurs 31058 Building Kit [Toy]
Pterodactyl measures over 1 (4cm) high, 7 (18cm) long and 9 (25cm) wide,Triceratops measures over 3 (9cm) tall,T. Rex measures over 4 (11cm) tall,rebuilds into a Triceratops or a Pterodactyl
Have fun with the awesome T. Rex, featuring a dark-green and beige color scheme, bright orange eyes, posable joints and head, large claws and an opening mouth with pointed teeth. Also includes the dinosaur prey in the form of a buildable rib cage. Rebuild this 3-in-1 LEGO Creator mighty dinosaurs 6175243 to create a Triceratops or a Pterodactyl.
LEGO Creator Mighty Dinosaurier 31058 Building Kit [Toy]
Verfügt über eine 3-in-1-T. Rex mit hellen Orange Augen, beweglich Gelenke und Kopf, große Klauen und eine Öffnung Mund mit Spitzen Zähnen. Dazu die Dinosaurier Beute in der Form eines baubar Brustkorbs,3-in-1-Modell baut in ein Triceratops oder eine pterodaktylus,t. Rex Maßnahmen über 10,2 cm (11 cm) hoch,Triceratops Maßnahmen über 7,6 cm (9 cm) hoch,pterodaktylus Maßnahmen über 2,5 cm (4 cm) hoch, 17,8 cm (18 cm) lang und 22,9 cm (25 cm) breit
Habe Spaß mit den awesome T. Rex, Farbschema mit dunkelgrün und beige, hellorange, Augen, Kopf beweglich Gelenke und großen Klauen und eine Öffnung Mund mit spitzen Zähnen. Beinhaltet auch die Dinosaurier Beute in Form eines baubar Brustkorb. Rebuild Diese 3-in-1 LEGO Creator mächtigen Dinosaurier zu schaffen oder ein Triceratops Pterodactyl.
LEGO Creator Mighty Dinosaurs 31058 Dinosaur toy [Toy]
Features a 3-IN-1 T. Rex with bright orange eyes, posable joints and head, large claws and an opening mouth with pointed teeth. Also includes the dinosaurs prey in the form of a buildable rib cage,3-in-1 model: rebuilds into a Triceratops or a Pterodactyl,T. Rex measures over 4" (11cm) tall,Triceratops measures over 3" (9cm) tall,Pterodactyl measures over 1" (4cm) high, 7" (18cm) long and 9" (25cm) wide
Have fun with the awesome T. Rex, featuring a dark-green and beige color scheme, bright orange eyes, posable joints and head, large claws and an opening mouth with pointed teeth. Also includes the dinosaur prey in the form of a buildable rib cage. Rebuild this 3-in-1 LEGO Creator mighty dinosaurs 6175243 to create a Triceratops or a Pterodactyl. New 2017
LEGO Creator Mighty Dinosaurs 31058 Dinosaur toy [Toy]
Ferocious dinosaur toy features a 3-in-1 T. Rex with bright orange eyes, posable joints and head, large claws and an opening mouth with pointed teeth. Also includes the dinosaurs prey in the form of a buildable rib cage,3-in-1 model: rebuilds into a Triceratops or a Pterodactyl,T. Rex measures over 4" (11cm) tall,Triceratops measures over 3" (9cm) tall,Pterodactyl measures over 1" (4cm) high, 7" (18cm) long and 9" (25cm) wide
Have fun with the awesome T. Rex, featuring a dark-green and beige color scheme, bright orange eyes, posable joints and head, large claws and an opening mouth with pointed teeth. This ferocious dinosaur toy also includes the dinosaur prey in the form of a buildable rib cage. Rebuild this 3-in-1 LEGO Creator mighty dinosaurs 6175243 to create a Triceratops or a Pterodactyl.
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