KLASK juego de mesa - The Magnetic Game of Skill - Juegos de habilidad - 45 x 34.4 x 13 cm [Juguete]
KLASK Board Game - The Magnetic Game of Skill - Award Winning Board Game / Tabletop Game | Challenge your opponent in a game of tactic, speed and loudness - 19.5 x 14.8 x 6 inches [Toy]
Ranked the number 1 Board Game of 2015 in Sweden and Norway,A popular pub game in Denmark, Klask is like a fast-paced table-top version of Air Hockey, only it uses multiple magnets and a small round ball.,Players must use the magnetic handles under the board to control their playing pieces on top of the board. The object of the game is to hit the ball into your opponent's goal without attracting the white mini magnets or landing your playing piece in your own hole! You'll need fast hands and quick thinking if you want to win this game,Average game time is 10-20 minutes | Ages 8 and up | For 2 Players
KLASK - Ranked #1 Board Game In 2015
A popular pub game in Denmark, Klask is like a fast-paced table-top version of Air Hockey, only it uses multiple magnets and a small round ball. Players must use the magnetic handles under the board to control their playing pieces on top of the board. The object of the game is to hit the ball into your opponent's goal without attracting the white mini magnets or landing your playing piece in your own hole! You'll need fast hands and quick thinking if you want to win this game!
The Story of Klask
Late December 2013, after long days and nights spent in his workshop, Danish carpenter Mikkel Bertelsen had something truly unique in his hands - a wooden board game with magnets which one steers under the board!
Mikkel has always had plenty of ideas for innovations of all sorts, but there was something different about Klask. Just in time for the holidays, he made a few copies of he game for Christmas presents to some of his friends. Soon after, the word spread through the country and orders from individuals, as well as cafés, bars, and even work offices started to pour in.
The following year Mikkel built more than 3000 copies of the game in his garage. Featured on national TV, winner of Danish Game of the Year, Klask has been a smash success ever since and now - you can too join the fun of Klask!
KLASK - Gioco da Tavolo - The Magnetic Game of Skill - Gioco di abilità - 45 x 34,4 x 13 cm [Giocattolo]
Durata: 10-20 min | Età: 8+ | Giocatori: 2
KLASK Jeu de Plateau - L'attraction magnétique - Jeu d'action et de Réflexe - Gardez votre sang froid! - 45 x 34.4 x 13 cm [Toy]
Les joueurs contrôlent leur pion par un astucieux système d'aimant placé sous le plateau. L'objectif du jeu est de pousser la bille sur le plateau et de l'envoyer dans le but de votre adversaire. Au milieu du plateau se trouvent trois pièces magnétiques qui servent d'obstacle. Il ne faut surtout pas les attraper avec votre pion mais vous pouvez vous amuser à les envoyer sur votre adversaire!,Attention à ne pas tomber dans votre propre but car dans ce cas votre adversaire marquerait un point. Gardez votre sang froid! Il y a 4 façons différentes de marquer un point : 1. Quand la bille entre dans le but adverse et y reste | 2. Quand deux (ou les trois) aimants blancs restent aimantés au pion de votre adversaire | 3. Quand votre adversaire entre accidentellement son pion dans ses propres buts | 4. Si votre adversaire perd le contrôle de son pion.,Durée: 10-20 min | Âge: à partir de 8 ans | Joueurs: 2
KLASK - Brettspiel - The Magnetic Game of Skill | Geschicklichkeitsspiel | Preisgekröntes Spiel / Brettspiel | Fordere deinem Gegner heraus in den Bereichen Taktik, Geschwindigkeit und Lautstärke - 45 x 34.4 x 13 cm [Toy]
Das Nr. 1 Brettspiel im Jahr 2015 in Schweden und Norwegen,Ein beliebtes Pubspiel in Dänemark: Klask ist wie eine beschleunigte Version von Air Hockey, jedoch kommen mehrere Magneten und ein kleiner Ball zum Einsatz.,Die Spieler nutzen die magnetischen Griffe unter dem Brett, um die Spielgegenstände auf der Oberfläche zu steuern. Ziel des Spiels ist es, den Ball im Tor des Gegners zu versenken, ohne die kleinen weißen Magneten zu berühren oder ein Eigentor zu erzielen! Sie benötigen flinke Hände und müssen schnell denken, um das Spiel für sich zu entscheiden.,Spieldauer: ca. 10-20 Minuten | Empfohlenes Alter: Ab 8 Jahren | Spieleranzahl: 2 Personen
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