Barbie - Muñeca fashion, skate galáctico, aventura en el espacio (Mattel DLT23) [Juguete]
Activa tres luces de colores (rosa, roja y azul) y más de cinco sonidos distintos moviendo la muñeca en su tabla voladora,La anilla giratoria se puede acoplar a la espalda de la muñeca para que realice acrobacias de 360 grados,Las rodillas articuladas de la muñeca le dan más flexibilidad y amplían las opciones de juego,Tiene un look futurista con un mono morado, botas plateadas, una falda extraíble brillante y mechas plateadas en su cola de caballo morada
¡Recorre todas las constelaciones en busca de nuevas aventuras junto a esta fantástica muñeca! Consigue esta increíble muñeca para vivir inolvidables aventuras espaciales. La muñeca va vestida con un preciso traje espacial y con un peinado impresionante. ¡Impresionantes giros de 360 grados en el espacio! ¡Con luces y sonidos! Pulsa el botón de su pecho para escuchar exclamaciones de emoción y ver como su skate se ilumina. Edad recomendada: + 3 años. Incluye: 1 muñeca y 1 skate. - Funciona con 3 pilas LR44 (incluidas sólo para demostración) - Puede encontrar las pilas pilas y baterías Consigue todos los artículos de la nueva aventura en el espacio de Barbie y sus amigas.
Barbie DLT23 Lights and Sounds Hover Board - Multi-Coloured [Toy]
Collect all the dolls and accessories from Barbie Star Light Adventure to expand the possibilities to the ends of the universe (each sold separately, subject to availability),Includes hover boarder doll wearing fashions and hover board with doll-activated lights and sounds feature,Attach the included rotating ring in the back of the Barbie Star Light Adventure,Silvery fashions and touches add star light sparkle
Galactic Hoverboarder Barbie is truly out of this world! This famous hoverboarder doll befriends Barbie in the movie and brings the story to life with lights and sounds. Snap the doll's silvery boots into the detachable hoverboard to get ready for the action. Activate three coloured lights (pink, red and blue) and more than five different sounds by moving the doll on the hoverboard -- different moves result in different effects so it seems as though she is really hoverboarding! Attach the included rotating ring in the back of the doll, and use it to see her perform 360-degree stunts. Articulated knees expand her flexibility and the possibilities for action. Practice extreme moves and perfect the routine for her mission to the stars. Fly into adventure or soar into imagination! This Barbie doll is for ages three and up. Please note: 3 x LR44 batteries are included. What's in the box? Doll Hoverboard
Barbie DLT23 - Bambola Sally Avventura Stellare [Giocattolo]
Ispirata al film Barbie Avventura Stellare, questa bambola crea effetti luminosi e sonori muovendosi sulla sua tavola,Scopri un divertimento fuori dal mondo con questa bambola galattica con luci e suoni!,Aggancia l'anello rotante incluso al dorso della bambola e usate per farle eseguire delle acrobazie a 360°
Ispirata al film di fantasia spaziale Barbie Avventura Stellare, questa skateboarder galattica è fuori dal mondo Unisciti a Barbie e ai suoi amici nel loro viaggio attraverso una galassia di stelle lucenti e coloratissimi personaggi. Sally è una famosa skateboarder galattica che fa amicizia con Barbie nel film. Aggancia gli stivali argentati della bambola alla tavola rimovibile e preparati ad entrare in azione. Attiva le tre luci colorate (rosa, rossa e azzurra) e più di cinque suoni diversi muovendo la bambola sulla tavola -- ogni movimento produce effetti diversi, così sembrerà come se stesse davvero planando sulla sua tavola Aggancia l'anello rotante incluso al dorso della bambola e usalo per farle eseguire delle acrobazie a 360°. Le ginocchia snodate aumentano la sua flessibilità e le possibilità d'azione. Esercitati con mosse estreme e perfeziona le tue figure per la sua missione tra le stelle. Vola verso l'avventura o fluttua in un mondo di immaginazione Questo personaggio ha un look futuristico con la tuta viola fissa e gli stivali argentati abbinati alla gonna scintillante argento rimovibile. Le ciocche argentate coordinate della sua coda di cavallo rendono il suo stile davvero galattico. Ricrea le tue scene preferite del film o lascia che la tua immaginazione prenda il volo Colleziona tutte le bambole e gli accessori di Barbie Avventura Stellare per ampliare le possibilità fino ai confini dell'universo. Include Sally Avventura Stellare con abiti e tavola con luci e suoni attivabili dalla bambola.
Barbie - DLT23 - Sally Sons et Lumières [Toy]
Retrouve le personnage extrait du dessin animé "Barbie Aventures dans les étoiles" avec cette poupée articulée aux genoux et est vêtue d'une combinaison violette et d'une jupette argentée.,Ses pieds chaussés de grandes bottes d'argent sont clappés à sa planche spatiale (amovible).,Grâce à la poignée glissée dans le dos de la poupée, Sally peut s'envoler et bouger, guidés par la main de l'enfant.,Les détecteurs de mouvements déclenchent alors des sons et des réactions de la poupée ainsi que des lumières sur le surf spatial.,Age : à partir de 3 ans
Revivez les aventures de Barbie Sally sons et lumières sur son hoverboard. Voyagez à travers les étoiles pour des aventures galactiques captivantes. Barbie Sally sons et lumières au secours des étoiles La poupée est articulée aux genoux pour garantir plus de mobilité pendant ses périples. Le hoverboard en plastique rose est équipé de 3 différentes couleurs ( rose, rouge et bleu ) et produit plus de 5 sons différents. Les habits de Barbie sont très futuristes, ils se composent d'une combinaison mauve, de bottes en plastique argentées, d'une jupe en résille grise, d'une queue de cheval mauve. Une petite poignée dans le dos de la poupée permet plus de mouvements pendant le jeu comme si Barbie faisait réellement du hoverboard.
Mattel Barbie DLT23 - Barbie Lights und Sounds Hoverboard Puppe [Toy]
Diese Puppe lässt den fantastischen Weltraumfilm "Barbie in Das Sternenlicht-Abenteuer" mit Lichtern und Geräuschen zum Leben erwachen.,Einfach ihre Stiefel in das abnehmbare Hoverboard stecken, und schon kann die Action losgehen: Bewegt man die Puppe auf dem Hoverboard umher, werden farbige Lichter sowie Geräusche aktiviert.,Befestigt man den enthaltenen Drehring am Rücken der Puppe, kann man sie 360-Grad-Stunts ausführen lassen.,Sally trägt einen futuristischen, modellierten Overall in Lila kombiniert mit silberfarbenen Stiefeln und einem abnehmbaren, silbern schimmernden Rock.,Ab 3 Jahren
Mattel GmbH Barbie Sternenlicht Hoverboard Puppe In dem fantastischen Weltraumfilm ''Barbie in Das Sternenlicht-Abenteuer reist Barbie durch eine Galaxie voller funkelnder Sterne und bunter Charaktere. Dabei freundet sie sich auch mit der berühmten Hoverboarderin Sally an. Diese Puppe lässt die Geschichte mit Lichtern und Geräuschen zum Leben erwachen. Einfach ihre silberfarbenen Stiefel in das abnehmbare Hoverboard stecken, und schon kann die Action losgehen. Bewegt man die Puppe auf dem Hoverboard umher, werden drei farbige Lichter (Pink, Rot und Blau) sowie mehr als fünf verschiedene Geräusche aktiviert, wobei unterschiedliche Bewegungen für unterschiedliche Effekte sorgen, als würde Sally tatsächlich Hoverboard fahren. Befestigt man den enthaltenen Drehring am Rücken der Puppe, kann man sie 360-Grad-Stunts ausführen lassen. Dank der beweglichen Knie kann sie besonders viele Action-Posen einnehmen, komplizierte Moves üben und ihre Technik für ihre Weltraummission perfektionieren. Sally trägt einen futuristischen, modellierten Overall in Lila kombiniert mit silberfarbenen Stiefeln und einem abnehmbaren, silbern schimmernden Rock. Für einen besonders spacigen Look sorgen die silberfarbenen Strähnchen in ihrem lila Pferdeschwanz. Der Fantasie des Mädchens sind mit dieser Puppe keine Grenzen gesetzt, egal, ob es seine Lieblingsszenen nachspielen oder sich neue Abenteuer ausdenken möchte. Inkl. Hoverboarder-Puppe mit Mode und Hoverboard mit Licht- und Geräuschfunktion. Die Puppe kann nicht von allein stehen oder fliegen. Achtung: Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet. Kleinteile und/oder abreißbare Kleinteile enthalten, die z. B. verschluckt werden könnten. Erstickungsgefahr.
Barbie Star Light Adventure Lights and Sounds Hoverboarder [Toy]
Enjoy out-of-this-world fun with this galactic hoverboarding doll with lights and sounds,Inspired by the movie Barbie Star Light Adventure, this doll creates light and sound effects as she is moved on the hoverboard,Activate three colored lights (pink, red and blue) and more than five different sounds by moving the doll on the hoverboard,Attach the included rotating ring in the back of the doll, and use it to see her perform 360-degree stunts,Articulated knees on the character doll expand her flexibility and the possibilities for action
This famous hoverboarder doll befriends Barbie in the movie and brings the story to life with lights and sounds. Snap the doll's silvery boots into the detachable hoverboard to get ready for the action. Activate three colored lights (pink, red and blue) and more than five different sounds by moving the doll on the hoverboard -- different moves result in different effects so it seems as though she is really hoverboarding! Attach the included rotating ring in the back of the doll, and use it to see her perform 360-degree stunts. Articulated knees expand her flexibility and the possibilities for action. Practice extreme moves and perfect the routine for her mission to the stars. Fly into adventure or soar into imagination! The character doll is fashion forward in a futuristic purple molded jumpsuit with silvery boots and a removable shimmery silvery skirt. Matching silvery shimmer streaks in her purple ponytail add super cool style.Barbie Star Light Adventure Lights & Sounds Hoverboarder DollActivate three colored lights (pink, red and blue) and more than five different sounds by moving the doll on the hoverboard -- different moves result in different effects so it seems as though she is really hoverboarding!Attach the included rotating ring in the back of the doll, and use it to see her perform 360-degree stuntsArticulated knees on the character doll expand her flexibility and the possibilities for actionEnjoy out-of-this-world fun with this galactic hoverboarding doll with lights and sounds!Recommended for ages 5 and upMade by Mattel
Barbie Star Light Adventure Lights & Sounds Hoverboarder [Toy]
Enjoy out-of-this-world fun with this galactic hoverboarding doll with lights and sounds!,Inspired by the movie Barbie Star Light Adventure, this doll creates light and sound effects as she is moved on the hoverboard,Activate three colored lights (pink, red and blue) and more than five different sounds by moving the doll on the hoverboard -- different moves result in different effects so it seems as though she is really hoverboarding!,Attach the included rotating ring in the back of the doll, and use it to see her perform 360-degree stunts,Articulated knees on the character doll expand her flexibility and the possibilities for action
Based on the space fantasy movie Barbie Star Light Adventure, this galactic hoverboarder doll is out of this world! Join Barbie and her friends as they travel through a galaxy of sparkling stars and colorful characters. This famous hoverboarder doll befriends Barbie in the movie and brings the story to life with lights and sounds. Snap the doll's silvery boots into the detachable hoverboard to get ready for the action. Activate three colored lights (pink, red and blue) and more than five different sounds by moving the doll on the hoverboard -- different moves result in different effects so it seems as though she is really hoverboarding! Attach the included rotating ring in the back of the doll, and use it to see her perform 360-degree stunts. Articulated knees expand her flexibility and the possibilities for action. Practice extreme moves and perfect the routine for her mission to the stars. Fly into adventure or soar into imagination! The character doll is fashion forward in a futuristic purple molded jumpsuit with silvery boots and a removable shimmery silvery skirt. Matching silvery shimmer streaks in her purple ponytail add super cool style. Recreate favorite scenes from the movie, or let your imagination lift off! Collect all of the dolls and accessories from Barbie Star Light Adventure to expand the possibilities to the ends of the universe (each sold separately, subject to availability). Includes hoverboarder doll wearing fashions and hoverboard with doll-activated lights and sounds feature. Doll cannot stand or fly alone. Colors and decorations may vary.
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