Ulm - English [Juguete]
Juego de estrategia de Günter burkhardt,Para 2 a 4 jugadores a partir de 10 años,Un juego táctico con espacios urbanizados mecanismo de acción
Su esplendor Ulm. la construcción del Ulmer Catedral aún no esté listo, sin embargo, la ciudad ya es rico y considerado. los jugadores tratando de ampliar sus esferas de influencia, aprovechar al máximo y el animado a la plaza del mercado antes Münster, en torno a ums Münster. familia acero laminado en juego de estrategia innovadores deslizante caja Y las normas EN d, GB, F, Contenido: 1 Plan de juego 4 jugadores sets 1 catedral de Ulm 1 schwör - 12 Tarjetas De Torre (26 monedas 33 12 Ciudad Escudo 8 descendientes 50 piedras 30 Ulmer gorriones 1 historial acción Advertencia: No apto para niños menores de 3 años Existe peligro de asfixia por atragantamiento con piezas pequeñas.
Ulm Game [Toy]
Age range: 10 and up / Number of players: 2 to 4 / Play time: 60,Manufacturer: Huch! & friends
Ulm is at its heyday. The construction of the Ulm cathedral has not yet been completed, but the city is already wealthy and prestigious.In Ulm, players try to expand their spheres of influence and to make optimal use of the hustle and bustle on the marketplace around the cathedral.
DV Giochi DVG7940 - Ulm, Gioco da Tavolo Gestionale con Regolamento in Italiano [Giocattolo]
Il nuovo gioco gestionale ambientato nel 16° secolo.,Ideato dall'autore tedesco Günter Burkhardt.,Con le splendide illustrazioni di Michael Menzel!,Alcune carte presentano brevi testi in lingua inglese. Regolamento e manuale "Le cronache di Ulm" sono interamente tradotti in italiano.
Ulm i suoi splendori. La costruzione della cattedrale Ulmer non è ancora terminata, ma la città già ricchi e considerati. I giocatori cercano di estendere le sue aree di influenza e la vivace treiben sfruttare al meglio sul mercato Piazza davanti al Münster, intorno e attorno alla Münster.
Famiglia taugliches gioco di strategia
Innovativo meccanismo a scorrimento
Box e regole in D, GB, F
Contenuto della confezione:
1 piano di gioco
Set di 4 giocatori
1 Ulmer Münster
1 schwör lettera
12 Torre piastrine
26 monete
33 carte
12 città Stemma
8 prole
50 pietre di azione
30 Ulmer Passeri
1 cronaca
Attenzione. Non adatto a bambini di età inferiore a 3 anni. C' è pericolo di soffocamento a causa di piccoli pezzi che potrebbero essere ingeriti.
Ulm - English [Toy]
Huch & Friends 879400 - Ulm, Familien Strategiespiele [Toy]
Strategiespiel von Günter Burkhardt,für 2 bis 4 Spieler ab 10 Jahren,ein taktisches Spiel mit interessantem Aktionsmechanismus
Ulm zu seinen Glanzzeiten. Der Bau des Ulmer Münsters ist noch nicht fertiggestellt, die Stadt jedoch schon reich und angesehen. Die Spieler versuchen, ihre Einflussbereiche zu erweitern und das lebhafte Treiben auf dem Marktplatz vor dem Münster, im und ums Münster herum optimal zu nutzen.
Familientaugliches Strategiespiel
Innovativer Schiebemechanismus
Box und Regeln in D, GB, F
1 Spielplan
4 Spielersets
1 Ulmer Münster
1 Schwörbrief
12 Turmplättchen
26 Münzen
33 Karten
12 Stadtwappen
8 Nachkommen
50 Aktionssteine
30 Ulmer Spatzen
1 Chronik
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet. Es besteht Erstickungsgefahr wegen verschluckbarer Kleinteile!
Ulm Game [Toy]
Age range: 10 and up / Number of players: 2 to 4 / Play time: 60,Manufacturer: Huch! & friends
Ulm is at its heyday. The construction of the Ulm cathedral has not yet been completed, but the city is already wealthy and prestigious. In Ulm, players try to expand their spheres of influence and to make optimal use of the hustle and bustle on the marketplace around the cathedral.
Ulm Board Game [Toy]
For 2-4 players,60 minute playing time,Includes 3-D Cathedral
The construction of the cathedral is well underway, trade blossoms, and the townspeople are bustling about. Who will become the most influential citizen and leave his mark on the city and its history? the cathedral square serves as the central piece of the game with its innovative action mechanism. Each round you push one random tile into the cathedral square to activate three actions you may then perform. They give you money, tiles, cards, allow you to move your boat along the River and place your family seals into the city quarters adjacent to the River Danube. Who uses their opportunities best and makes the most of the current situation on the cathedral square is on a good way to become an honored and remembered citizen of ulm.
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