Rapidough - Juego de reflejos, 3 jugadores (Drumond Park 1590) (versión en inglés) [Juguete]
El juego de las charadas de modelado,¡Sé el primero equipo de adivinar lo que está siendo modelado por un compañero antes de que otro equipo de la conjetura y robar su masa,Sus compañeros de equipo se turnan para ser el modller,300 Reto Tarjetas,Jugó en los equipos
The team game of sculpting charades. Each turn the team's sculptors must model the entry on their card. The 1st team to guess correctly what their sculpter is creating wins the round. However, there is a twist - the winning team gets to steal a plug of dough. The result is that teams can end up with a pea-size piece of dough to model with. The results are hilarious. Played in teams of two or more. For ages 8 years to adult.
Rapidough [Toy]
The game of modeling charades,Be the first team to guess what is being modelled by a team-mate before another team guess and steal your dough,Team mates take it in turn to be the modller,300 Challenge Cards,Played in teams
The team game of sculpting charades. each turn the teams' sculptors must sculpt the entry on their card. The 1st team to guess what their scupltor is creating wins the round. But there's a twist - the winning team gets to take a 'plug' of dough from the losing teams. The result teams can end up with a pea sized piece of dough!
Rapidough - Gioco di riflessi per 4 o più giocatori [importato da UK] [Giocattolo]
The team game of sculpting charades. Each turn the team's sculptors must model the entry on their card. The 1st team to guess correctly what their sculpter is creating wins the round. However, there is a twist - the winning team gets to steal a plug of dough. The result is that teams can end up with a pea-size piece of dough to model with. The results are hilarious. Played in teams of two or more. For ages 8 years to adult.
Drumond Park - Rapidough - Jeu de Société à Modeler Version Anglaise (Import Royaume-Uni) [Toy]
Passe des heures à rigoler avec tes amis grâce à ce jeu société avec de la pâte à modeler Rapiddough. Aide ton équipe à deviner le mot mystère en le sculptant avec de la pâte à modeler. De plus, le perdant perd un bout de pâte à chaque tour, certains vont se retrouver avec un petit pois de pâte à modeler. Veuillez noter que le jeu et les instructions sont en anglais. A partir de 8 ans.
Rapidough - Gesellschaftsspiel (Englische Sprache) [Toy]
Bei diesem Spiel spielt jeder mit. In jeder Runde muss der angegebene Gegenstand aus Knete geformt werden. Das Team, welches den Gegenstand zuerst errät, gewinnt die Runde. Allerdings gibt es einen Haken. Das Siegerteam kann ein Stück Knete vom Verlierer Team nehmen. Somit wird es immer schwieriger Gegenstände aus der Knetmasse zu formen. Probiere es einmal aus, die Ergebnisse können urkomisch sein. Dieses Spiel fördert wunderbar die Kreativität. Außerdem sind in dieser 2012 Ausgabe eine Menge familienfreundlicher Wörter enthalten. Für Fans ab 8 Jahre. Englisch Sprache.
Rapidough [CE]
The team game of sculpting charades. Each turn the team's sculptors must model the entry on their card. The 1st team to guess correctly what their sculpter is creating wins the round. However, there is a twist - the winning team gets to steal a plug of dough. The result is that teams can end up with a pea-size piece of dough to model with. The results are hilarious. Played in teams of two or more. For ages 8 years to adult.
Rapidough - 2013 [Toy]
The game of modeling charades,Be the first team to guess what is being modelled by a team-mate before another team guess and steal your dough,Team mates take it in turn to be the modller,300 Challenge Cards,Played in teams
The team game of sculpting charades. Each turn the team's sculptors must model the entry on their card. The 1st team to guess correctly what their sculpter is creating wins the round. However, there is a twist - the winning team gets to steal a plug of dough. The result is that teams can end up with a pea-size piece of dough to model with. The results are hilarious. Played in teams of two or more. For ages 8 years to adult.
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