Turtle Beach - Auriculares Gaming Ear Force Recon 50X (Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac, Móviles, Tabletas) [Videojuegos]
Compatible con el nuevo mando de Xbox One con entrada para auriculares de 3,5 mm y otros mandos de Xbox One con el adaptador de sonido para auriculares de EAR FORCE (de venta por separado),Los grandes altavoces de neodimio de 40 mm ofrecen un gran sonido estéreo con cristalinos impactantes y potentes bajos,Nuevo diseño exterior ligero y elegante con auriculares de suave cuero sintético,Los controles integrados ponen el botón de silenciar micrófono y el volumen principal al alcance de tus dedos,Usa la barra de micrófono extraíble de alta sensibilidad para el chat de juego y en línea y luego retíralo cuando escuches música y veas películas
Turtle Beach Recon 50X Stereo Gaming Headset (Xbox One) [Video Games]
Compatible out-of-the-box with the new Xbox One controller with the 3.5mm jack, and other Xbox One controllers via the EAR FORCE Headset Audio Controller (sold separately),Large 40mm Neodymium speakers deliver great stereo sound with crisp highs and thundering lows,All-new, sleek, lightweight over-ear design with soft synthetic leather-wrapped ear-cups,In-line controls place Mic Mute and Master Volume conveniently at your fingertips,Use the high-sensitivity adjustable boom mic for in-game and online chat, and then remove it when listening to music and watching movies
Turtle Beach EAR FORCE RECON 50X EU TBS230302 Headsets Microphones Headphones Headsets
Turtle Beach Recon 50x Cuffie di Gioco - Xbox One/PS4/PC [CE]
Subito compatibile con il nuovo controller Xbox One tramite il connettore da 3,5 mm, e con gli altri controller Xbox tramite il controller audio per cuffie (venduto a parte),Ampi altoparlanti al neodimio da 40 mm che offrono un ottimo suono stereo con alti frizzanti e bassi fragorosi,Nuovissimo design over-ear elegante e leggero con morbidi auricolari in pelle sintetica,Comandi integrati per disattivare l'audio e regolare il volume principale con facilità
Casque de jeu Recon 50X Noir de Turtle Beach - Xbox One et Xbox One S [Video Games]
Crystal Clear chat Audio- Utilisez le réglage boom mic - haute sensibilité pour le jeu et le chat en ligne, puis le retirer lors de l'écoute de la musique et regarder des films,Léger et confortable Design - Le léger design élégant sur l'oreille avec l'oreille - coussins en cuir gainé synthétiques vous permet de jouer pendant des heures dans le confort complet,Full Range Le Haut-parleurs- Turtle Beach Recon 50X dispose de grandes enceintes 40mm en néodyme pour délivrer un son stéréo avec des aigus clairs et des bas de tonnerre,Commandes pratiques - En - ligne gère facilement placer Mic Mute et à droite Master Volume au bout des doigts,Très polyvalent - Se connecte à l'un contrôleur Xbox avec jack 3,5 mm, ou d'autres Xbox One contrôleurs via un adaptateur de casque One Xbox (vendu séparément). Fonctionne également avec d'autres appareils avec prise jack 3,5 mm, comme PS4, PC, Mac et les périphériques / tablettes mobiles.
Turtle Beach Ear Force Recon 50X Gaming Headset [Xbox One - kompatibel mit dem neuen Xbox One Controller, PS4] [Video Games]
Wie geliefert kompatibel mit dem neuen Xbox One Controller über die 3,5-mm-Klinkenbuchse. Für andere Xbox One Controller benötigen Sie den EAR FORCE Headset Audio Controller (separat erhältlich),Große 40-mm-Neodymium-Lautsprecher sorgen für qualitativ hochwertigen Stereosound mit klaren Höhen und dröhnenden Bässen,Völlig neues, elegantes und leichtes Over-Ear-Design mit weichen Ohrmuscheln aus Lederimitat,Die Inline-Steuerung lässt Sie im Handumdrehen das Mikrofon stummschalten und die Gesamtlautstärke regeln,Benutzen Sie das hochsensible verstellbare Bügelmikrofon für Spiel- und Online-Chat und entfernen Sie es, um Musik zu hören oder Filme anzusehen
Experience the sleek, lightweight design and crystal clear audio of the EAR FORCE Recon 50X gaming headset. With 40mm Neodymium speakers and in-line controls, the Recon 50P conveniently places Mic Mute and Master Volume at your fingertips, and you can use the high-sensitivity adjustable boom mic for in-game and online chat, and then remove it when listening to music and watching movies.
Turtle Beach Turtle Beach® EAR FORCE® Recon 50X Gaming Headset - Xbox One [Video Games]
Lightweight & Comfortable Design The sleek, lightweight over-ear design with synthetic leather-wrapped ear-cups allows you to play for hours in complete comfort.,Crystal Clear Chat & Audio Use the high-sensitivity adjustable boom mic for in-game and online chat, and then remove it when listening to music and watching movies.,Full-Range Speakers Large 40mm Neodymium speakers deliver great stereo sound with crisp highs and thundering lows.,Convenient Controls In-line controls conveniently place Mic Mute and Master Volume right at your fingertips.,Highly Versatile Compatible out-of-the-box with the new Xbox One controller, and with other Xbox One controllers via the EAR FORCE® Headset Audio Controller (sold separately).
Compatible out-of-the-box with the new Xbox One controller with the 3.5mm jack, and other Xbox One controllers via the EAR FORCE Headset Audio Controller (sold separately);Large 40mm Neodymium speakers deliver great stereo sound with crisp highs and thundering lows;All-new, sleek, lightweight over-ear design with soft synthetic leather-wrapped ear-cups;In-line controls place Mic Mute and Master Volume conveniently at your fingertips;Use the high-sensitivity adjustable boom mic for in-game and online chat, and then remove it when listening to music and watching movies
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