Melissa & Doug - Alimentos de juguete (10271) [Juguete]
Set de piezas resistentes de madera,Incluye sandía, maíz, leche, queso, cereales, pescado, huevos y mucho más,21 piezas pintadas a mano,Las piezas se guardan, ordenadamente, en cuatro compartimentos separados, de madera,Estimula las habilidades de contar, clasificar, imitar y despierta el interés en comida y alimentación
Melissa & Doug - Alimentos de juguete (10271)
- Set de piezas resistentes de madera
- Incluye sandía, maíz, leche, queso, cereales, pescado, huevos y mucho más
- 21 piezas pintadas a mano
- Las piezas se guardan, ordenadamente, en cuatro compartimentos separados, de madera
- Estimula las habilidades de contar, clasificar, imitar y despierta el interés en comida y alimentación
Melissa & Doug Wooden Play Food Set - Assorted [Toy]
21 hand painted pieces,Stores neatly in four wooden crates,Encourages counting, sorting, pretend play and an interest in food and nutrition
Planning a well-balanced meal is child's play with this wooden play food set. Items from the five food groups--including watermelon, milk, cheese, fish, eggs, and much more--are crafted of solid wood and come with four wooden baskets for sorting and storage. Extension Activities: More Ways to Play and Learn: Ask the child to identify each food item (other than condiments) and to categorize it by basic food group: meat, dairy, grain, or fruits and vegetables. Ask the child to place each food group in a different crate. Ask the child to identify each food item (other than condiments) and to categorize it by basic food group: meat, dairy, grain or fruits and vegetables. Ask the child to place each food group in a different crate. Have the child identify the colours of each food item, and sort the items by colour among the four crates. Help the child to assemble a balanced meal in each basket. Explain that each meal must have one item from each food group. Visual memory skills: Place 3-4 ingredients in front of the child. Let the child study them before asking the child to close their eyes while you remove one piece. Ask the child which piece was removed. Gradually increase the number of ingredients.
Melissa and Doug Giochi di legno Set cibo in legno [Giocattolo]
Resistente set di alimenti da gioco in legno,Include cocomero, mais, latte, formaggio, cereali, pesce, uova e altro ancora,21 pezzi dipinti a mano,Si ripone in modo ordinato in quattro cassette di legno,Incoraggia il conteggio, lo smistamento, il gioco di finzione e un interesse negli alimenti e nella nutrizione
Prepariamo un pranzo salutare e bilanciato.Con cinque gruppi di cibo, incluso latte, formaggio, anguria, uova, pesce e molto altro. Tutti gli alimenti sono realizzati in legno robusto e hanno quattro cestini di legno per separarli e per riporli.
Melissa & Doug - 10271 - Groupes Alimentaires [Toy]
Description du produit: Lait et produits laitiers,Favorise la reconnaissance des couleurs et la sensibilisation à différents types d'aliments,Age minimum : 3 ans,Ensemble robuste d'aliments de jeu en bois,Comprend pastèque, maïs, lait, fromage, céréales, poisson, œufs et plus.,21 pièces peintes à la main,Se range proprement dans quatre caisses en bois.,Favorise le comptage, le tri, le jeu de simulation et un intérêt pour les aliments et la nutrition.
Melissa & Doug - 10271 - Nahrungsmittelgruppen [Toy]
Sortiment mit Lebensmitteln aus Holz,Mit Wassermelone, Mais, Milch, Käse, Frühstücksflocken, Fisch, Eiern und noch viel mehr.,21 handbemalte Teile,Lässt sich in vier Holzkästen aufbewahren,Animiert zum Zählen, Sortieren, Ausdenken von Spielen und weckt auf spielerische Weise das Interesse an gesunder Ernährung.
Eine ausgewogene Mahlzeit zu planen wird zum Kinderspiel!
Dieses Set aus Holz-Lebensmittel beinhaltet Lebensmittel aus allen 5 Gruppen.
- 4 Körbe zum praktischen Aufbewahren
- Brot
- Brötchen
- Toast
- Banane
- Zitrone
- Wassermelone
- Tomate
- Knoblauch
- Orange
- Ei
- Hühnerkeule
- Würstchen
- Kotelett
- Frikadelle
- Käse-Laib
- Käsestück
- Fisch
- Milch
- Butter
Alle Lebensmittel sind aus massivem Holz gefertigt.
Für Kinder ab 3 Jahren geeignet.
Nicht für Kinde runter 3 Jahren geeignet, da vorhandene Kleinteile verschluckt werden können. Erstickungsgefahr!
Melissa & Doug Food Groups [Toy]
Sturdy wooden play food set,Includes watermelon, corn, milk, cheese, cereal, fish, eggs, and more,21 handpainted pieces,Stores neatly in four wooden crates,Encourages counting, sorting, pretend play, and an interest in food and nutrition.
Making It Easy To Plan A Well Balanced Diet, This Wooden Set Features Items From The Five Food Groups, Plus Oil. Includes Watermelon, Corn, Milk, Cheese, Cereal, Fish, Egg And Much More!
Melissa & Doug Food Groups - 21 Hand-Painted Wooden Pieces and 4 Crates [Toy]
Sturdy wooden food set features items from the five food groups,Includes watermelon, corn, milk, cheese, cereal, fish, eggs and more,Stores neatly in four wooden crates,Fun and educational,Ages 3+
Planning a well-balanced meal is child's play with this wooden set. Items from the five food groups--including watermelon, milk, cheese, fish, eggs, and much more--are crafted of solid wood and come with four wooden baskets for sorting and storage.
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