Ibra Pro Gold Rojo - Cable HDMI de alta velocidad, 2 m, version 2.0, Full HD 1080p, 4K Ultra HD 2160p, 3D, ARC, CEC, 18Gbps, compatible con Ethernet [CE]
Cable HDMI 2.0 - Apto para: XBOX 360 / XBOX One / Playstation 3 / Playstation 4 / Raspberry Pi / videoproyector / receptor DVB / receptor AV / monitores TFT / HD-Ready o Full HD / televisores Ultra HD / Blu-Ray 3D y reproductores de DVD o HD-DVD,Blindaje: triple (lámina y trenzado) | Conectores blindados por separado | Conexiones: 2 conectores HDMI de 19 pines, bañados en oro de 24 ct,Compatible con Ethernet (conexión de componentes AV con ARC Audio Return Channel / (canal de retorno de audio) y soporte 3D | Compatible con HDMI 2.0 / Soporte completo de ULTRA HD 4k - 2160p (4096 × 2160 píxeles),Soporte total de espacios de color extendidos tales como xvColor y Deep Color | Ultra HD 4k 2160p (4096 × 2160 píxeles) |Transmite todos los formatos digitales de audio tales como 2.0 (estéreo/mono), 2.1, 5.1, 7.1, DTS-HD Master Audio, Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Digital y DTS - Hasta 32 altavoces (canales de audio),Soporte total de ULTRA HD 4k - 2160p (4096 × 2160 píxeles) | (Soporte auténtico 3D y Ethernet) / Compatibles con las versiones anteriores de HDMI 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3abc y 1.4, 1.4a
IBRA? PRO GOLD RED Range is a HDMI 2.0/1.4a Vesion Super High Quality and a High Speed HDMI cable with 2160P,3D,Ethernet (Connector Type A to A)HD Zone PRESENTING IBRA? PRO GOLD RED (2.0/1.4a Version, 3D) HDMI TO HDMI CABLE WITH ETHERNET,COMPATIBLE WITH 1.4,1.3c,1.3b,1.3,1080P,2160P,PS3,PS4,XBOX 360,SKYHD,FREESAT,VIRGIN HD BOX,NINTENDO Wii U,FULL HD LCD,PLASMA & LED TV's AND ALSO SUPPORTS 3D TVS.
The main features:
- HD ZONE's Newest HDMI version 2.0/1.4a " High Speed with Ethernet"- all currently available HDMI functions are implemented.
- Complete 3D TV support (including FullHD 3D)
- Supports HD Dolby Digital 7.1 and Transmission of new HD-Sound formats like Dolby True HD or DTS HD and all other HDMI supported sound formats.
- Smooth transmission of extreme HD resolutions up to 4096 x 2160 @24hz (Naturally lower resolutions are also supported)
- Ethernet channel (Network function)
- Audio Return Channel(ARC)
- Support of extended colour ranges
- Deep Color
- 100% backwards compatible- Devices with different HDMI standards can be connected, thus the cable automatically finds the best possible connection.
- CEC Control function
- and a lot more
The additional features:
- HD ZONE's Perfect manufacture
- Only high grade materials are used : Robust and high flexible NYLON jacket, lines inside the cable out of oxygen free copper
- Corrosion-resistant golden contacts for a loss-free transmission
- High quality double-shielding for a loss free signal
IBRA® 2m High Speed PRO GOLD RED HDMI v2.0/1.4a HDMI Cable 3D 2160p PS4 SKY HD 4K Ultra HD [CE]
IBRA® PRO GOLD RED (HDMI 2.0/1.4a Version, 3D) HDMI TO HDMI CABLE WITH ETHERNET,COMPATIBLE WITH 1.4,1.3c,1.3b,1.3,1080P,2160P,PS3,XBOX 360,SKYHD,FREESAT,VIRGIN HD BOX,NINTENDO Wii U,FULL HD LCD,PLASMA & LED TV's AND ALSO SUPPORTS 3D TVS.,Super High Quality Cable for your TV to your SKY + HD , Virgin, Blu-Ray, Laptop, PC, DVD, PS3, Xbox, Wii U, Tivo, Vizio, Sony, Apple TV, 3D / Plasma / LCD / LED / TV and many other HD ready devices,Pro Gold HDMI is a 3D HDMI HDMI 2.0/v1.4a HD Lead with tough braided exterior and 24k gilded connectors means our HDMI cables are compatible with resolutions 480p, 720p, 1080i,1080p and 2160p,Most up to date cable available in the market with v1.4a,3D Technology and Audio return(ARC)/CAT-2 HDMI Cable(Full 1080p/2160p approved) Perfect for both high definition video and standard video formats. Supports True HD Dolby 7.1 and DTS-HD Master Audio,Support for all television up to 1000Hz rates and above. Broadcast quality digital video, digital audio, and inter-component control signals all in one compact HD connector
IBRA® PRO GOLD RED Range is a HDMI 2.0/1.4a Vesion Super High Quality and a High Speed HDMI cable with 2160P,3D,Ethernet (Connector Type A to A)
The main features:
- HD ZONE's Newest HDMI version 2.0/1.4a " High Speed with Ethernet"- all currently available HDMI functions are implemented.
- Complete 3D TV support (including FullHD 3D)
- Supports HD Dolby Digital 7.1 and Transmission of new HD-Sound formats like Dolby True HD or DTS HD and all other HDMI supported sound formats.
- Smooth transmission of extreme HD resolutions up to 4096 x 2160 @24hz (Naturally lower resolutions are also supported)
- Ethernet channel (Network function)
- Audio Return Channel(ARC)
- Support of extended colour ranges
- Deep Color
- 100% backwards compatible- Devices with different HDMI standards can be connected, thus the cable automatically finds the best possible connection.
- CEC Control function
- and a lot more
The additional features:
- HD ZONE's Perfect manufacture
- Only high grade materials are used : Robust and high flexible NYLON jacket, lines inside the cable out of oxygen free copper
- Corrosion-resistant golden contacts for a loss-free transmission
- High quality double-shielding for a loss free signal
IBRA Pro Gold Red Cavo HDMI 2 metri - (Nuova versione v2.0 / 1.4a) alta velocita con Ethernet, 3D, ARC, FULL HD 2160p e 1080p [CE]
IBRA Pro Gold Red High Speed (HDMI 2.0/1.4a versione, 3D) HDMI al cavo HDMI con Ethernet, COMPATIBILE CON 1.4,1.3 c, 1.3b, 1.3,1080 P, 2160P, PS3, PS4, XBOX ONE, XBOX 360, SkyHD , Freesat, VIRGIN HD BOX, Nintendo Wii U, FULL HD LCD, PLASMA & LED TV e supporta anche 3D TVS.,IBRA Super Cavo di alta qualità per il tuo TV al SKY + HD, Vergine, Blu-Ray, Computer portatile, PC, DVD, PS3, PS4, Xbox, Wii U, Tivo, Vizio, Sony, Apple TV, 3D / al plasma / LCD / LED / TV e molti altri dispositivi HD ready,Pro Gold Red HDMI High Speed è un Lead 2.0/1.4a HD HDMI HDMI 3D con treccia esterna e dura 24k connettori dorati significa che i nostri cavi HDMI compatibili con le risoluzioni 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p e 2160p,Best Quality cavo disponibili sul mercato con la versione 2.0/v1.4a, Tecnologia 3D e audio di ritorno (ARC) / CAT-2 Cavo HDMI (Full 1080P/2160P approvato) Perfetto sia per video ad alta definizione e formati video standard. Supporta True HD Dolby 7.1 e DTS-HD Master Audio,Pro Gold Red HDMI High Speed supporterà tutti i televisori fino a 2000Hz e tassi di cui sopra. Video di qualità broadcast digitale, audio digitale e segnali di controllo tra i componenti in un unico connettore compatto HD
HD Zone presentando una nuova generazione IBRA® PRO GOLD RED v2.0/1.4a Versione Cavo piatto HDMI.
• Questo è un grande nuovo cavo HDMI con la versione v2.0/1.4a che ha una tecnologia Ethernet built-in.
• Questo cavo è anche all'indietro sostenuto con v2.0,1.4a,1.3,1.3 b e le versioni 1.3c.
• Ha alta velocità con Ethernet
• Audio Return Channel (ARC).
• It è utile per i dispositivi HDMI v2.0/1.4/1.3c/1.3b e Supporta la tecnologia 3D, Lo strato di protezione in nylon protegge da abration.
• High Purezza senza ossigeno (99,99%)
• Conduttori di rame l'aiuto di alcuna perdite di dati e mantiene alta cavo conductivity.
• Best per 2160p e 1080p Supporta anche 4K x 2K e video più colore di ricambio. Adatto a 50Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz LCD / LED HD Tv, e fino a 600Hz HD TV al plasma con lettore DVD, DiVX HD Videoproiettori.
• Questo è appositamente progettato per aiutare gli utenti di gioco, che migliorerà la qualità dell'immagine su PS3 e Xbox 360.
• Supporta 15.8 / 18/21Gbps di larghezza di banda
• 24K Gold Plated Connettori
• Fino a 32 canali audio
• Provate questo cavo di nuova generazione per foto di alta qualità e grande suono.
• Supporta contenuti 3D
• Risoluzioni garantite 4Kx2K, 2160p, 1440p, 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p, e 480i
• Supporta il Canale di Ritorno Audio
• Supporta i più elevati Refresh Rate esistenti
• Supporta Dolby True HD 7.1 e DTS-HD Master Audio
• Conforme a HDCP, HDMI Authority, RoHS
Per le altre versioni e lunghezze possono essere selezionati da sopra menu a discesa.
HD Zone offre 1 anni di garanzia su tutti i cavi in modo da godere il vostro acquisto
Contenuto della confezione: 1 x Cavo HDMI PRO GOLD RED 2.0 / 1.4
IBRA® - Pro Gold Red - 2M - Câble HDMI v2.0 - Nouvelles normes - 3D | Ultra HD 4K 2160p | Full HD 1080p | Audio Return Channel (ARC) | CEC | Haute performance avec Ethernet [CE]
CABLE HDMI IBRA® PRO GOLD RED High Speed ( HDMI 2.0/1.4a, 3D ) Câble HDMI avec tressage et connecteur plaqué or 24k compatible avec les résolutions 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p et 2160p (4k ou ultra HD).Bande supérieure 18 Gbps,Compatible ARC (Audio return chanel), True HD Dolby 7.1, DTS-HD Master Audio, ainsi que toutes les télévisions jusqu'à 2000Hz et au-delà..Jusqu'aux 32 canaux audio,IBRA Câble HDMI v2.0 high speed with Ethernet (connexion internet) retro-compatible norme HDMI 1.4a, 1.4,1.3c,1.3b,1.3,. Résolutions jusqu'à 4096x2160P à 50/60 Hz.Deep Color jusqu'à 48-bits / sRGB, YCbCr, xvYCC,Compatible: XBOX 360 / XBOX One / Playstation 3 / Playstation 4 / Raspberry Pi / vidéoprojecteurs, receveurs Dvb, receveurs AV, moniteurs TFT / ordinateur / ordinateur portable / ready HD oder fullHD / téléviseurs Ultra-HD / lecteurs 3D Blu-Ray, DVD ou HD-DVD.,Triple blindage afin d'éliminer les interférences électromagnétiques (EMI) ainsi que les interférences radio (RFI). Tressage Nylon et connecteurs plaqués OR 24k. Câble male/male de type A. Différentes longueurs disponibles S'il vous plaît ci-dessus voir dans le menu déroulant.
IBRA® - Pro Gold Red 2M Câble HDMI v2.0 - Nouvelles normes
3D | Ultra HD 4K 2160p | Full HD 1080p | Audio Return Channel (ARC) | CEC | Haute performance avec Ethernet
• HD ZONE's IBRA® Câble HDMI supporte les toutes dernières spécificités HDMI 2.0a et HDMI 1.4
• Résolutions jusqu'à 4096x2160P à 50/60 Hz
• Résolutions supportées: 480i, 480P, 720i, 720P, 1080i, 1080P, 1440P, 2160P, 4k
• supporte des résolutions 1080P/2160P en mode 3D
• formats TV jusqu'à 21:9
• bande supérieure 18 Gbps
• Deep Color jusqu'à 48-bits / sRGB, YCbCr, xvYCC
• Ethernet via HDMI par un canal de réseau supplémentaire
• CEC pour toutes fonctions de commande HDMI
• conforme aux normes HDCP
• jusqu'aux 32 canaux audio
• qualité audio améliorée (jusqu'à 1536kHz)
• compatible True Dolby HD 7.1 et DTS HD
• rétrocompatible HDMI (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.4a)
• câble: multiple blindage - triple (feuilleté + treillis) / fiche: séparément blindée | parfaitement défini selon les spécificités HDMI®
• connexions: fiche 2× 19 broches HDMI , contacts dorés 24 carats | fiches de précision pour assurer une connexion ferme
• conducteur en cuivre de qualité supérieure assure une transmission optimale et sans pertes de signaux
Supporte entièrement:
XBOX 360 / XBOX One | Playstation 3 / Playstation 4 | PC / Mac / Raspberry Pi | vidéoprojecteurs / receveurs DVB / receveurs AV / receveurs TV | moniteurs TFT / HD-Ready ou fullHD/ téléviseurs Ultra HD | lecteurs 3D Blu-Ray, lecteurs DVD ou HD-DVD | lecteurs multimedia / MediaCenters| etc.
IBRA Pro Gold Red 2m HDMI Kabel HDMI 2.0 / 1.4a (Neuster Standard) Ultra HD 4K 3D PS4 Full HD 1080p 2160p ARC Highspeed mit Ethernet [CE]
IBRA® PRO GOLD RED HDMI 2.0 kompatibel | Volle ULTRA HD 4k Unterstützung 2160p (4096 × 2160 Pixel) High Speed HDMI Kabel mit Ethernet Channel zum Verbinden von Internet-fähigen AV Komponenten mit ARC,Volle Unterstützung von erweiterten Farbräumen wie x.v. Color und Deep Color / Überträgt alle digitale Audio Formate wie 2.0 (Stereo/Mono) | Bis zu 32 Lautsprecher (Audio Kanäle),IBRA Optimal geeignet für: XBOX® 360 / XBOX® One / PS3 / PS4 / Beamer / DVB Receiver / TFT Monitore / FULL HD Fernseher / Blu-Ray(TM), DVD oder HD-DVD(TM) / TV Receiver, AV Receiver, Mediaplayer.,Dichte und mehrfache Schirmung zum Schutz gegen Störsignale, Doppelt geschirmt (Folie & Geflecht), Anschlüsse: 2× 19-pol. HDMI® Stecker, 24K vergoldet (vergoldete Kontakte),HDMI Standard 2.0 kompatibel | Abwärtskompatibel zu HDMI 1.4 / 1.4a - Volle Unterstützung von 3D TV (1080p / Ultra HD 2160p) - Echt 3D, Abwärtskompatibel zu HDMI 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3abc, 1.4, max.
IBRA® PRO GOLD RED Unterstützt neuste HDMI 2.0 Standards (kompatibel zu allen HDMI Geräten)
Neue unterstützte Standards:
• Unterstützt neuste Standards von HDMI 1.4a und HDMI 2.0
• Auflösungen bis 4096x2160p bei 50/60 Hz
• TV Formate bis 21:9
• Ethernet over HDMI durch zusätzlichen Netzwerk Kanal
• höhere Bandbreite 18 Gbps
• bis zu 32 Audio Kanäle
• verbesserte Audioqualität (bis zu 1536kHz)
• Mehrfachwiedergabe auf dem selben TV Bildschirm
• Deep Color bis 48bit / sRGB, YCbCr, xvYCC
• kompatibel mit allen HD Tonformaten wie 8 PCM,Dolby Digital,DTS,MPEG, DVD-Audio, SACD, Dolby Digital Plus, TrueHD und dts-HD
• kompatibel mit neusten TV-Technologien: OLED Displays mit 4k Auflösungen
• kompatibel mit True Dolby HD 7.1 und DTS HD (Bis zu 32 Lautsprecher)
• HDMI Kabel 19pol. A Stecker auf 19pol. A Stecker
• HDCP Konform
• Unterstützte Auflösungen: 480i, 480p, 720i, 720p, 1080i, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p, 4k
• Unterstützt 1080p/2160p Auflösung im 3D Modus
• Audio Rück-Kanal (ARC)
• Mehrfach Schirmung (Folie + Geflecht)
• Abwärtskompatibel zu älteren HDMI Standards (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4) - wird automatisch erkannt
• CEC für alle HDMI Steuerungsfunktionen
• Kontakte vergoldet für eine optimale Bildübertragung
Kompatible Geräte
• Playstation 4 und Xbox One. (Ethernet/4k ULTRA HD)
• Plasma/TFT TV LED LCD, DVD, Blu-Ray, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox, Beamer uvm.
• Kompatibel zu DVI (HDMI-DVI Adapter benötigt)
Weitere Ausführungen und Längen sind über das Drop Down Menü auswählbar.
Packungsinhalt: 1 X PRO GOLD RED HDMI Kabel
IBRA® 6 Feet High Speed PRO GOLD RED v2.0/1.4a HDMI Cable 3D 2160p PS4 SKY HD 4K Ultra HD ( 2M / 6ft ) [Video Games]
IBRA® PRO GOLD RED (HDMI 2.0/1.4a Version, 3D) HDMI TO HDMI CABLE WITH ETHERNET,COMPATIBLE WITH 1.4,1.3c,1.3b,1.3,1080P,2160P,PS3,XBOX 360,SKYHD,FREESAT,VIRGIN HD BOX,NINTENDO Wii U,FULL HD LCD,PLASMA & LED TV's AND ALSO SUPPORTS 3D TVS.,Super High Quality Cable for your TV to your SKY + HD , Virgin, Blu-Ray, Laptop, PC, DVD, PS3, Xbox, Wii U, Tivo, Vizio, Sony, Apple TV, 3D / Plasma / LCD / LED / TV and many other HD ready devices,Pro Gold HDMI is a 3D HDMI HDMI 2.0/1.4a HD Lead with tough braided exterior and 24k gilded connectors means our HDMI cables are compatible with resolutions 480p, 720p, 1080i,1080p and 2160p,Most up to date cable available in the market with v1.4a,3D Technology and Audio return(ARC)/CAT-2 HDMI Cable(Full 1080p/2160p approved) Perfect for both high definition video and standard video formats. Supports True HD Dolby 7.1 and DTS-HD Master Audio,Support for all television up to 1000Hz rates and above. Broadcast quality digital video, digital audio, and inter-component control signals all in one compact HD connector
HD Zone's RED Range is a 1.4a Vesion High Quality and a High Speed HDMI cable with 2160P,3D,Ethernet (Connector Type A to A)HD Zone PRESENTING PRO GOLD RED (1.4a Version, 3D) HDMI TO HDMI CABLE WITH ETHERNET,COMPATIBLE WITH 1.4,1.3c,1.3b,1.3,1080P,2160P,PS3,PS4,XBOX 360,SKYHD,FREESAT,VIRGIN HD BOX,NINTENDO Wii U,FULL HD LCD,PLASMA & LED TV's AND ALSO SUPPORTS 3D TVS.
The main features:
- HD ZONE's Newest HDMI version 1.4a " High Speed with Ethernet"- all currently available HDMI functions are implemented.
- Complete 3D TV support (including FullHD 3D)
- Supports HD Dolby Digital 7.1 and Transmission of new HD-Sound formats like Dolby True HD or DTS HD and all other HDMI supported sound formats.
- Smooth transmission of extreme HD resolutions up to 4096 x 2160 @24hz (Naturally lower resolutions are also supported)
- Ethernet channel (Network function)
- Audio Return Channel
- Support of extended colour ranges
- Deep Color
- 100% backwards compatible- Devices with different HDMI standards can be connected, thus the cable automatically finds the best possible connection.
- CEC Control function
- and a lot more
The additional features:
- HD ZONE's Perfect manufacture
- Only high grade materials are used : Robust and high flexible NYLON jacket, lines inside the cable out of oxygen free copper
- Corrosion-resistant golden contacts for a loss-free transmission
- High quality double-shielding for a loss free signal
IBRA ® 6 Feet High Speed PRO GOLD RED HDMI Cable 3D PS4 2160p 4K Ultra HD(2M/6 Feet) [CE]
IBRA® PRO GOLD RED (HDMI 2.0/1.4a Version, 3D) HDMI TO HDMI CABLE WITH ETHERNET,COMPATIBLE WITH 1.4,1.3c,1.3b,1.3,1080P,2160P,PS3,XBOX 360,SKYHD,FREESAT,VIRGIN HD BOX,NINTENDO Wii U,FULL HD LCD,PLASMA & LED TV's AND ALSO SUPPORTS 3D TVS.,Super High Quality Cable for your TV to your SKY + HD , Virgin, Blu-Ray, Laptop, PC, DVD, PS3, Xbox, Wii U, Tivo, Vizio, Sony, Apple TV, 3D / Plasma / LCD / LED / TV and many other HD ready devices,Pro Gold HDMI is a 3D HDMI HDMI 2.0/1.4a HD Lead with tough braided exterior and 24k gilded connectors means our HDMI cables are compatible with resolutions 480p, 720p, 1080i,1080p and 2160p,Most up to date cable available in the market with v1.4a,3D Technology and Audio return(ARC)/CAT-2 HDMI Cable(Full 1080p/2160p approved) Perfect for both high definition video and standard video formats. Supports True HD Dolby 7.1 and DTS-HD Master Audio,Support for all television up to 1000Hz rates and above. Broadcast quality digital video, digital audio, and inter-component control signals all in one compact HD connector
IBRA® PRO GOLD RED Range is a HDMI 2.0/1.4a Vesion Super High Quality and a High Speed HDMI cable with 2160P,3D,Ethernet (Connector Type A to A) HD Zone PRESENTING IBRA® PRO GOLD RED (2.0/1.4a Version, 3D) HDMI TO HDMI CABLE WITH ETHERNET,COMPATIBLE WITH 1.4,1.3c,1.3b,1.3,1080P,2160P,PS3,PS4,XBOX 360,SKYHD,FREESAT,VIRGIN HD BOX,NINTENDO Wii U,FULL HD LCD,PLASMA & LED TV's AND ALSO SUPPORTS 3D TVS.
The main features:
- HD ZONE's Newest HDMI version 2.0/1.4a " High Speed with Ethernet"- all currently available HDMI functions are implemented.
- Complete 3D TV support (including FullHD 3D)
- Supports HD Dolby Digital 7.1 and Transmission of new HD-Sound formats like Dolby True HD or DTS HD and all other HDMI supported sound formats.
- Smooth transmission of extreme HD resolutions up to 4096 x 2160 @24hz (Naturally lower resolutions are also supported)
- Ethernet channel (Network function)
- Audio Return Channel(ARC)
- Support of extended colour ranges
- Deep Color
- 100% backwards compatible- Devices with different HDMI standards can be connected, thus the cable automatically finds the best possible connection.
- CEC Control function
- and a lot more
The additional features:
- HD ZONE's Perfect manufacture
- Only high grade materials are used : Robust and high flexible NYLON jacket, lines inside the cable out of oxygen free copper
- Corrosion-resistant golden contacts for a loss-free transmission
- High quality double-shielding for a loss free signal
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