Hasbro - Princesas Disney, juego de mesa, para 2 jugadores (versión en inglés) [Juguete]
Entrenador juego de Pop-Up Magia Cenicienta tiene un tablero de juego con un entrenador emergente,Puede jugar como Cenicienta o el príncipe azul,Haz girar la ruleta para ver qué tan lejos por el camino se puede mover,Llegar a la piedra encantada Finalizar primero en ganar,Tablero de juego se conecta a otros tableros Pop-Up Magia (otros juegos se venden por separado)
Disney Princess Pop-Up Magic Cinderella Coach Game
Disney Princess Pop-Up Magic Cinderella Coach Game [Toy]
Pop-Up Magic Cinderella's Coach game has a gameboard with a pop-up coach,You can play as Cinderella or Prince Charming,Spin the spinner to see how far down the path you can move,Reach the enchanted Finish stone first to win,Gameboard connects to other Pop-Up Magic gameboards (other games sold separately)
Join Cinderella and Prince Charming on a magical journey in this Pop-Up Magic Cinderella's Coach game! The gameboard for this Disney-themed game has a beautiful coach for imagining Cinderella as she travels to the ball. You can play the game as either Cinderella or Prince Charming, and move along the path with spins of the spinner. Connect the board to other Pop-Up Magic games (other games sold separately) for a longer path and even more magic. Friend tokens can help you move even farther down the path, and if you reach the enchanted Finish stone on the board, you win!
Disney Princess - Il Gioco della Carrozza (versione in Inglese) [Giocattolo]
Disney Princess - Pop-Up Magic - Jeu du Carrosse Version Anglaise - Modèle Aléatoire [Toy]
Pop-Up Magic Cinderella's Coach game has a gameboard with a pop-up coachYou can play as Cinderella or Prince CharmingSpin the spinner to see how far down the path you can moveReach the enchanted Finish stone first to winGameboard connects to other Pop-Up Magic gameboards (other games sold separately)
Cours contre le temps avec ta princesse Disney grâce au jeu du carrosse Version anglaise de Disney Princess. Avance sur le plateau et sois le premier à arriver pour gagner la partie. Connecte le jeu à d'autres jeux Pop-Up Magic (vendus séparément) pour allonger le plateau. Ce coffret comprend un jeu de société uniquement en anglais, aléatoirement de Cendrillon ou Rapunzel. A partir de 3 ans.
Disney Prinzessinnen - Brettspiel - Cinderella / Rapunzel (Sortimentsartikel) [UK Import] [Toy]
Pop-Up Magic Cinderella's Coach game has a gameboard with a pop-up coachYou can play as Cinderella or Prince CharmingSpin the spinner to see how far down the path you can moveReach the enchanted Finish stone first to winGameboard connects to other Pop-Up Magic gameboards (other games sold separately)
Begib dich gemeinsam mit Cinderella oder Rapunzel auf eine magische Reise. Dieses bezaubernde Design, entführt dich und deine Freunde in ein spannendes Abenteuer rund um Welt der Disney Prinzessinnen. Wer wird wohl zuerst das Ziel erreichen? Eine schöne und zu gleich spannende Geschenkidee. Geeignet für Kinder ab dem dritten Lebensjahr. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich hier um einen Sortimentsartikel handelt, Sie entweder das Abenteuer-Spiel mit Cinderella oder Rapunzel erhalten.
Disney Princess Pop-Up Magic Cinderella Coach Game [Toy]
Pop-Up Magic Cinderella's Coach game has a gameboard with a pop-up coach,You can play as Cinderella or Prince Charming,Spin the spinner to see how far down the path you can move,Reach the enchanted Finish stone first to win,Gameboard connects to other Pop-Up Magic gameboards (other games sold separately)
Join Cinderella and Prince Charming on a magical journey in this Pop-Up Magic Cinderella's Coach game! The gameboard for this Disney-themed game has a beautiful coach for imagining Cinderella as she travels to the ball. You can play the game as either Cinderella or Prince Charming, and move along the path with spins of the spinner. Connect the board to other Pop-Up Magic games (other games sold separately) for a longer path and even more magic. Friend tokens can help you move even farther down the path, and if you reach the enchanted Finish stone on the board, you win! Copyright 2013 Disney. Hasbro and all related terms are trademarks of Hasbro.
Disney Princess Pop-Up Magic Cinderella's Coach Game [Toy]
Pop-Up Magic Cinderella's Coach game has a gameboard with a pop-up coach,You can play as Cinderella or Prince Charming,Spin the spinner to see how far down the path you can move,Reach the enchanted Finish stone first to win,Gameboard connects to other Pop-Up Magic gameboards (other games sold separately)
Join Cinderella and Prince Charming on a magical journey in this Pop-Up Magic Cinderella's Coach game! The gameboard for this Disney-themed game has a beautiful coach for imagining Cinderella as she travels to the ball. You can play the game as either Cinderella or Prince Charming, and move along the path with spins of the spinner. Connect the board to other Pop-Up Magic games (other games sold separately) for a longer path and even more magic. Friend tokens can help you move even farther down the path, and if you reach the enchanted Finish stone on the board, you win! Copyright 2013 Disney. Hasbro and all related terms are trademarks of Hasbro.
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