My Friend Freddy Bear (Se distribuye desde el Reino Unido) [Juguete]
free app to an iOS or Android,Little ones will be amazed that their bear knows all about them!,Type in all sorts of information about the child
Mi amigo Freddy Bear es el oso que realmente te conoce! Descarga la aplicación gratuita para un dispositivo inteligente iOS o Android y escribir todo tipo de información sobre el niño y su familia para traerlo a la vida.
Los más pequeños se sorprenderán de que su oso sabe todo sobre ellas! La aplicación incluye un montón de actividades con conteo, colores, animales y más que crecen en complejidad a medida que el niño se desarrolla.
Cuando no está conectado a un dispositivo inteligente Freddy Bear es un encantador y tierno peluche que hablará cuando le abrazó, inclinado al revés, o lanzado en el aire! Requiere 3 baterías AA, no incluidas.
My Friend Teddy Freddy Bear Soft Toy [Toy]
free app to an iOS or Android,Type into the app answers to up to 50 questions,He will incorporate details into things he says,Select the level that's right for your child,play sorting, zoo and puzzle games.
My Friend Freddy Bear is the bear who really knows you! Download the free app to an iOS or Android smart device and type in all sorts of information about the child and their family to bring him to life. Little ones will be amazed that their bear knows all about them! The app includes lots of activities with counting, colours, animals and more which grow in complexity over time as the child develops. When not connected to a smart device Freddy Bear is a lovely, cuddly teddy who will talk when he's cuddled, tipped upside down, or thrown in the air! Requires 3 x AA batteries, not included.
Suitable for ages 2 years +
My Friend Teddy - Peluche dell'orso Freddy [Giocattolo]
Include: peluche dell'orso Freddy.,Richiede un dispositivo intelligente per maggiori funzioni di gioco.,Muove la bocca quando parla.,Libri interattivi.,Tre tipi d'attività con tre diversi livelli di difficoltà.
My Friend Freddy - 10794.3100 - Jeu Éducatif Électronique [Toy]
Freddy, l'ourson qui te connait vraiment,Parle-lui, tu verras qu'il connait ton prénom, tes goûts, ta famille, et beaucoup plus,Les parents personnalisent le contenu via l'application,En plus, sa bouche remue quand il parle,Il te raconte des histoires et te propose des jeux amusants et éducatifs,Trois niveaux de difficulté en fonction de l'âge de l'enfant,Pour jouer avec Freddy, télécharge son application sur ta tablette et connecte-le en Bluetooth à celle-ci (accès Internet non requis),Tu peux jouer aussi avec Freddy sans tablette,Certains modes de jeu nécessitent un terminal (non fournies) sur les systèmes iOS et Android,Nécessite des piles : 3 x AA non fournies,A partir de 2 ans
Personnalise ton ours en peluche My Friend Freddy Bear. Telecharge l'application gratuite sur ta tablette ou ton smartphone (vendus séparément) pour donner vie à ton ourson et faire des jeux. Veuillez vérifier la compatibilité avec votre tablette sur le site de téléchargement. L'application est disponible en anglais ou espagnol. Ce coffret contient uniquement la peluche interactive et nécessite 3 piles AA, non incluses, pour fonctionner. A partir 2 ans.
Freddy Bär 10794.3200 [Toy]
Langfloriger Plüsch haart. Nicht empfohlen für Kinder unter 18 Monaten.,Aufsicht von Erwachsenen empfohlen
Freddy Bär 10794.3200 - kostenloser App
- Langfloriger Plüsch haart. Nicht empfohlen für Kinder unter 18 Monaten.
- Aufsicht von Erwachsenen empfohlen
Genesis Toys: My Friend Teddy/Freddy Talking Smart Bear Plush Stuffed Animal - Tan Brown Color [Toy]
free app to an iOS or Android,ype in all sorts of information about the child and their family to bring Freddy to life,Little ones will be amazed that their bear knows all about them!,The app includes lots of activities with counting, colours, animals and more,Bluetooth
Genesis Toys: My Friend Teddy/Freddy Talking Smart Bear Plush Stuffed Animal - Tan Brown Color
My Friend Teddy is the bear that really knows you! Teddy is a cuddly, huggable bear that talks, laughs and is designed equally as a personalized plush toy companion and a development tool for preschoolers. Teddy fosters caring, sharing and learning through his personalization feature. Parents bring Teddy to life by downloading the free app to an iOS or Android smart device and customizing child specific information, such as favorite characters, foods, toys, family names and birthdays. Teddy will incorporate these factoids into his engaging and interactive storytelling. Your child will be amazed!
Genesis Industries has connected with like-minded individuals to establish itself as a leading designer, developer and marketer of innovative hi-tech children's entertainment products.
Check out Genesis' website for more information and more of our product line: http://genesis-toys.com, http://myfriendteddy.com
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