Just dance 3 [Videojuegos]
Ubisoft 17677 Just Dance 3 es impulsivo e indignante que ofrece nuevos modos de extender el modo de tripulaci-n juego juego de baile aleatoria inteligente modo de flash mob y bailar mash up. Editor: Ubi Soft. Regi-n de operaci-n - Am-rica del Norte solamente. Top de los -xitos de las listas - m-s de 40 pistas totalmente nuevas que ofrecen una variedad de g-neros musicales que ser- de inter-s para todos. Tomar parte en un gran n-mero de mini-juegos en torno a una variedad de lugares de inter-s tur-stico con todos tus personajes favoritos en el modo fiesta londres. Sacudir tu mundo interact-an con el medio ambiente en el juego sea una parte de la acci-n y ver el partido de responder a usted como usted baila.
Just Dance 3 [Video Games]
Ubisoft 17677 Just Dance 3 is impulsive and outrageous featuring new modes to extend game play dance crew mode smart shuffle flash mob mode and dance mash up.
Ubisoft Just Dance 3, Wii [Videogioco]
Just Dance 3 [Video Games]
Ubisoft Just Dance 3 17677 ist impulsiv und emp-rend mit neuen Modi, um das Gameplay dance crew Modus Smart Shuffle-Modus und Flash Mob Dance mash up verl-ngern. Publisher: Ubi Soft. Region des Vollzugs - nur in Nordamerika. Top der Chart-Hits - -ber 40 brandneue Tracks, die eine Vielzahl von musikalischen Genres, die jedem gefallen wird. Nehmen Sie teil an einer Vielzahl von Mini-Spielen rund um eine Vielzahl von ber-hmten Sehensw-rdigkeiten mit all Ihren Lieblings-Charaktere in der Londoner Party-Modus. Sch-tteln Sie Ihre Welt mit der in-game-Umgebung ein Teil des Geschehens zu sein und beobachten das Spiel auf Sie reagieren, wie Sie tanzen interagieren.
Just Dance 3 - Wii Standard Edition [Video Games]
Top of the Chart Hits - Over 40 all-new tracks, from Billboard/top-charted hits to all time classics, featuring a variety of musical genres that will appeal to everyone.,New Modes to Extend Gameplay - Dance Crew Mode, Smart Shuffle, Flash Mob Mode and Dance Mashup.,Shake Your World - Interact with the in-game environment, be a part of the action, and watch the game respond to YOU as you dance.,Just Sweat More - A more advanced training program with calculated Cardio Training and on-going assessment that will help players stay fit while having fun.,Just Can't Get Enough? - An expanding list of downloadable tracks will be available at launch to fuel every player's dance frenzy.
Just Dance 3 [Nintendo Wii] [Video Games]
Region of Operation - North America Only,Top of the Chart Hits - Over 40 all-new tracks, featuring a variety of musical genres that will appeal to everyone.,New Modes to Extend Game-play - Dance Crew Mode, Smart Shuffle, Flash Mob Mode and Dance Mash-up.,Shake Your World - Interact with the in-game environment, be a part of the action, and watch the game respond to YOU as you dance.,Just Sweat More - A more advanced training program with calculated Cardio Training,An expanding list of down-loadable tracks will be available at launch to fuel every player's dance frenzy.
2010's best-selling dance franchise returns with the highly anticipated third iteration, Just Dance 3. Dance to over 40 of the hottest hits from yesterday and today, spanning a wide range of genres that are sure to please any music fan. Using only the Wii Remote, Just Dance 3 is the perfect dance game for any age or dance ability, so it's easy for anyone to join the movement! With a variety of all-new gameplay modes, tracks that allow up to 8 players at once, and innovative cardio training options, Just Dance 3 was made to bring the party and keep America dancing!
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