Hasbro Toy Grupo HG-04000 El Juego De La Vida por 34.02€
-D-nde estar-n sus opciones le llevar-? Usted lo hizo a trav-s de la escuela secundaria, -y ahora qu- sigue? Ir a la universidad o comenzar una carrera-es su elecci-n. Creo que la vida familiar es para usted? Tomar ese camino y ver c-mo muchos ni-os que tendr-s! -Va a aventurarse por el camino arriesgado donde las fortunas se pueden ganar ... y perdido? Haga lo que sea para retirarse con estilo con la mayor-a de la riqueza en el final del juego. Gira la rueda del destino y dar un paseo por los caminos serpenteantes familias han disfrutado durante m-s de 50 a-os! Hacer buenas acciones a medida que avanza a trav-s del juego para ganar Azulejos de la vida y m-s dinero en el camino! Incluye: Juego de mesa, 6 peones de pl-stico, azules \"Personas\" clavijas, 1 puente, Hoja Label, 3 Monta-as, 25 azulejos VIDA, bandeja del banquero, 7 edificios, 24 Vuelta a ganar Tokens, Spin to Win Gaza, cubierta de 54 rosa y tarjetas, Spinner Base, anillo y de acceso telef-nico, Stack of Play dinero, el Banco de Pr-stamo y aumentos de sueldo e Instrucciones. De 2 a 6 jugadores. Montaje por un adulto requiere. Edad 9 a adultos.
Game of Life por 36.7€
Classic board game breaks down an entire lifespan into a series of choices and chance,Earn valuable Life Tiles by doing good deeds,Retire with the biggest fortune,Winner of the CLASSIC Award by Parent's Choice Awards,One of the most popular games in the Family game night category
In this classic game of fortune, your goal is to dodge bad luck and make a buck. Along the way, you'll also earn valuable Life Tiles by doing good deeds, helping your community, or just taking a break from the rat race! Retire with the biggest fortune, and you'll win! Each space is a different adventure, so you'll get a whole new Life every time you play. What does Life have in store for you' Take a spin and find out! For 2 to 6 players. Game includes: game board, six plastic car pawns, plastic "people pegs", plastic mountains, spinner and bridge, MB money, 25 Life Tiles, deck of 36 cards, insurance policies, bank loans, label sheet and instruction sheet. Color of parts my vary.
The Game of Life Board Game por 39.62€
Spin the wheel of fate and take a drive along the twisting roads families have enjoyed for more than 40 years! Choose a college or career path and start down the road of life, making money and having babies. You'll have adventure after adventure until you reach retirement. If you reach it first, you get a big chunk of change - and if you're the wealthiest player in retirement, you win! The Game of Life and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
The Game of Life Board Game por 39.62€
Spin the wheel of fate and take a drive along the twisting roads families have enjoyed for more than 40 years! Choose a college or career path and start down the road of life, making money and having babies. You'll have adventure after adventure until you reach retirement. If you reach it first, you get a big chunk of change - and if you're the wealthiest player in retirement, you win! The Game of Life and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
- The Game of Life challenges you to manage your money and get to retirement wealthy
- Different spaces offer life challenges like babies, houses and night school
- Includes game board with spinner, cards, Spin to Win tokens, cars, pegs and money pack
- For 2 to 4 players
Hasbro Toy Group HG-04000 Das Spiel des Lebens por 38.23€
Spin the wheel of fate and take a drive along the twisting roads families have enjoyed for more than 40 years! Choose a college or career path and start down the road of life, making money and having babies. You'll have adventure after adventure until you reach retirement. If you reach it first, you get a big chunk of change - and if you're the wealthiest player in retirement, you win! The Game of Life and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
- The Game of Life challenges you to manage your money and get to retirement wealthy
- Different spaces offer life challenges like babies, houses and night school
- Includes game board with spinner, cards, Spin to Win tokens, cars, pegs and money pack
- For 2 to 4 players
Game of Life por 23.42€
The Game of Life challenges you to manage your money and get to retirement wealthy,Different spaces offer life challenges like babies, houses and night school,Includes game board with spinner, cards, Spin to Win tokens, cars, pegs and money pack,Unexpected surprises,For 2 to 4 players
The Game of Life por 30.99€
A family classic for over 30 years.Spin the wheel of fate to become a millionaire or just a poor,Country philsopher!Do good deeds to earn Life Tiles and more money down the road,Includes gameboard with spinner, cards, Spin to Win tokens, cars, pegs and money pack,Ages: 9 years and up,Classic board game breaks down an entire lifespan into a series of choices and chance,Earn valuable Life Tiles by doing good deeds,Retire with the biggest fortune,Winner of the CLASSIC Award by Parent's Choice Awards,One of the most popular games in the Family game night category
Spin the wheel of fate to become a millionaire or just a poor country philosopher. Pick a car, hop in and take a spin to face all that LIFE has to offer! Land a great job, get married, and fill up your car with kids! Your goal is to dodge bad luck and make a buck. Along the way earn Life Tiles by doing good deeds and helping your community. Life Tiles mean extra money for you down the road! End up with the biggest fortune, and you'll retire in style as a winner! Ages 9-Adult 2-6 players
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