Fisher Price - Gimnasio y piano pataditas (BMH49) por 60.41€
Innovador gimnasio que incorpora un piano que el bebé puede tocar desde 3 posiciones diferentes,Incluye un asa fácilmente desmontable,El piano incluye música
Palestrina Baby Piano 4 in 1
Fisher-Price Kick & Play Piano Gym por 68.48€
4 ways to play - Lay & play, Tummy time, Sit & pla,Baby stretches and kicks at the piano keys or bats,5 busy activity toys & a large mirror, Toys includ,Movable toys on the overhead gym encourage baby to bat and grasp,Short or long-play music, up to 15 minutes, Music rewards baby as he or she kicks the piano keys
Fisher Price BMH49 - Palestrina Baby Piano 4-in-1 por 67.26€
Con arco per fissare 5 giocattoli,Molte opzioni di gioco: ape con campanella, fogli scricchiolanti, sonagli, anello dentaruolo,Unità elettronica con interruttore on-off e musica,Stimola a calciare ed afferrare,Tappetino morbido e colorato come base
La bellissima palestrina Baby Piano ritorna con nuovi vivaci colori e divertenti amici a gganciabili E' un 2 in 1 : un divertente centro attività co pianoforte per stimolare lo sviluppo tattile dei piedini ed una coloratizzima palestrina con arco giochi ricco di sonaglini e dentaruoli. Il bambino potrà godersi un quadruplo divertimento:1) modalità gioco supino: il bambino può suonare il piano con i piedini ed afferrare gli animaletti posti in alto. 2) modalità gioco disteso sul pancino: l'arco può essere ripiegato sul materassino così da lasciare spazio al bambino per muoversi e intergagire co lo specchio. 3) Modalità gioco da seduto: il bambino può attivare il piano con le manine e divertirsi con tutti i personaggini posti attorno. 4) modalità gioco sempre con te: una comoda impugnatura permette di portare il PIanoforte sempre con sé. Il playset include : un grosso specchio a forma di sole, un elefante con un disco girevole, un ippopotamo, una rana e una tigre. Il piano riproduce melodie fino a 15 minuti di durata. Le lucine poste sopra la tastiera si accendono e si spengono a ritmo di musica. Funziona con 3 batterie formato stilo AA incluse.
Fisher Nourrisson Tapis Piano por 67.26€
Nécessite des piles : 2 x unknown incluses,Age minimum : 2 ans,Descriptif produit: Une nouvelle aire de jeu qui combine un tapis d'activité classiques avec un piano. Ce tapis propose 4 modes de jeux différents et est conçu pour s'adapter aux stades de développement de bébé. Sur le dos bébé peut taper sur les touches du piano avec ses pieds et regarder les jouets suspendus à l'arche. Sur le ventre, l'arche pivote et bébé peut jouer avec le miroir et les jouets. En mode assis, le piano s'incline et bébé peut jouer du piano et créer ses musiques. Enfin, le piano est amovible et peut être transporté partout avec sa poignée. 5 jouets inclus : un grand miroir, une grenouille avec une balle qui tourne, un tigre froissable, un éléphant avec des perles et un hippopotame à mordiller. Le piano a un mode musical court : note + musique et un long : joue jusqu'à 15 minutes de musique.
Mattel BMH49 - Fisher-Price Rainforest Piano-Gym mit Musik por 53.43€
Mit Bogen zum Befestigen von 5 Spielzeugen,Großes Spielangebot: Biene mit Klingel, Knisterblätter, Rasseln, Beißring,Elektronische Blüteneinheit mit Ein-/Ausschalter und Musik,Anregung zum Strampeln und Greifen,Weiche, farbenfrohe Decke als Unterlage
Der Kick and Play Piano Gym wächst mit dem Baby und ermöglicht spielen in der Rücken- und Bauchlage sowie im Sitzen. Musik und ein Spiegel stimulieren die Sinne des Babys und fördern seine Selbstwahrnehmung. Die Pianotasten fördern die grobmotorischen Fähigkeiten, wenn sich das Baby streckt und sie mit den Füßen berührt.5 Spielmöglichkeiten und ein großer Spiegel ermuntern das Baby zum Anstoßen und Greifen. Inkl. Ein-/Ausschalter und Lautstärkeregler.(Abbildung kann abweichen) 0
Fisher-Price Piano Gym, Kick and Play por 46.77€
Four ways to play,Music rewards baby as she kicks the piano keys,5 busy activity toys and a large mirror,Toys include a hippo teether, elephant clackers, rollerball frog and more,Short or long play music up to 15 minutes,Lay and play,Tummy time,Four ways to play; Lay and play; Tummy time; Sit and play; Take along

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Fisher-Price Kick & Play Piano Gym
Baby kicks. Music plays. And that's just the beginning. Movable toys on the overhead gym encourage baby to bat and grasp. Move the arch down for tummy-time play, or let baby sit and entertain you with a piano concert! And now with a removable piano, you can take the musical fun wherever you and baby go!
- Four ways to play: Lay & play; Tummy time; Sit & play; Take-along
- Music rewards baby as she kicks the piano keys
- Five busy activity toys & a large mirror
- Toys include a hippo teether, elephant clackers, rollerball frog, and more
- Short or long-play music—up to 15 minutes
- Soft, comfy mat
- Power/volume control
- Requires 3 AA batteries

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Stretching & kicking
With four ways to play, this musical toy grows with your little one! From laying and playing, to tummy time and sitting up, busy activities at each stage are just the beginning of the fun. Baby's in charge of the action as her little kicky feet activate music. Moveable toys overhead encourage batting and grasping, including a hippo teether, elephant clackers, rollerball frog and more.
When it's time to change modes, move the arch down for tummy time or let baby sit up and entertain you with a piano concert. Remove the piano and take the fun on-the-go. Includes long and short play modes with up to 15 minutes of music. Power and volume control for quiet play.

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Learning through play!
As baby plays, new discoveries are made and key developmental skills get stronger and stronger. As baby stretches and kicks at the piano keys or bats at and reaches for the busy activity toys, gross motor skills are enhanced. Music, lights and bright colors stimulate baby's senses.
Help baby learn the connection between actions and reactions. Put baby's foot within reach of the piano. From there, it's bound to happen: baby's foot will connect and activate a fun and rewarding response from the gym!
Fisher-Price Kick and Play Piano Gym por 78.56€
Help your baby learn the connection between actions and reactions.
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