SuperZings- Camión Villano Especial - Vehículos y figuras exclusivas coleccionables, Color verde, Playset (Magic Box PSZSD112IN30) - Solo en Amazon [Juguete]
Producto exclusivo de Amazon.,¡Crea nuevas aventuras de Superzings con el nuevo PlaySet Villian Truck!,Persigue a los Héroes y atrápalos con el Monster Roller. Viene con dos SuperZings villanos exclusivos.,El Monster Roller dispone de un Supercañon y es capaz de tragarse SuperZings con tan solo pasar por encima de ellos, para luego expulsarlos.,Viene con dos SupeZings villanos exclusivos.,Ideal para desarrollar la imaginación, creatividad y sociabilidad de los niños y niñas.,Juguete unisex - para niño y niña a partir de los 3 años.
Magic Box SuperZings S Villain Truck Monster Roller [Toy]
SUPERZINGS - Villain Monsterroller-Truck mit 2 exklusiven SuperZings-Schurken [Toy]
Exklusiv bei Amazon. Jage die Schurken und fange sie mit dem Monsterroller ein.,Jage die Schurken und fange sie mit dem Monsterroller ein.,Der Monsterroller hat eine Superkanone und kann SuperZings aufsaugen, wenn er über sie fährt. Danach kann er sie wieder herauskatapultieren.,Mit zwei exklusiven SuperZings-Schurken,Ideal, um Fantasie, Kreativität und Sozialkompetenz der Kinder zu entwickeln.,Geeignet für Jungen und Mädchen ab 3 Jahren.
SUPERZINGS - Villain Monster Roller with 2 Exclusive Villain Figurines [Toy]
SUPERZINGS - Villain Monster Roller with 2 exclusive SuperZings Villain figurines,Amazon exclusive product,Chase the heros and catch them with the Monster Roller,The Monster Roller has a Supercanon and is able to swallow SuperZings bny rolling over them, and then eject them,It comes with two exclusive villain SupeZings,Ideal to develop children's imagination, creativity and sociability,Suitable for boys and girls from 3 years old
SuperZings - Monster Roller dei Supercattivi (Villian Truck) - Rivals of Kaboom - (Magicbox PSZSD112IN10) [Giocattolo]
Prodotto esclusivo Amazon,Dai la caccia ai supereroi e catturali con il Monster Roller!,Il Monster Roller ha un supercannone e riesce ad intrappolare i SuperZings al suo passaggio, per poi rilasciarli,Contiene 2 SuperZings esclusivi,Favorisce lo sviluppo dell'immaginazione, della creatività e della socializzazione,Adatto a bambini di età superiore ai 3 anni
SUPERZINGS - Villain Monster Roller with 2 exclusive SuperZings Villain figurines [Toy]
SUPERZINGS - Villain Monster Roller with 2 exclusive SuperZings Villain figurines,Amazon exclusive product,Chase the heros and catch them with the Monster Roller,The Monster Roller has a Supercanon and is able to swallow SuperZings bny rolling over them, and then eject them,It comes with two exclusive villain SupeZings,Ideal to develop children's imagination, creativity and sociability,Suitable for boys and girls from 3 years old
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