Barbie - Muñecas Barbie y Chelsea Con Caballos y Accesorios (Mattel FHX15) [Juguete]
Las peques amantes de los caballos pueden crear su propia cuadra con las muñecas Barbie y Chelsea,El poni y el caballo de juguete pueden mover su cabeza; incluye silla de montar en colores vivos, riendas y bridas,Con este juguete y sus accesorios, tu peque cuidará, alimentará y arropará a sus mascotas,Contiene 2 muñecas, 2 caballos, un cachorrito y más de 15 accesorios de muñecas
Barbie Famille coffret Amies des Animaux, poupée et mini-poupée Chelsea, avec cheval, poney, figurine de chiot et accessoires, jouet pour enfant, FXH15 [Toy]
Le poney et le cheval Barbie ont la tête articulée et reproduissent les mouvements des vrais chevaux,Les enfants peuvent créer leur propre paddock et ranch Barbie grâce aux barrières ammovibles,La brosse incluse permet de peigner la crinière et la queue du cheval et du poney Barbie,Avec ce jeu Barbie équitation, l'enfant s'amuse et apprend à prendre soin et à nourrir les animaux,Inclut 2 poupées Barbie, Chelsea et Barbie, 2 chevaux, un chiot et plusieurs accessoires
Barbie FXH15 - Reitspaß Spielset mit Barbie (blond), Chelsea, Pferd und Pony, Puppen Spielzeug ab 3 Jahren [Toy]
Kleine Pferdeliebhaber werden das Barbie Reitspaß Spielset lieben, das zwei Puppen, ein Pferd, ein Pony, ein Hündchen und mehr als 15 Zubehörteile umfasst,Das Pferd und das Pony haben bewegliche Köpfe, die echte Bewegungen nachahmen. Außerdem hat jedes einen bunten Sattel, Zaumzeug und Zügel für jede Menge Spielspaß beim Reiten,Mit den Zaunlatten können Kinder ihren eigenen Pferch zusammenbauen,Pferdefans können die Tiere adoptieren und mit den Zubehörteilen wie Futtertrog, Kübel, Äpfeln und Karotten, Heuballen, Flasche, Korb und Decke für sie sorgen,Die enthaltene Bürste dient zur Pflege von Fell, Mähne und Schweif
Mattel Barbie Hugs N Horses Playset, Blonde [Toy]
Young horse lovers will go wild for the Barbie hugs 'N horses Playset that comes with 2 dolls, 2 horses, a puppy and 15+ accessories!,The horse and pony have heads that bobble to mimic real movement -Each also has a colored saddle, bridle and reins for horseback riding role-play!,Kids can create their own horse Corral with fencing pieces that connect!,Horse lovers can adopt these pets and care for them with accessories that include a feeding trough and bucket, apples and carrots, a bale of hay, a bottle, a basket and a blanket!,An included brush is perfect for grooming the horse and Pony's soft manes and tails.
Barbie Ranch di Barbie e Chelsea, Playset Giocattolo con Due Bambole, Cavalli e Accessori, per Bambini 3 + Anni, FXH15 [Giocattolo]
In questo ranch di Barbie, le appassionate di animali potranno prendersi cura di 1 cavallo e 1 pony,Le testoline del cavallo e del pony di Barbie e Chelsea si muovono per imitare il movimento reale,Con i pezzi di staccionata da collegare, le bambine possono creare un recinto personalizzato,Le bambine possono far salire Chelsea e Barbi; a cavallo e inventare un'infinità di storie,Include 1 playset con 1 bambola di Barbie fashion bionda, 1 bambola di Chelsea e numerosi accessori
Barbie FXH15 Hug n Dolls Horses and Accessories [Toy]
oYoung horse lovers will go wild for the blonde Barbie Hugs 'n Horses playset that comes with two dolls, two horses, a puppy and loads of accessories Barbie accessories,Children will love how the horses heads bobble to mimic real movement - each also has a coloured saddle, bridle and reins for horseback riding role-play with these fun girls toys,Kids can create their own horse yard with the included fencing pieces; the included Barbie accessories are perfect for grooming the horse and pony's soft manes and tails,With this doll playset horse loving kids can adopt these pets and care for them with their Barbie toys. This includes, a feeding trough and bucket, apples and carrots, a bale of hay, a bottle, a basket and a blanket,This amazing Barbie playset includes, more than 15 pieces with, 2 dolls, a horse, a pony and a puppy, plus many more Barbie accessories to create a space and care for the pets,Barbie doll and Chelsea doll are ready to ride wearing their casual outfits and riding boots. A cactus on Barbie dolls t-shirt is a perfect statement,Each doll also has a helmet for realistic child role-play fun,Makes a great gift for kids who love animals, especially horses - simply set up the fence as home base and let kids imaginations ride because when children play with Barbie, they imagine everything they can become
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