Crayola - 10 Botes de Pintura Lavable (54-1205) [Juguete]
Un set que incluye 10 botes de témperas de colores,Un gran surtido de colores para dar vida a tus dibujos,Tinta lavable
Crayola - 10 pots de peinture lavable - boîte française - Peinture et accessoires - 256325.006 [Toy]
10 pots de peinture lavable de 59 ml chacun,10 couleurs différentes,Utilisée seule ou mélangée à d'autres couleurs, elle devient l'outil indispensable des artistes en herbe,Age minimum : 3 ans
Crayola - 10 Aus- und Abwaschbare Farben [Toy]
10 verschiedene, leuchtende, kräftige Farben,Zuverlässig aus- und abwaschbar,Mit den Farben können tolle, kreative Kunstwerke erstellt werden,Farben: rot, orange, gelb, grün, blau, türkis, lila, pink, braun und weiß,Empfohlen ab 3 Jahren
Crayola Washable Kids' Paint, Assorted Colors 10 ea [Toy]
Does not drip readily from brush,Does not separate,Assures consistent performance
Crayola Washable Kid's Paint (10 Count)(Discontinued by Manufacturer) [Office Product]
Set includes 10 different colors of washable kid's paint in 2 oz. Plastic bottles.,These paints are recommended for ages 4 and up.,The colors are yellow, violet, red, orange, magenta, blue, green, white, brown and turquoise.
Crayola-I Lavabilissimi Tempere Lavabili in Barattolini Richiudibili, Pronte all'Uso, per Scuola e Tempo Libero, Colori Assortiti, 10 Pezzi, 54-1205 [Giocattolo]
Crayola I Lavabilissimi, tempere in flaconcini da 59 ml con tappo richiudibile, pronte all'uso,10 colori assortiti brillanti, intensi e vivaci; stesura omogenea e ottima coprenza,Formula a base d'acqua ad elevata lavabilità: facile da rimuovere da pelle e tessuti,Si possono utilizzare con spugnette, stencil, stampini per ottenere grandi opere d'arte,Ottimi per bambini e adulti, da utilizzare sia a scuola che nel tempo libero
Crayola Washable Kids Paint, Pack of 10 [Toy]
Set includes 10 different colours of nontoxic washable kid's paint in 2 oz plastic bottles,Premium washable quality easily washes from skin and most washable clothing,Does not drip readily from brush, does not separate,Assures consistent performance and bright colours,Ages 3+
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