Bloodborne, El Juego de Cartas por CoolMiniOrNot [Juguete]
Adecuado para niños de 14 años y más,Numero de jugadores: 3 -5 jugadores,Tiempo de juego: 30 a 50 minutos,Idioma del juego: Inglés
Bloodborne: The Card Game is based on the Chalice Dungeons in the video game Bloodborne the ever-changing labyrinths and tombs carved out by the Great Ones beneath the fallen city of Yharnam, where horrifying creatures reside. Players compete to kill monsters and take their blood. In general, Bloodborne is a game about risk management with a bit of group think, inventory management/upgrades, and tactical play. You start with a hand of basic weapons, which you get to upgrade to improve your fighting combos and capabilities. Each turn, one monster chosen at random attacks players, who fight back as a team, with everyone playing a card from their hand simultaneously to attempt to kill the monster. Players collect blood from the monster, assuming it dies, based on how much damage they dealt. Monsters can fight back with exploding dice that can potentially deal infinite damage. Players can fight as long as they want, but if they die in combat, they lose their progress. Players can opt out of fighting to bank their blood and save it permanently. Collected blood counts as victory points. Designer Eric M. Lang says "My goal with Bloodborne was to channel the intensity and frustration of the video game into a contest between players. Lots of death."
CoolMiniOrNot CMNBBN001 Bloodborne Jeu de Cartes [en Anglais] [Toy]
Bloodborne : le jeu de cartes, conçu par Eric M. lang, est basé sur le Calice Dungeons dans le jeu vidéo Bloodborne.,Bloodborne est un jeu de gestion du risque avec un peu de réflexion de groupe, gestion des stocks/mises à niveau et stratégie.,3 à 5 joueurs.,30 à 60 minutes de temps de jeu.,À partir de 14 ans
Bloodborne: The Card Game is based on the Chalice Dungeons in the video game Bloodborne the ever-changing labyrinths and tombs carved out by the Great Ones beneath the fallen city of Yharnam, where horrifying creatures reside. Players compete to kill monsters and take their blood. In general, Bloodborne is a game about risk management with a bit of group think, inventory management/upgrades, and tactical play. You start with a hand of basic weapons, which you get to upgrade to improve your fighting combos and capabilities. Each turn, one monster chosen at random attacks players, who fight back as a team, with everyone playing a card from their hand simultaneously to attempt to kill the monster. Players collect blood from the monster, assuming it dies, based on how much damage they dealt. Monsters can fight back with exploding dice that can potentially deal infinite damage. Players can fight as long as they want, but if they die in combat, they lose their progress. Players can opt out of fighting to bank their blood and save it permanently. Collected blood counts as victory points. Designer Eric M. Lang says "My goal with Bloodborne was to channel the intensity and frustration of the video game into a contest between players. Lots of death."
CoolMiniOrNot, CMNBBN001, Bloodborne: Das Kartenspiel [Toy]
Bloodborne: Das Kartenspiel, gestaltet von Eric M. Lang, basiert auf den Chalice-Dungeons aus dem Videospiel Bloodborne.,In Bloodborne geht es um Risikomanagement und etwas Gruppendenken, Inventarverwaltung, Verbesserungen und taktisches Spiel.,Für 3 bis 5 Spieler.,30 bis 60 Minuten Spielzeit.,Für Kinder ab 14 Jahren geeignet.
Bloodborne: The Card Game is based on the Chalice Dungeons in the video game Bloodborne the ever-changing labyrinths and tombs carved out by the Great Ones beneath the fallen city of Yharnam, where horrifying creatures reside. Players compete to kill monsters and take their blood. In general, Bloodborne is a game about risk management with a bit of group think, inventory management/upgrades, and tactical play. You start with a hand of basic weapons, which you get to upgrade to improve your fighting combos and capabilities. Each turn, one monster chosen at random attacks players, who fight back as a team, with everyone playing a card from their hand simultaneously to attempt to kill the monster. Players collect blood from the monster, assuming it dies, based on how much damage they dealt. Monsters can fight back with exploding dice that can potentially deal infinite damage. Players can fight as long as they want, but if they die in combat, they lose their progress. Players can opt out of fighting to bank their blood and save it permanently. Collected blood counts as victory points. Designer Eric M. Lang says "My goal with Bloodborne was to channel the intensity and frustration of the video game into a contest between players. Lots of death."
Bloodborne: The Card Game [Toy]
For 3-6 players,30-45 minute playing time,Set in the world of the fan-favorite blood borne video game on PlayStation 4 and designed by the acclaimed Eric m. Lang,Players upgrade and strengthen their hunters as they delve deeper into the chalice dungeon,Multiple bosses and randomly generated Dungeons offer tons of replay ability
Players will enter the chalice Dungeon together as a team, striving to destroy the Monstrous denizens within, but eventually all partnerships come to an end. In blood borne: the card game, 3 to 5 hunters work together to get through the dungeon and collect yharnam's blood before facing off against the horrible final boss. Hunters engage in battle with monsters, secretly selecting an action card to play simultaneously. Discussion is allowed, even encouraged, but players aren't bound by any promise they make. As they advance deeper into the Dungeon, they will collect the blood of their fallen opponents. If the team can survive the final boss, the Hunter with the most Trophies will be named the Victor.
Cool Mini or Not BBN001 Bloodborne: The Card Game [Toy]
For 3-6 players,30-45 minute playing time,Set in the world of the fan-favorite blood borne video game on PlayStation 4 and designed by the acclaimed Eric m. Lang,Players upgrade and strengthen their hunters as they delve deeper into the chalice dungeon,Multiple bosses and randomly generated Dungeons offer tons of replay ability
Bloodborne: The Card Game designed by Eric M. Lang and based on Sony Entertainment and FromSoftware's hit video game Bloodborne for the PlayStation 4. In it, several Hunters will enter the Chalice Dungeon, but only one will be able to escape the victor. Round after round you'll face off against brutal creatures bent on destroying you. It will require cunning decisions and careful timing to avoid death. Along the way you'll find powerful weapons and equipment that will aid in your quest. As you dispatch the monsters in battle, you'll earn rewards of Blood Echoes and Trophies. Bank your rewards and heal by resting in the Hunter's Dream or you could risk losing points and even death. Bloodborne: The Card Game is a challenging, tactical game. You'll need to be able to read your opponents and make split second decisions if you want to earn the most glory in combat. Only the brave will have a chance to escape!
CoolMiniOrNot - CMNBBN001 Il Gioco di Carte di "Bloodborne" [Giocattolo]
Bloodborne: Il Gioco di Carte, ideato da Eric M. Lang, si basa sul Dungeon del Calice nel videogame Bloodborne.,Bloodborne è un gioco di gestione del rischio con un po' di pensiero di gruppo, gestione/aggiornamento dell'inventario e tattica.,Da 3 a 5 giocatori.,Il tempo di gioco varia tra i 30 e i 60 minuti.,Per ragazzi da 14 anni in su.
Bloodborne: The Card Game is based on the Chalice Dungeons in the video game Bloodborne the ever-changing labyrinths and tombs carved out by the Great Ones beneath the fallen city of Yharnam, where horrifying creatures reside. Players compete to kill monsters and take their blood. In general, Bloodborne is a game about risk management with a bit of group think, inventory management/upgrades, and tactical play. You start with a hand of basic weapons, which you get to upgrade to improve your fighting combos and capabilities. Each turn, one monster chosen at random attacks players, who fight back as a team, with everyone playing a card from their hand simultaneously to attempt to kill the monster. Players collect blood from the monster, assuming it dies, based on how much damage they dealt. Monsters can fight back with exploding dice that can potentially deal infinite damage. Players can fight as long as they want, but if they die in combat, they lose their progress. Players can opt out of fighting to bank their blood and save it permanently. Collected blood counts as victory points. Designer Eric M. Lang says "My goal with Bloodborne was to channel the intensity and frustration of the video game into a contest between players. Lots of death."
Cool Mini Or Not CMNBBN001 BBN001 Bloodborne the Card Game [Toy]
Blood borne: The Card Game, designed by Eric M. Lang, is based on the Chalice Dungeons in the video game Blood borne,Blood borne is a game about risk management with a bit of group thinking, inventory management/upgrades, and tactical play,3 to 5 Players,30 to 60 Minutes play time,Ages 14 and Up
Bloodborne: The Card Game is based on the Chalice Dungeons in the video game Bloodborne the ever-changing labyrinths and tombs carved out by the Great Ones beneath the fallen city of Yharnam, where horrifying creatures reside. Players compete to kill monsters and take their blood. In general, Bloodborne is a game about risk management with a bit of group think, inventory management/upgrades, and tactical play. You start with a hand of basic weapons, which you get to upgrade to improve your fighting combos and capabilities. Each turn, one monster chosen at random attacks players, who fight back as a team, with everyone playing a card from their hand simultaneously to attempt to kill the monster. Players collect blood from the monster, assuming it dies, based on how much damage they dealt. Monsters can fight back with exploding dice that can potentially deal infinite damage. Players can fight as long as they want, but if they die in combat, they lose their progress. Players can opt out of fighting to bank their blood and save it permanently. Collected blood counts as victory points. Designer Eric M. Lang says "My goal with Bloodborne was to channel the intensity and frustration of the video game into a contest between players. Lots of death."
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