Lisciani Giochi - Tombola táctil de Animales,, 72460 [Juguete]
Inspirado en el método Montessori,Con la caja táctil especial y 6 carpetas de los ambientes, busca los animales usando el tacto,Contiene 6 carpetas de ambientes, animales moldeados, caja táctil e instrucciones (idioma español no garantizado).,Desarrolla la memoria táctil, la autonomía, la concentración, la lógica, la manualidad fina y la coordinación ojo-mano.,Fabricado en Italia.
Lisciani Jeux EDUCATIFS – Montessori Plus Le Loto Tactile des Animaux – FR72453, FR72460, Blanc [Toy]
Trouve les silhouettes dans la véritable boîte tactile.,Méthode d'apprentissage testée et approuvée par les parents et enseignants.,Contient 6 cartons lotos des milieux de vie des animaux.
Unbekannt Lisciani Giochi Tombola Tattoos, Mehrfarbig, 72460 [Toy]
Inspiriert von Montessori,Mit der speziellen Touchbox und 6 Fächermappen sucht Tiere mit der Haptik,Enthält 6 Raumordner, konturierte Tiere, Touchbox und Anleitung,Entwickelt taktile Speicher, eigenständig, Konzentration, Logik, Feinhandlung und Auge-Hand-Koordination.,Hergestellt in Italien.
Lisciani 72460 Toy Tombola Tattile Animals, Multicoloured [Toy]
Inspired by the Montessori method,With the special touch box and 6 room folders, search for animals using the touch,Contains 6 room folders, shaped animals, touch box and instructions,Develops touch memory, autonomy, concentration, logic, fine craftsmanship and hand-eye coordination,Made in Italy
The Tactile Tombola of the Animals is to put the Montessori box in the shaped animals. Animals silhouettes are hidden in view so children in turn by placing the little hand in the hole look for animals in the box using the touch. The aim is to complete the folders with environments by putting each animal in the right place. It wins those who first complete the folder.This game is in line with the Montessori method because it stimulates the exercise of tactile memory and, according to pedagogy, the handling of materials is a practical experience that makes learning more effective and the experience is crucial for the child to build their intelligence.
Lisciani Giochi Montessori Plus Tombola Tattile degli Animali, Multicolore, 72460 [Giocattolo]
Inspirato al metodo Montessori,Con la speciale scatola tattile e 6 cartelle degli ambienti, cerca gli animali usando il tatto,Contiene 6 cartelle degli ambienti, animali sagomati, scatola tattile e istruzioni,Sviluppa la memoria tattile, l'autonomia, la concentrazione, la logica, la manualità fine e la coordinazione occhio-mano,Made in Italy
Lisciani 72460 Toy Tombola Tattile Animals, Multicoloured [Toy]
Inspired by the Montessori method,With the special touch box and 6 room folders, search for animals using the touch,Contains 6 room folders, shaped animals, touch box and instructions,Develops touch memory, autonomy, concentration, logic, fine craftsmanship and hand-eye coordination,Made in Italy
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