Mafia de Cuba [Juguete]
Age range: 10 and up / Number of players: 6 to 12 / Play time: 10 to 20 minutes,Manufacturer: Asmodee North America / Designer: Philippe des Pallires,15 plastic diamonds, 10 character tokens, 2 joker tokens, 1 game box, 1 felt bag, 1 rulebook
After heated debates and perilous deductions, The Godfather, with the help of is faithful henchmen will try to find all his stolen diamonds., Does he lose his honor by accusing wrongly? Do the most cunning thieves win? Or is it the CIA that will send these thugs behind bars?, Ages 10+, 6 to 12 players, 10 to 20 minute playing time
Lui-Meme Mafia de Cuba [Toy]
After heated debates and perilous deductions, The Godfather, with the help of is faithful henchmen will try to find all his stolen diamonds.,Does he lose his honor by accusing wrongly? Do the most cunning thieves win? Or is it the CIA that will send these thugs behind bars?,Ages 10+,6 to 12 players,10 to 20 minute playing time
In Mafia de Cuba players take on the roles of henchmen, drivers, thieves and government agents, each trying to take a piece of the pie that the godfather has worked so hard to build. It'll be up to the head of this crime family to determine who they can trust and who has been sticking their fingers into the pot.Up to 12 gangsters can take part in this tense, hilarious bluffing game. Remembering what loot was left when it gets to you will be key if want to get away with ripping off the Don or you can try to catch him in a sting with an FBI or CIA agent.This game proves there's no honor among thieves.
Mafia de Cuba [Giocattolo]
Mafia de Cuba
After heated debates and perilous deductions, The Godfather, with the help of is faithful henchmen will try to find all his stolen diamonds., Does he lose his honor by accusing wrongly? Do the most cunning thieves win? Or is it the CIA that will send these thugs behind bars?, Ages 10+, 6 to 12 players, 10 to 20 minute playing time
Asmodee - LMMAF01FR - Jeu d'ambiance - Mafia de Cuba [Toy]
Un jeu de bluff et de déduction à l'ambiance exotique et originale,À jouer sans modération,Un matériel original
La Havane, 29 décembre 1955. A la fin du repas offert à ses « fidèles " hommes de main, Don Alessandro évoque les « affaires " en cours quand retentit le téléphone de l'arrière salle du restaurant. Le parrain est convoqué au bureau du président Batista. Il confie sa précieuse boîte à cigares à ses sbires. Il faut dire que celle-ci possède un double fond, sous un premier rang de cigares se trouve une cachette remplie de diamants ! Chaque joueur va prendre cette boîte, l'ouvrir et choisir de : - Trahir et voler quelques diamants, - Rester un fidèle et « honnête " mafioso, être un chauffeur, un tueur ou même un agent infiltré de la CIA (en s'emparant du jeton correspondant). Le soir venu, le Parrain récupère sa boîte qui est passée de main en main. Il s'étouffe de rage et enquête sur la disparition des diamants. Il doit retrouver son trésor sans manquer de punir les coupables en leur offrant des chaussures en ciment avant de les jeter dans la baie. Après des débats houleux et des déductions périlleuses, le Parrain retrouvera-t-il tous ses diamants avec l'aide de ses fidèles ?Perdra-t-il son honneur en accusant à tort ?Le plus rusé des voleurs l'emportera-t-il ?Ou est ce la CIA qui enverra tous ces malfrats sous les verrous ? Contenu de la boîte : - 15 diamants - 10 jetons personnages - 2 pions joker - 1 sac en feutrine - 1 règle de jeu Nombre de joueurs : 6 à 12. Durée moyenne d'une partie : 10 à 20 minutes.
Asmodee – Gesellschaftsspiel – Mafia von Kuba [Toy]
Verliert er seine Ehre zu Unrecht beschuldigt? Gewinne die meisten schlauen Diebe? Oder ist es die CIA, die diese Verbrecher hinter Schloss und Riegel schicken?,Alter 10+,10 to 20 Minute Playing Time,Nach hitzigen Debatten und gefährlichen Abzüge, der Pate, mit Hilfe der ist treu Handlanger versuchen, seine gestohlenen Diamanten zu finden.,6 bis 12 Spieler
Mafia de Kuba
- Verliert er seine Ehre zu Unrecht beschuldigt? Gewinne die meisten schlauen Diebe? Oder ist es die CIA, die diese Verbrecher hinter Schloss und Riegel schicken?
- Alter 10+
- 10 to 20 Minute Playing Time
- Nach hitzigen Debatten und gefährlichen Abzüge, der Pate, mit Hilfe der ist treu Handlanger versuchen, seine gestohlenen Diamanten zu finden.
- 6 bis 12 Spieler
Mafia de Cuba [Toy]
Age range: 10 and up / Number of players: 6 to 12 / Play time: 10 to 20 minutes,Manufacturer: Asmodee North America / Designer: Philippe des Pallires,15 plastic diamonds, 10 character tokens, 2 joker tokens, 1 game box, 1 felt bag, 1 rulebook
In Mafia de Cuba players take on the roles of henchmen, drivers, thieves and government agents, each trying to take a piece of the pie that the godfather has worked so hard to build. It'll be up to the head of this crime family to determine who they can trust and who has been sticking their fingers into the pot. Up to 12 gangsters can take part in this tense, hilarious bluffing game. Remembering what loot was left when it gets to you will be key if want to get away with ripping off the Don or you can try to catch him in a sting with an FBI or CIA agent. This game proves there's no honor among thieves.
Mafia De Cuba Board Game [Toy]
Plays up to 12 different people,You're going to need all of your bluffing skills,Quick gameplay, each round lasts about 20 minutes
In Mafia de Cuba players take on the roles of henchmen, drivers, thieves and government agents, each trying to take a piece of the pie that the godfather has worked so hard to build. It'll be up to the head of this crime family to determine who they can trust and who has been sticking their fingers into the pot. Up to 12 gangsters can take part in this tense, hilarious bluffing game. Remembering what loot was left when it gets to you will be key if want to get away with ripping off the Don or you can try to catch him in a sting with an FBI or CIA agent. This game proves there's no honor among thieves. CONTENTS: 15 plastic diamonds ,10 character tokens, 2 joker tokens, 1 game box, 1 felt bag, 1 rulebook.
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